He was born in London.
His mother was a talented singer and actress, but, unfortunately, she got serious mental problem after unexpectedly losing her voice in a performance.
His father, who once was a successful singer, was ruined by too much indulgence in drinking.
After his alcoholic father passed away, he had to take as many jobs as possible in order to make a living in London. However, with the acting talent from his parents, he never lost hope to be a real actor.
He decided to move to the United States where he met an important film producer, who signed him to a contract for acting in a film.
Practicing his acting skill all the time, he finally got public recognition and became a famous star as he successfully played a comic character with ill-fitting clothes, mustache and a cane in the silent film, The Little Tramp.
A majority of Chinese people may be more familiar with his other movies, such as Modern Times?(摩登時代)and The Great Dictator(大獨裁者).
“I don’t think one can do humor without having great pity and a sense of sympathy for one’s fellow man,” he said.
He was one of the world-famous stars and made a great contribution in the silent-film era.
Do you have any idea who he is?
If you can’t figure out his name, here the answer is
查理·卓別林(Charlie Chaplin)