- 1 seeming normal and reasonable 可以理解的
VERBS be, seem | become
ADV. very | completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, wholly | fairly - 2 easy to understand 易懂的
VERBS be, seem
ADV. easily, readily Warning notices must be readily understandable.
PREP. to The instructions must be understandable to the average user. - synomyn: comprehensible, comprehendible
- antonym: incomprehensible, uncomprehensible
- 今天路上太堵了,遲到幾分鐘沒事的。
The traffic jam today is terrible. It's understandable that you late a few minutes.
- 表示安慰
Don't worry, your behavior is understandable.
All the people will do the same thing as you, it's understandable.