One saying like this, if you want to do something ,you must be learn and learn again,so you can do it well. It's the relationship of ?input and the output .
I understand suddenly, my problem, l always want to do something , but l remebered l have to study hard first, so l did't get a perfect answer. when l made a decision that l ready to write something in jianshu app, a wonderful ?plan prestented in my brain, but ?not made a right input course. Day after day,l always use my knownlege which were stayed in my brain long long ago. l didn't write new things and new figures. so l say that l ?standed at the origin place. That's the real reason.
l want to improve my writing, first, do some exercises in reading and being a observer to real lifes. and many many things .A long long way to success , but l hope to hold on it, and come on ?baby,dear myself!