Goal? : To create an App estimates box office.
Background: While I have no ideal how to design the program. Thus,I am eager to find someone who are able to offer the? technical support. What's more,as a student,I don't have enough funds to invest this project. Hence,the need of financing is desired.
Solution: I have written a paper on how to use two stages model to estimate box,this is to say,the theoretical and empirical analysis is doable. As the rest part on the road,we may release the application in one year. Basing on the commercial and social background,more and more movies are willing to be released and a great number of customers choose watching movie for relaxing. In addition,movie market exists a heavy information asymmetry. Our production are able to lead a relatively bright orientation.
Cost:The main cost is on developing the application and continuing the data acquisition,to make a crude assessment,around 70,000 RMB is necessary.