


  1. 對(duì)RTMP協(xié)議有深入理解芽卿。
  2. 對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)編程有較豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)揭芍。
  3. 對(duì)數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)有較強(qiáng)的組織能力。
  4. 熟悉多線程開(kāi)發(fā)卸例。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>

#include <librtmp/rtmp.h>
#include <librtmp/log.h>

// 互斥鎖 =>

class CMutex
    pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;

        pthread_mutex_init(&m_mutex, NULL);
    void lock()
    void unlock()

template<typename T>
class CAutoLock
    T* m_pLock;

    CAutoLock(T* pLock) : m_pLock(pLock) 

// 客戶端連接 =>

class CConnection
    uint32_t m_uConnID;
    uint32_t m_uNextStreamID;

    RTMP* m_pRtmp;
    std::string m_strApp;
    int m_nStreamType;
    std::set<uint32_t> m_setUsingStreamID;
    std::map<uint32_t, std::string> m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath;
    std::map<uint32_t, std::string> m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath;

    std::list<RTMPPacket*> m_listpPacket;
    CMutex m_mutex;
    sem_t m_sem;

    // 流類型
    enum EStreamType
        Unkown = 0,

    CConnection(uint32_t uConnID, int nSocket)
        : m_uConnID(uConnID)
        , m_uNextStreamID(1)
        , m_pRtmp(NULL)
        , m_strApp("")
        , m_nStreamType(Unkown)
        m_pRtmp = RTMP_Alloc();
        m_pRtmp->m_sb.sb_socket = nSocket;

        sem_init(&m_sem, 0, 0);
    virtual ~CConnection()


    uint32_t ConnID()
        return m_uConnID;

    RTMP* Rtmp()
        return m_pRtmp;
    int Socket()
        return m_pRtmp->m_sb.sb_socket;

    void setAppName(const std::string& strApp)
        m_strApp = strApp;
    const std::string& getAppName() const
        return m_strApp;

    void setStreamType(EStreamType emType)
        m_nStreamType = emType;
    EStreamType getStreamType()
        return (EStreamType)m_nStreamType;

    uint32_t genStreamID()
        uint32_t uStreamID = m_uNextStreamID++;
        return uStreamID;

    // 檢查流ID是否合法
    bool isValidStreamID(uint32_t uStreamID)
        return (m_setUsingStreamID.find(uStreamID) != m_setUsingStreamID.end());

    // 登記 推流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void bindPublishPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID, const std::string& strPlayPath)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath[uStreamID] = strPlayPath;
    // 取消登記 推流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void unbindPublishPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

    // 獲取 推流ID映射關(guān)系
    std::string getPublishPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.find(uStreamID);
        if (iter == m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.end())
            return "";

        return iter->second;
    // 斷連時(shí)獲取 推流的playpath列表
    const void getPublishPlayPaths(std::vector<std::string>& vecPlayPath)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        for (auto iter = m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.begin(); iter != m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
    // 斷連時(shí)清除 推流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void cleanPublishPlayPath()
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);


    // 登記 拉流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void bindPlayPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID, const std::string& strPlayPath)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath[uStreamID] = strPlayPath;
    // 取消登記 拉流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void unbindPlayPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

    // 獲取 拉流ID映射關(guān)系
    std::string getPlayPlayPath(uint32_t uStreamID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.find(uStreamID);
        if (iter == m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.end())
            return "";

        return iter->second;
    // 斷連時(shí)獲取 拉流的playpath列表
    const void getPlayPlayPaths(std::vector<std::string>& vecPlayPath)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        for (auto iter = m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.begin(); iter != m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
    // 斷連時(shí)清除 拉流ID與playpath 映射關(guān)系
    void cleanPlayPlayPath()
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);


    // 通知指定的playpath即將重置
    void tellResetPlayPath(const std::string& strPlayPath)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        uint32_t uStreamID = 0;

        for (auto iter = m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.begin(); iter != m_mapPublishStreamIDPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
            if (iter->second == strPlayPath)
                uStreamID = iter->first;

        if (uStreamID == 0)
            for (auto iter = m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.begin(); iter != m_mapPlayStreamIDPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
                if (iter->second == strPlayPath)
                    uStreamID = iter->first;

    // 提取待發(fā)送的報(bào)文
    RTMPPacket* popPacket()
        struct timeval tv;
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        double ftime = tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec + 500000) / (double)1000000;
        struct timespec ts = { (long)ftime, (long)((ftime - (int)ftime) * 1000000000) };
        sem_timedwait(&m_sem, &ts);

        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        if (m_listpPacket.empty())
            return NULL;

        RTMPPacket* pPacket = m_listpPacket.front();

        return pPacket;

    // 向連接拷貝多個(gè)報(bào)文
    void copyPackets(const std::string& strPlayPath, const std::vector<RTMPPacket*>& vecpPacket)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        for (auto iter = vecpPacket.begin(); iter != vecpPacket.end(); ++iter)

// 客戶端連接管理 =>

class CConnections
    uint32_t m_uNextConnID;
    std::map<uint32_t, CConnection*> m_mapConnection;

    CMutex m_mutex;

        : m_uNextConnID(1)
    virtual ~CConnections() {}

    CConnection* createConnection(int nSocket)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        CConnection* pConnection = new CConnection(m_uNextConnID++, nSocket);
        m_mapConnection[pConnection->ConnID()] = pConnection;
        return pConnection;

    void releaseConnection(uint32_t uConnID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        CConnection* pConn = __getConnection(uConnID);
        if (pConn)
            delete pConn;

    CConnection* getConnection(uint32_t uConnID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        return __getConnection(uConnID);


    CConnection* __getConnection(uint32_t uConnID)
        auto iter = m_mapConnection.find(uConnID);
        if (iter == m_mapConnection.end())
            return NULL;

        return iter->second;

CConnections g_Conns;

// 節(jié)目容器 =>

class CPlayPath
    std::string m_strPlayPath;
    bool m_bEOF;
    uint32_t m_uPublishConnID;
    std::set<uint32_t> m_setPlayConnID;

    CMutex m_mutex;
    CPlayPath(const std::string& strPlayPath)
        : m_strPlayPath(strPlayPath)
        , m_uPublishConnID(0)
        , m_bEOF(true)
    virtual ~CPlayPath() {}

    const std::string& getName() const
        return m_strPlayPath;

    // 設(shè)置/獲取 結(jié)束標(biāo)志
    void setEOF()
        m_bEOF = true;
    bool isEOF()
        return m_bEOF;

    // 重置節(jié)目對(duì)象
    void reset(bool bCleanPlayer = false)
        // 清除結(jié)束標(biāo)志
        m_bEOF = false;

        uint32_t uPublishConnID = 0;
        std::set<uint32_t> setPlayConnID;

        // 清除推流和拉流連接
            CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

            uPublishConnID = m_uPublishConnID;
            m_uPublishConnID = 0;

            if (bCleanPlayer)

        // 通知推流連接做清除處理
        if (uPublishConnID > 0)
            CConnection* pConn = g_Conns.getConnection(uPublishConnID);
            if (pConn)

        // 通知拉流連接做清除處理
        for (auto iter = setPlayConnID.begin(); iter != setPlayConnID.end(); ++iter)
            CConnection* pConn = g_Conns.getConnection( (*iter) );
            if (pConn)

    // 登記推流連接
    void setPublishConn(uint32_t uConnID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        m_uPublishConnID = uConnID;
    // 取消登記推流連接
    bool unsetPublishConn()
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        m_uPublishConnID = 0;

    // 登記拉流連接
    bool addPlayConn(uint32_t uConnID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_setPlayConnID.find(uConnID);
        if (iter != m_setPlayConnID.end())
            return false;

        return true;
    // 取消登記拉流連接
    bool delPlayConn(uint32_t uConnID)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_setPlayConnID.find(uConnID);
        if (iter == m_setPlayConnID.end())
            return false;

        return true;

    // 暫存媒體報(bào)文
    void cacheMediaPacket(RTMPPacket* pPacket)
        std::set<uint32_t> setPlayConnID;

            CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

            setPlayConnID = m_setPlayConnID;

        // 簡(jiǎn)單起見(jiàn),直接拷貝到拉流連接

        for (auto iter = setPlayConnID.begin(); iter != setPlayConnID.end(); ++iter)
            CConnection* pConn = g_Conns.getConnection( (*iter) );
            if (pConn == NULL)

            std::vector<RTMPPacket*> vecpPacket;

            RTMPPacket* pPacketCP = new RTMPPacket;
            memcpy(pPacketCP, pPacket, sizeof(RTMPPacket));
            RTMPPacket_Alloc(pPacketCP, pPacket->m_nBodySize);
            memcpy(pPacketCP->m_body, pPacket->m_body, pPacket->m_nBodySize);
            pPacketCP->m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM;


            pConn->copyPackets(m_strPlayPath, vecpPacket);

// 應(yīng)用容器 =>

class CApp
    std::string m_strApp;
    std::map<std::string, CPlayPath*> m_mappPlayPath;

    CMutex m_mutex;

    CApp(const std::string& strApp) : m_strApp(strApp) {}
    virtual ~CApp() {}

    const std::string& getName() const
        return m_strApp;

    CPlayPath* getPlayPath(const std::string& strPlayPath, bool bCreate = true)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_mappPlayPath.find(strPlayPath);
        if (iter != m_mappPlayPath.end())
            return iter->second;

        if (bCreate)
            CPlayPath* pPlayPath = new CPlayPath(strPlayPath);
            m_mappPlayPath[strPlayPath] = pPlayPath;

            return pPlayPath;
        return NULL;

// 應(yīng)用集合管理 =>

class CApps
    std::map<std::string, CApp*> m_mapApp;

    CMutex m_mutex;

    CApps() {}
    virtual ~CApps() {}

    CApp* getApp(const std::string& strApp, bool bCreate = true)
        CAutoLock<CMutex> lock(&m_mutex);

        auto iter = m_mapApp.find(strApp);
        if (iter != m_mapApp.end())
            return iter->second;

        if (bCreate)
            CApp* pApp = new CApp(strApp);
            m_mapApp[strApp] = pApp;

            return pApp; 

        return NULL;

CApps g_Apps;

// 程序邏輯 =>

void* ClientThread(void* _lp);
bool MyHandshake(int nSocket);
bool Dispatch(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket);
int HandleInvoke(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket);
int HandleMediaPacket(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket);
bool sendWindowAckSize(CConnection* pConn);
bool sendPeerOutputBandWide(CConnection* pConn);
bool sendOutputChunkSize(CConnection* pConn);
bool sendConnectResult(CConnection* pConn, int nOperateID);
bool sendCreateStreamResult(CConnection* pConn, int nOperateID, uint32_t nStreamID);
bool sendPublishStatus(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID);
bool sendPublishError(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID);
bool sendPlayStreamBegin(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID);
bool sendPlayStatus(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    int nSockS = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    int nFlag = 1;
    setsockopt(nSockS, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&nFlag, sizeof(nFlag));

    struct sockaddr_in sin;
    sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    sin.sin_port = htons(1936);

    int ret = bind(nSockS, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin));
    if (ret < 0)
        printf("bind() failed! \n");
        return -1;

    listen(nSockS, 20);

    while (true)
        int nSockC = accept(nSockS, NULL, NULL);
        if (nSockC < 0)
            printf("accept() failed! \n");
            return -1;

        int nFlag = 1;
        setsockopt(nSockC, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&nFlag, sizeof(nFlag));

        // 創(chuàng)建客戶端連接線程
        pthread_t tid;
        pthread_create(&tid, NULL, ClientThread, g_Conns.createConnection(nSockC));

    return 0;

void* ClientThread(void* _lp)

    CConnection* pConn = (CConnection*)_lp;

    printf("connection:[%d] coming... \n", pConn->ConnID());

    // 握手
    bool b = MyHandshake(pConn->Socket());
    if (!b)
        printf("connection:[%d] handshake failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return NULL;

    while (true)
        RTMPPacket packet;
        packet.m_body = NULL;
        packet.m_chunk = NULL;

        // 讀取報(bào)文
        if (!RTMP_ReadPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet))
            printf("connection:[%d] read error! \n", pConn->ConnID());

       if (!RTMPPacket_IsReady(&packet))

       printf("connection:[%d] read headerType:[%d] packetType:[%d] CSID:[%d] StreamID:[%d] hasAbsTimestamp:[%d] nTimeStamp:[%d] m_nBodySize:[%d] \n",
              pConn->ConnID(), packet.m_headerType, packet.m_packetType, packet.m_nChannel, packet.m_nInfoField2, packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp, packet.m_nTimeStamp, packet.m_nBodySize);

       // 報(bào)文分派交互
       bool b = Dispatch(pConn, &packet);


       if (!b)
           printf("connection:[%d] Dispatch failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());

       if (pConn->getStreamType() == CConnection::Play)
           printf("connection:[%d] now play... \n", pConn->ConnID());

    // 進(jìn)入拉流狀態(tài)
    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    double fLastReadTime = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / (double)1000000;
    while (pConn->getStreamType() == CConnection::Play)
        RTMPPacket* pPacket = pConn->popPacket();

        struct timeval tvNow;
        gettimeofday(&tvNow, NULL);
        double fNowReadTime = tvNow.tv_sec + tvNow.tv_usec / (double)1000000;

        // 超時(shí)檢查
        if (pPacket == NULL)
            if (fNowReadTime - fLastReadTime < 30)

            printf("connection:[%d] too time no packet \n", pConn->ConnID());

        fLastReadTime = fNowReadTime;

        // 下發(fā)媒體報(bào)文
        bool b = RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), pPacket, FALSE);

        delete pPacket;

        if (!b)
            printf("connection:[%d] send failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());

    // 連接退出前關(guān)系解除
    switch (pConn->getStreamType())
        case CConnection::Publish:
                std::vector<std::string> vecPlayPath;
                for (auto iter = vecPlayPath.begin(); iter != vecPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
                    CPlayPath* pPlayPath = g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath((*iter), false);
                    if (pPlayPath)
        case CConnection::Play:
                std::vector<std::string> vecPlayPath;
                for (auto iter = vecPlayPath.begin(); iter != vecPlayPath.end(); ++iter)
                    CPlayPath* pPlayPath = g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath((*iter), false);
                    if (pPlayPath)

    printf("connection:[%d] exit! \n", pConn->ConnID());

    return NULL;

// 握手操作
#define RTMP_SIG_SIZE 1536
bool MyHandshake(int nSocket)
    char type = 0;
    if (recv(nSocket, (char*)&type, 1, 0) != 1)
        return false;

    if (type != 3)
        return false;

    char sClientSIG[RTMP_SIG_SIZE] = {0};
    if (recv(nSocket, sClientSIG, RTMP_SIG_SIZE, 0) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE)
        return false;

    if (send(nSocket, sClientSIG, RTMP_SIG_SIZE, 0) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE)
        return false;

    char sServerSIG[1 + RTMP_SIG_SIZE] = {0};
    sServerSIG[0] = 3;
    if (send(nSocket, sServerSIG, 1 + RTMP_SIG_SIZE, 0) != 1 + RTMP_SIG_SIZE)
        return false;

    if (recv(nSocket, sServerSIG + 1, RTMP_SIG_SIZE, 0) != RTMP_SIG_SIZE)
        return false;

    return true;

// 報(bào)文分派交互處理
bool Dispatch(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket)
    switch (pPacket->m_packetType)
        case 0x01:
                if (pPacket->m_nBodySize >= 4)
                    pConn->Rtmp()->m_inChunkSize = AMF_DecodeInt32(pPacket->m_body);
                    printf("connection:[%d] received: chunk size change to %d \n", pConn->ConnID(), pConn->Rtmp()->m_inChunkSize);

        case 0x04:

        case 0x05:
                if (pPacket->m_nBodySize >= 4)
                    int nWindowAckSize = AMF_DecodeInt32(pPacket->m_body);
                    printf("connection:[%d] received: window ack size change to %d \n", pConn->ConnID(), nWindowAckSize);

        case 0x06:
                if (pPacket->m_nBodySize >= 4)
                    int nOutputBW = AMF_DecodeInt32(pPacket->m_body);
                    printf("connection:[%d] received: output bw change to %d \n", pConn->ConnID(), nOutputBW);
                if (pPacket->m_nBodySize >= 5)
                    int nOutputBW2 = pPacket->m_body[4];
                    printf("connection:[%d] received: output bw2 change to %d \n", pConn->ConnID(), nOutputBW2);

        case 0x08:
                HandleMediaPacket(pConn, pPacket);

        case 0x09:
                HandleMediaPacket(pConn, pPacket);

        case 0x12:

        case 0x14:
                if (HandleInvoke(pConn, pPacket) < 0)
                    return false;

    return true;

#define SAVC(x) static const AVal av_##x = AVC(#x)

AVal makeAVal(const char* pStr)
    return {(char*)pStr, (int)strlen(pStr)};

// 處理遠(yuǎn)程調(diào)用
int HandleInvoke(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket) 
    if (pPacket->m_body[0] != 0x02)
        printf("connection:[%d] invalid invoke! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return -1;

    uint32_t nInputStreamID = pPacket->m_nInfoField2;

    AMFObject obj;
    int nSize = AMF_Decode(&obj, pPacket->m_body, pPacket->m_nBodySize, FALSE);
    if (nSize < 0)
        printf("connection:[%d] invalid packet! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return -1;

    AVal method;
    AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 0), &method);
    int nOperateID = (int)AMFProp_GetNumber(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 1));
    printf("connection:[%d] server invoking <%s> %d \n", pConn->ConnID(), method.av_val, nOperateID);

    if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_connect))
        AMFObject obj1;
        AMFProp_GetObject(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 2), &obj1);

        AVal appName = makeAVal("app");
        AVal app;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj1, &appName, -1), &app);

        std::string strApp(app.av_val, app.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] connect, app:[%s] \n", pConn->ConnID(), strApp.c_str());


        if (!sendWindowAckSize(pConn))
            return -1;

        if (!sendPeerOutputBandWide(pConn))
            return -1;

        if (!sendOutputChunkSize(pConn))
            return -1;

        if (!sendConnectResult(pConn, nOperateID))
            return -1;

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_releaseStream))
        AVal playpath;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &playpath);

        std::string strPlayPath(playpath.av_val, playpath.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] releaseStream, playpath:[%s] \n", pConn->ConnID(), strPlayPath.c_str());

        // 檢查該節(jié)目是否推流結(jié)束
        CPlayPath* pPlayPath = g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath(strPlayPath, true);
        if (!pPlayPath->isEOF())
            if (!sendPublishError(pConn, nInputStreamID))
                return -1;
            return 0;

        // 重置節(jié)目
    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_FCPublish))
        AVal playpath;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &playpath);

        std::string strPlayPath(playpath.av_val, playpath.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] FCPublish, playpath:[%s] \n", pConn->ConnID(), strPlayPath.c_str());

        // 安全起見(jiàn)廉侧,初使化節(jié)目
        g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath(strPlayPath, true);

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_createStream))
        // 生成流ID
        uint32_t uStreamID = pConn->genStreamID();

        printf("connection:[%d] createStream, streamID:[%d] \n", pConn->ConnID(), uStreamID);

        if (!sendCreateStreamResult(pConn, nOperateID, uStreamID))
            return -1;

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_publish))
        AVal playpath;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &playpath);

        std::string strPlayPath(playpath.av_val, playpath.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] publish, streamID:[%d] playpath:[%s] \n", pConn->ConnID(), nInputStreamID, strPlayPath.c_str());

        // 檢查streamID的有效性
        if (!pConn->isValidStreamID(nInputStreamID))
            printf("connection:[%d] publish, streamID:[%d] invalid! \n", pConn->ConnID(), nInputStreamID);
            return -1;

        // 連接與節(jié)目 建立雙向關(guān)聯(lián)
        pConn->bindPublishPlayPath(nInputStreamID, strPlayPath);

        if (!sendPublishStatus(pConn, nInputStreamID))
            return -1;

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_play))
        AVal playpath;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &playpath);
        int time = (int)AMFProp_GetNumber(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 4));

        std::string strPlayPath(playpath.av_val, playpath.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] play, streamID:[%d] playpath:[%s] time:[%d] \n", pConn->ConnID(), nInputStreamID, strPlayPath.c_str(), time);

        // 檢查streamID的有效性
        if (!pConn->isValidStreamID(nInputStreamID))
            printf("connection:[%d] play, streamID:[%d] invalid! \n", pConn->ConnID(), nInputStreamID);
            return -1;

        // 連接與節(jié)目 建立雙向關(guān)聯(lián)
        pConn->bindPlayPlayPath(nInputStreamID, strPlayPath);
        g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath(strPlayPath, true)->addPlayConn(pConn->ConnID());

        if (!sendPlayStreamBegin(pConn, nInputStreamID))
            return -1;

        if (!sendPlayStatus(pConn, nInputStreamID))
            return -1;

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_FCUnpublish))
        AVal playpath;
        AMFProp_GetString(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3), &playpath);

        std::string strPlayPath(playpath.av_val, playpath.av_len);
        printf("connection:[%d] FCUnpublish, playpath:[%s] \n", pConn->ConnID(), strPlayPath.c_str());

        g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath(strPlayPath, true)->setEOF();

    else if (AVMATCH(&method, &av_deleteStream))
        int nStreamID = (int)AMFProp_GetNumber(AMF_GetProp(&obj, NULL, 3));
        printf("connection:[%d] deleteStream, streamID:[%d] \n", pConn->ConnID(), nStreamID);

        // 連接與節(jié)目 解除雙向關(guān)聯(lián)

        std::string strPlayPath = pConn->getPublishPlayPath(nStreamID);
        if (strPlayPath != "")
            g_Apps.getApp(pConn->getAppName())->getPlayPath(strPlayPath, true)->unsetPublishConn();

        strPlayPath = pConn->getPlayPlayPath(nStreamID);
        if (strPlayPath != "")

    return 0;

// 處理媒體報(bào)文
int HandleMediaPacket(CConnection* pConn, RTMPPacket* pPacket)
    uint32_t nInputStreamID = pPacket->m_nInfoField2;

    const std::string& strPlayPath = pConn->getPublishPlayPath(nInputStreamID);

    return 0;

// 發(fā)送應(yīng)答窗口大小報(bào)文
bool sendWindowAckSize(CConnection* pConn)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x02;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x05;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pEnd, 5000000);
    packet.m_nBodySize = 4;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for set window ack size failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送設(shè)置對(duì)端輸出帶寬報(bào)文
bool sendPeerOutputBandWide(CConnection* pConn)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x02;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x06;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pEnd, 5000000);
    packet.m_body[4] = 2;
    packet.m_nBodySize = 5;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for set peer output bandwide size failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送設(shè)置輸出塊大小報(bào)文
bool sendOutputChunkSize(CConnection* pConn)
    pConn->Rtmp()->m_outChunkSize = 4096;

    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x02;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x01;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    AMF_EncodeInt32(packet.m_body, pEnd, 4096);
    packet.m_nBodySize = 4;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for set chunk size failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送連接響應(yīng)報(bào)文
bool sendConnectResult(CConnection* pConn, int nOperateID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x03;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x14;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeString(pEnc, pEnd, &av__result);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, nOperateID);

    AMFObject obj1 = {0, NULL};

    AMFObjectProperty fmsVer;
    fmsVer.p_name = makeAVal("fmsVer");
    fmsVer.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    fmsVer.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("FMS/3,0,1,123");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj1, &fmsVer);

    AMFObjectProperty capabilities;
    capabilities.p_name = makeAVal("capabilities");
    capabilities.p_type = AMF_NUMBER;
    capabilities.p_vu.p_number = 31;
    AMF_AddProp(&obj1, &capabilities);

    pEnc = AMF_Encode(&obj1, pEnc, pEnd);

    AMFObject obj2 = {0, NULL};

    AMFObjectProperty level;
    level.p_name = makeAVal("level");
    level.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    level.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("status");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &level);

    AMFObjectProperty code;
    code.p_name = makeAVal("code");
    code.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    code.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("NetConnection.Connect.Success");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &code);

    pEnc = AMF_Encode(&obj2, pEnc, pEnd);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for connect _result failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送創(chuàng)建流響應(yīng)報(bào)文
bool sendCreateStreamResult(CConnection* pConn, int nOperateID, uint32_t nStreamID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x03;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x14;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeString(pEnc, pEnd, &av__result);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, nOperateID);
    *pEnc++ = AMF_NULL;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, nStreamID);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for createStream _result failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送推流狀態(tài)響應(yīng)報(bào)文
bool sendPublishStatus(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x05;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x14;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = nInputStreamID;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeString(pEnc, pEnd, &av_onStatus);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, 0);
    *pEnc++ = AMF_NULL;

    AMFObject obj2 = {0, NULL};

    AMFObjectProperty level;
    level.p_name = makeAVal("level");
    level.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    level.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("status");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &level);

    AMFObjectProperty code;
    code.p_name = makeAVal("code");
    code.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    code.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("NetStream.Publish.Start");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &code);

    pEnc = AMF_Encode(&obj2, pEnc, pEnd);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for publish onStatus failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送推流錯(cuò)誤響應(yīng)報(bào)文
bool sendPublishError(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x05;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x14;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = nInputStreamID;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeString(pEnc, pEnd, &av_onStatus);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, 0);
    *pEnc++ = AMF_NULL;

    AMFObject obj2 = {0, NULL};

    AMFObjectProperty level;
    level.p_name = makeAVal("level");
    level.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    level.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("error");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &level);

    AMFObjectProperty code;
    code.p_name = makeAVal("code");
    code.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    code.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("NetStream.Publish.BadName");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &code);

    AMFObjectProperty description;
    description.p_name = makeAVal("description");
    description.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    description.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("Already publishing");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &description);

    pEnc = AMF_Encode(&obj2, pEnc, pEnd);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for publish onStatus failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送拉流事件報(bào)文
bool sendPlayStreamBegin(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x02;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x04;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = 0;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeInt16(pEnc, pEnd, 0);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeInt32(pEnc, pEnd, nInputStreamID);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for play event failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;

// 發(fā)送拉流狀態(tài)響應(yīng)報(bào)文
bool sendPlayStatus(CConnection* pConn, int nInputStreamID)
    char sBuf[256] = {0};
    char* pEnd = sBuf + sizeof(sBuf);

    RTMPPacket packet;
    packet.m_nChannel = 0x05;
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;
    packet.m_packetType = 0x14;
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = nInputStreamID;
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;
    packet.m_body = sBuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char* pEnc = packet.m_body;
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeString(pEnc, pEnd, &av_onStatus);
    pEnc = AMF_EncodeNumber(pEnc, pEnd, 0);
    *pEnc++ = AMF_NULL;

    AMFObject obj2 = {0, NULL};

    AMFObjectProperty level;
    level.p_name = makeAVal("level");
    level.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    level.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("status");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &level);

    AMFObjectProperty code;
    code.p_name = makeAVal("code");
    code.p_type = AMF_STRING;
    code.p_vu.p_aval = makeAVal("NetStream.Play.Start");
    AMF_AddProp(&obj2, &code);

    pEnc = AMF_Encode(&obj2, pEnc, pEnd);

    packet.m_nBodySize = pEnc - packet.m_body;

    if (!RTMP_SendPacket(pConn->Rtmp(), &packet, FALSE))
        printf("connection:[%d] send packet for play onStatus failed! \n", pConn->ConnID());
        return false;

    return true;


g++ -o testrtmp testrtmp.cpp -std=c++11 -lrtmp -pthread


[kdjie@localhost ~]$ ./testrtmp
connection:[1] coming... 
connection:[1] read headerType:[0] packetType:[20] CSID:[3] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[1] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[201] 
connection:[1] server invoking <connect> 1 
connection:[1] connect, app:[live] 
DEBUG: Invoking _result
connection:[1] read headerType:[0] packetType:[5] CSID:[2] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[1] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[4] 
connection:[1] received: window ack size change to 5000000 
connection:[1] read headerType:[1] packetType:[20] CSID:[3] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[25] 
connection:[1] server invoking <createStream> 2 
connection:[1] createStream, streamID:[1] 
DEBUG: Invoking _result
connection:[1] read headerType:[0] packetType:[20] CSID:[8] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[1] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[32] 
connection:[1] server invoking <getStreamLength> 3 
connection:[1] read headerType:[0] packetType:[20] CSID:[8] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[1] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[30] 
connection:[1] server invoking <play> 4 
connection:[1] play, streamID:[1] playpath:[a] time:[-2000] 
DEBUG: Invoking onStatus
connection:[1] now play... 






connection:[2] read headerType:[2] packetType:[8] CSID:[4] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24686] m_nBodySize:[210] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[3] packetType:[8] CSID:[4] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24712] m_nBodySize:[210] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[1] packetType:[9] CSID:[6] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24713] m_nBodySize:[9460] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[3] packetType:[8] CSID:[4] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24738] m_nBodySize:[210] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[3] packetType:[8] CSID:[4] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24764] m_nBodySize:[210] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[1] packetType:[9] CSID:[6] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24775] m_nBodySize:[473] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[3] packetType:[8] CSID:[4] StreamID:[1] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[24790] m_nBodySize:[210] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[1] packetType:[20] CSID:[3] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[28] 
connection:[2] server invoking <FCUnpublish> 6 
connection:[2] FCUnpublish, playpath:[a] 
connection:[2] read headerType:[1] packetType:[20] CSID:[3] StreamID:[0] hasAbsTimestamp:[0] nTimeStamp:[0] m_nBodySize:[34] 
connection:[2] server invoking <deleteStream> 7 
connection:[2] deleteStream, streamID:[1] 
ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header
connection:[2] read error! 
connection:[2] exit! 


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    開(kāi)封第一講書(shū)人閱讀 31,944評(píng)論 0 22
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽(yáng)处窥。三九已至嘱吗,卻和暖如春,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間滔驾,已是汗流浹背谒麦。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開(kāi)封第一講書(shū)人閱讀 33,060評(píng)論 1 270
  • 我被黑心中介騙來(lái)泰國(guó)打工, 沒(méi)想到剛下飛機(jī)就差點(diǎn)兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留哆致,地道東北人绕德。 一個(gè)月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 48,247評(píng)論 3 371
  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長(zhǎng)得像摊阀,于是被迫代替她去往敵國(guó)和親耻蛇。 傳聞我的和親對(duì)象是個(gè)殘疾皇子,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點(diǎn)故事閱讀 44,979評(píng)論 2 355
