question 1:
When Ben once talked about this book , he said it was about “how to grow potatoes with your own sh*t”. i knew that this book is absolutely my type. i am not a big fan of astronomy and with a lot of jargons, ?like “MAV, MDV, EVA”,?to understand the whole process is not an easy job for me. but since i really what to finish this book on time, i googled a lot, looking up those “weird” abbriviations and some chemical elements.
i like Mark Wetney so much!!! if i were in his situation, i would, with no doubt, wait and die. i am attracted by his humor and his childish behavior and of course, his great mind.
question 2 :
question 3:
i have no idea what term of “sol” refers to but it may means “day”. Sol 10 means that it’s the 10th day from the begining of their mission? i mean, from the launch day of the rocket.