Module 1. Giving a friend financial advice
1. Personal finance
當你談論personal finances(個人財務)時,你需要以你的expenses, debts, income 和 savings開始牺汤。
- My expenses are about 2,000 a month. 我的花費是大約一個月2,000补胚。
- I have about $5,000 in debt. 我有大約5溶其,000美元的債瓶逃。
- My income is around $5,000 a month. 我的收入是每個月5厢绝,000美元左右懈万。
- I have about 6,000 in savings. 我有大約6会通,000存款涕侈。
- My parents loaned me $4,000 to go to school.我的父母借給我4技肩,000美元去上學虚婿。
- I have a student loan from the government. 我從政府那里獲得一筆學生貸款然痊。
- I borrowed 3,000 from the bank. 我向銀行借了3剧浸,000.
- I owe the bank $3,000. 我欠銀行3,000美元嫌变。
- I have to pay my parents back. 我不得不還錢給我的父母腾啥。
- I owe the bank twenty thousand. 我欠銀行兩萬倘待。
- I have about ten thousand in debt. 我有大約一萬的債務凸舵。
- I borrowed money from the bank. 我從銀行那里借的錢贞间。
- My expenses exceed my income. 我的支出超過我的收入增热。
- I have a student loan from the government. 我從政府那里獲得一筆學生貸款峻仇。
- My parents loaned me money to go to school. 我的父母借錢給我去上學摄咆。
- I have about six thousand in savings. 我有大約六千的存款吭从。
2. Giving financial advice
- A: What's the problem? 問題是什么全度?
- B: My finances are a mess! My rent is killing me. 我的財務狀況一團糟将鸵! 我的房租太高了顶掉。
- A: What are your big expenses? 你有什么大的開支一喘?
- B: My car payment, rent and my student loan. 我的車款凸克,房租和我的學生貸款萎战。
- A: What else is there? 還有別的什么蚂维?
- B: I owe my parents $3,000. 我欠我父母3虫啥,000美元涂籽。
- A: Are you still working part time? 你仍然兼職工作嗎评雌?
- B: No, I'm full time now. 不,我現(xiàn)在全職砂轻。
- A: How much do you have in savings? 你的存款有多少搔涝?
- B: Almost nothing. 幾乎沒有体谒。
- A: You might consider getting a roommate. 你可以考慮找一個室友寨辩。
- B: I know. You're right. That's good advice. 我知道靡狞。你是對的甸怕。那是一個好的建議梢杭。
- A: If I were you, I'd sell the car. 如果我是你式曲,我會把車賣掉吝羞。
- B: That sounds reasonable. 那聽起來合乎情理钧排。
- A: You'd better move in with your parents. 你最好搬去和父母一起住恨溜。
- B: Are you kidding? That's a terrible idea! 你開玩笑嗎糟袁?那是一個糟糕的主意项戴!
- What are your major debts? 你有什么重大的債務周叮?
- What are your big expenses? 你有什么大的開支仿耽?
- You might consider getting a roommate. 你可以考慮找一個室友项贺。
- You'd better cut down on your expenses. 你最好減少你的開支开缎。
- What else is there? 還有什么啥箭?
- If I were you, I'd sell the car. 如果我是你急侥,我會把車賣掉坏怪。
- Are you still working part time? 你仍然兼職工作嗎铝宵?
- Do you have any savings? 你有存款嗎鹏秋?
3. Giving and responding to advice
Max is one of my best friends, but he's terrible with money. I mean, he's awful with money. There's no getting around it. It's ironic because his family is loaded. They have tons of cash.
即使你不明白所有的單詞絮爷,你也可以獲取對話的要點坑夯。斯圖爾特的態(tài)度或情緒是什么柜蜈?斯圖爾特對他的朋友馬克斯很惱火淑履。主要的想法是什么秘噪? 馬科斯在處理金錢上糟透了指煎,盡管他家有很多錢至壤。
Module 2. Talking about the cost of living
1. Frequency
- My groceries cost about $400 each month. 我的雜貨費用每月約400 美元镰绎。
- My train pass is $50 a month. 我的火車通票是每月50美元跟狱。
- My utility bill is usually around 200 per month. 我的水電費賬單通常大約每月200户魏。
- My monthly mortgage payment is $2,500. 我每月按揭付款為2叼丑,500美元鸠信。
- I pay about 7,000 in property tax every year. 我每年付大約7星立,000房產(chǎn)稅。
對于一些在一段時間內(nèi)發(fā)生不止一次的費用室奏,你可以使用像twice或three times這樣的單詞胧沫。
- I pay my car insurance twice a year. 我每年付兩次汽車保險绒怨。
- I buy a subway ticket three times a week. 我一周買三次地鐵票南蹂。
- Utilities cost me around 300 a month. 我的水電費賬單大約每月三百碎紊。
- She pays twice a year for car insurance. 她每年付兩次汽車保險仗考。
- My mortgage payment is 1,000 each month. 我的按揭貸款是每月一千秃嗜。
- I pay my property taxes two times a year. 我一年付兩次我的房產(chǎn)稅锅锨。
- His monthly bill is about 400. 他每月的賬單約有四百必搞。
- I buy a weekly bus pass. 我買公交周票恕洲。
2. Cost of living
- My salary has increased. 我漲工資了霜第。
- My taxes have gone up dramatically. 我的稅大幅上漲泌类。
- continually going up 不斷上漲
- rapidly increasing 快速增長
- I can significantly reduce my expenses. 我可以大幅減少我的開支。
- gradually going up 逐漸上漲
這是一些詢問和回答關于the cost of living問題的一些方法弹砚。
- A: What specifically do you want to know? 具體的你想知道什么迅栅?
- B: Well, how expensive is housing? 嗯读存,住房有多貴让簿?
- A: What's the cost of living like there? 那里的生活成本是多少秀睛?
- B: Overall, it's a bit above the national average, but prices are stable. 總的來說椭迎,有點高于全國平均水平田盈,但物價穩(wěn)定允瞧。
- A: What's your usual monthly bill for groceries? 你通常每月的雜貨賬單是多少述暂?
- B: They run about $300 a month. 他們一個月大約300美元畦韭。
- A: How much do people generally pay for housing? 人們通巢煊簦花多少錢在住房上?
- B: Well, houses are reasonably priced. You can get a two-bedroom house for around $100,000.
- Housing prices have been dropping dramatically. 住房的價格一直在急劇下降脊凰。
- The city's population has decreased rapidly. 這城市的人口驟減狸涌。
- Property taxes are rising steadily. 房產(chǎn)稅在穩(wěn)步上升帕胆。
- Utility costs increase significantly in the winter. 冬天水電費顯著增加惶楼。
- Transportation costs were stable, but now they're falling gradually. 過去交通費用很穩(wěn)定歼捐,但是現(xiàn)在他們在逐步下降豹储。
- That'll be a big increase in my monthly budget. 那將極大增加我每月的預算剥扣。
- How much is rent for an apartment? 一個公寓房的房租是多少钠怯?
- How much are utilities, generally? 總的來說,水電費是多少鞠鲜?
- What about transportation? 交通費用的断国?
- So the cost of living is below average? 那么生活費用低于平均水平嗎贤姆?
- What about other expenses? 其他的費用呢?
- How much do you pay for food each month? 每月食物花多少錢稳衬?
3. Financial management tips
- savings 存款
- debt 債務
- income 收入
- deduction 扣除
- housing 住宅
- bills 賬單
- transportation 交通
My recipe for financial success
Different financial experts will offer different solutions for successfully managing your finances. My recommendations are not for everyone, but they have worked well for me over the years. Every month you have a net income – that is, your income after taxes and other deductions. I am going to offer you two situations, one that includes debt and one that does not.
If you currently have debt, this is how I recommend you spend your net income each month:
- approximately 35% on housing, including utility bills for electricity, water, etc.
- approximately 15% on transportation, whether you have a car or not
- approximately 25% on life, including your cell phone, groceries, clothing, going out, etc.
- approximately 15% on paying off your debt
- approximately 10% on savings
If you are spending more in any of these areas, it suggests you need to cut your expenses – for example, by moving to cheaper housing. If you don't have any debt, however, change that savings percentage to 25 percent, and your money will increase before you know it.
Module 3. Writing a budget proposal
1. Options
處理一個問題的方法是列出你的選項碴卧,然后選擇最好的一個瓮具。 注意這里有幾個單詞的意思和option相同。
- One option is to lay off workers with low seniority. 一個選擇是解雇工齡短的工人。
- We have to make some hard choices. 我們不得不做一些艱難的選擇启上。
- One alternative is to use attrition. We just don't replace workers who leave. 一個選擇是使用損耗包券。員工離開后我們不會再招人填補職位照激。
- Another possibility is to offer older workers a large retirement bonus. 另一個可能性是給老員工一筆大額的退休獎金口柳。
- We may have to consider more drastic options. 我們可能不得不考慮更極端的選擇毛好。
- OK, so our priority is to avoid layoffs. 好的,我們的首要任務是避免裁員。
- First we push retirement bonuses, then reduce everyone's hours. 首先我們推行退休獎金毛萌,然后減少每個人的時間。
- Only as a last resort do we lay off workers. 只有在萬不得已時我們才解雇員工窘哈。
- First, we push retirement bonuses. 首先让腹,我們推行退休獎金。
- We may have to consider more drastic options. 我們可能不得不考慮更極端的選擇嘲恍。
- Our priority is to avoid layoffs. 我們的首要任務是避免裁員吁脱。
- Another possibility is a retirement bonus. 另一個可能性是退休獎金。
- One alternative is to use attrition. 另一種選擇是使用損耗。
- One option is to lay off low-seniority workers. 一個選擇是解雇低工齡的員工。
- We have to make some hard choices. 我們不得不做一些艱難的選擇。
- We use layoffs only as a last resort. 我們只有在萬不得已的情況下才解雇員工演训。
2. Proposals
- Our company faces a very large loss this year. 我們公司今年面臨一個很大的損失。
- Our proposals are meant to deal with the crisis on a long-term basis. 我們的提案是為了從長遠上應對這個危機糊余。
- Two years from now, the company would be profitable. 從現(xiàn)在起兩年后,公司將開始盈利。
- We have come up with a prioritized list of options for the crisis. 我們已經(jīng)拿出了一個應對危機的有優(yōu)先級別的選項列表棒假。
當列出你的提案時粘驰,使用動詞propose和recommend。這些動詞后可以使用動詞+ ing或以that開頭的從句语卤。
- We propose offering workers a retirement bonus. 我們提議為員工提供退休獎金稠茂。
- We strongly recommend that the company lay off additional workers only as a last resort.
我們強烈建議公司只有在萬不得已的情況下才解雇多余的員工。 - We recommend cutting everyone back to 35 hours per week. 我們建議把每個人的工作時間減回到每周35小時施籍。
Proposal for our budget crisis
Hi, Mark and Andy.
I've put together our ideas from this morning. If you think they're OK, I'll send them out to the whole executive team.
Our company faces a very large loss this year. Mark, Andrew and I have come up with a prioritized list of options for dealing with this crisis on a long-term basis. If you agree to our proposals, we believe the company will be profitable two years from now.
- First, we propose offering workers who are within two years of retirement a six-month bonus with medical benefits to retire early. After the six-month period, the company would be saving about
300,000 a month.
- In addition, we recommend cutting everyone back to 35 hours per week. This would save about $200,000 a month.
- We strongly recommend that the company lay off additional workers only as a last resort, to preserve company morale.
Mark, Andrew and I will be happy to answer questions about our proposals in tomorrow's meeting.
Mark, Andrew and Carla
Module 4. Discussing compensation
1. More vocabulary for personal finances
當你準備接受一份工作時曾沈,著重看一下你的total compensation是很重要的唯蝶,它等于工資加上所有福利。這有的時候也被提及為你的compensation package框杜。
- My salary is
80,000 per year.我的工資是60夹供,000美元匪凉,但是我的總體薪酬加起來每年大約80蛋济,000美元。
- I'm really happy with the compensation package at my company. 我對我們公司的薪酬包很滿意被芳。
- My benefits include generous medical and retirement plans, and three weeks of vacation each year.我的福利包括慷慨的醫(yī)療和退休方案,和每年三個星期的休假谤牡。
- My company contributes $500 every month to my retirement plan. 我的公司每月支付500美元到我的退休方案中玷室。
- There is a 400-a-month deduction for the medical plan. 每月扣除400的醫(yī)療計劃錢秸脱。
- Our medical plan includes dental work and any counseling we need. 我們的醫(yī)療方案包括牙科和我們需要的任何咨詢費用。
- My company contributes monthly to my retirement. 我的公司每個月支付一部分錢給我的退休方案髓需。
- There's a 400-a-month medical deduction. 每個月扣出四百醫(yī)療費檀蹋。
- I'm quite happy with my compensation package. 我對我的薪酬包相當滿意俯逾。
- My total compensation is 40,000 a year. 我的薪酬總額為一年四萬。
- My benefits include a generous medical plan. 我的待遇包括一個慷慨的醫(yī)療方案悉稠。
- My medical plan includes counseling. 我的醫(yī)療方案包括咨詢忿薇。
2. Discussing compensation
當一個公司決定雇用你時,你可能會收到含有你的薪水和福利的詳細信息的offer letter(聘用通知書)姑曙。如果你對財務細節(jié)有所擔憂襟交,請向給你發(fā)信的人提及。
- A: I have some concerns about the salary. 我對工資有所擔憂伤靠。
- B: OK. Well, I'm open to discussing any part of the compensation package. 好的捣域。嗯,我愿意討論薪酬包的任何部分宴合。
- A: My big concern is that the proposed salary is far below my current salary. 我最大的擔憂是所提議的工資遠低于我現(xiàn)在的工資焕梅。
- B: That's a reasonable concern. 這是一個合理的擔憂。
- A: We need to look at this in terms of total compensation. 我們需要從總體薪酬的角度看這個問題。
- B: Could you give me some more details? 您能給我再多一些的詳情嗎逐样?
- A: In addition to salary, the company will also contribute 500 a month to your retirement plan. 除了工資外蜗字,公司每個月還為你的退休方案繳納500.
- B: Oh, that wasn't in the offer letter. 哦,那沒有在聘用通知書上說到脂新。
- A: I really want to work here. I just don't want to take a cut in pay. 我真的希望能在這里工作级零。我只是不想降低工資。
- B: I understand completely. I really want you on our team. 我完全理解。我真的希望你能加入我們的團隊奏纪。
- A: If we could raise the salary to 80,000, would you accept our offer?
如果我們把工資增加到80鉴嗤,000,你會接受我們的聘用嗎序调? - B: Absolutely! 當然醉锅!
- A: I can't make any promises. I'll see what I can do. It may take a couple of days to get a decision.
我不能作出任何承諾。我要看看我能做些什么发绢。這可能需要幾天時間來作出決定硬耍。 - B: That's no problem. I look forward to talking with you later in the week. 沒問題。 期待這周晚些時候再和您通話边酒。
- In the offer letter, there were no details. 在聘用錄取書上经柴,沒有詳細信息。
- I would hate for this to be a problem. 我不想這樣成為一個問題墩朦。
- I look forward to talking with you again. 我期待著與您再次通話坯认。
- My current company deducts 400 dollars. 我現(xiàn)在的公司扣除四百美元。
- My big concern is the proposed salary. 我的大的擔憂是所提出的薪水介杆。
- I really want to work here. 我真的想在這里工作鹃操。
3. Negotiating benefits
Congratulations! You've received a job offer, and you are ready to accept the offer. But wait. Before moving too quickly to accept, take some time to consider the entire compensation package. Remember, salary isn't the only compensation you will be receiving. Your compensation might also include benefits such as vacation time and a health plan.
Employers often have more flexibility to negotiate benefits than a starting salary. Some benefits are the same for all employees, but others are negotiable. Here are a few other benefits you may want to ask about.
Hiring bonus
Companies will sometimes offer a hiring bonus to attract top candidates. It is a one-time cash payment that is made when you start the job. If the salary you are being offered is below what you expect, you may want to ask for a hiring bonus.
Vacation time
Although two weeks of vacation time is typical, you may be able to negotiate an extra week or two. This is especially true if you had more than two weeks of vacation at your previous position.
Relocation costs
If you will have to move for your new position, do some research into the cost of moving. Your potential employer may be able to help you with these expenses.
Before you negotiate for additional compensation, research your options. Consider the salary that is being offered, plus the medical, retirement and vacation benefits for the total compensation. Then think about what other benefits you may be able to negotiate. Negotiate carefully and professionally. Asking for too much may cause a potential employer to reconsider the offer. But remember, it never hurts to ask.