Dynamic Teams, Projects and Organisational structures and Culture
1. Organisational structure
An organisational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.
常見3種組織方式:Functional, Dedicated Proejct Teams, Matrix
1.1 Functional Organisation of Projects
Differentsegmentsoftheprojectaredelegatedtorespective functional units. Coordinationismaintainedthroughnormalmanagement channels. Usedwhentheinterestofonefunctionalareadominatesthe project or one functional area has a dominant interest in the project’s success. 通常在一個(gè)職能部門明顯有突出優(yōu)勢(shì)的情況下使用长捧。
- No/little org. change
- Flexibility in use of staff
- In-Depth Expertise
- Easy Post-Project Transition 每個(gè)人都有自己的routine鬓长,項(xiàng)目需要的時(shí)候掉入,完成時(shí)繼續(xù)做routine撤奸,不需要重新安置人員。
- Lack of Focus for project
- Poor Integration across org
- Typically slower to complete
- Lack of Ownership
1.2 Functional Organisation of Projects
Teamsoperateasseparateunitsundertheleadershipofa full-time project manager. In a projectised organization where projects are the dominant form of business, functional departments are responsible for providing support for its teams.通常在項(xiàng)目作為主要形式的情況下使用喊括,例如胧瓜,軟件功能開發(fā),很適合這種模式郑什。
- Simple – independent from functional organisation
- Fast – Full attention
- Cohesive - motivated
- Cross-functional integration
- Expensive – additional staff
- Internal strife – “us vs. them”
- Limited technological expertise
- Difficult post-project transition – staff reassignments
1.3 Matrix Organisation of projects
Hybrid organizational structure(matrix) is overlaid on the normal functional structure. Matrix structure optimizes the use of resources.是前兩種的平衡府喳,根據(jù)實(shí)際情況決定。
- Efficient – sharing resources
- Strong project focus – dedicated PM
- Easier post-project transition
- Flexible – use of appropriate expertise and resources
- Dysfunctional conflict – PM(Project Manager) and FM(Functional Manager) tension
- Infighting – Different priorities
- Stressful – who is my boss?
- Slow – consensus needed
2. Team Development (Tuckman's Stages)
- Forming: uncertainty about roles, looking outside for guidance.
- Storming: growing confidence in a team, rejecting outside authority.
- Norming: concern about being different, wanting to be part of a team.
- Performing: concern with getting the job done.