Part A租車常見詞匯
Part B租車常用語句
Part C租車常見術語解釋
Part A租車常見詞匯Vocabulary
automatic transmission自動換擋
driving license ? ? ? ? ? ?駕照
driving record ? ? ? 駕駛記錄
drop off the car ? ? 還車
drop-off date ? ? ? ?還車日
drop-off location ? ? ? 還車地點
empty tank ? ? ? ? ? ? 空箱(汽油)
extra insurance ? ? ? ? 額外保險
full tank ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 滿箱(汽油)
gas pedal ['pedl] ? ? ? ?油門
hourly rate/fee/rent ? ? 時租
license ['lais?ns] plate ? ? 牌照
IDL (International Driving License) ? ? ? ?國際駕照
Licensee [,lais?n'si:] Location ? ? ? ? ? ? 特許經(jīng)營點
Liability [,lai?'bil?ti] Insurance ? ? ? ?第三方責任險
No Show Fee ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 違約金
One Way Rentals ? ? ? ? ? ? ?單程租賃
PAI (Personal Accident Insurance) ? ? 乘客事故險
PEC (Personal Effects Coverage) ? ? ? ? 個人財物險
Rental Agreement ? ? ? ? 租賃協(xié)議
delivery ? ? ? ? 送車上門
leave a deposit [di'p?zit] ? ? ?給付定金
make a reservation [,rez?'vei??n] ? ? ? ? 預定
manual transmission ? ? ? ? ? 手動換檔
mileage ['mailid?] ? ? ? ? ? 英里數(shù)
monthly rate/fee/rent ? ? ?月租
neutral gear ? ? ? ?空檔
on weekdays非假日= during the
week on weekends周假日
over time ? ? ?超時
park/car-park ? ? ?停車場
parking fee ? ? ? 停車費
pick up the car ? ? ? ?取車
pick-up date ? ? ? ?取車日
pick-up location ? ? ? ?取車地點
rental agreement ? ? ? ? 租約;租賃合同
rental car agent ? ? ? ? ?租車代理員
rental charge ? ? ? ? 租金
rental period ? ? ? ?租期
return the car ? ? ? ?還車
rental period ? ? ? 租賃期
Road Tax ? ? ? ?道路稅
Inclusive [in'klu:siv] Rate ? ? ? ? 常規(guī)費用
CDW (Collision [k?'li??n] Damage Waiver [weiv?]) ? ? ?車輛碰撞險
Child Seat ? ? ? ?兒童座椅
VAT (Value Added Tax) ? ? ? 增值稅
walk-in ? ? ? ?直接提車
vehicle ['vi:ikl] license fee ? ? ? ? ?車輛執(zhí)照費
roadside assistance [?'sist?ns] ? ? ? 路邊援助
short term lease ? ? ? 短期租賃
extra mileage ['mailid?] charge ? ? ? ? ? ?超公里計費
supplier ? ? ? ?供應商
rental contract ? ? ? 租車合約
fire insurance ? ? ? ? ?火險
reverse [ri'v?:s] gear [DZi?] ? ? ? ? ? ? 倒車檔
scratch [skr?t?] ? ? ? ?刮痕
shift the gear ? ? ? ? ? ?換檔
to get insurance for the car ? ? ? ?替車子保險
transfer ? ? ? ?接送服務
unlimited mileage ['mailid?] ? ? ? ?不限里程
upgrade ? ? ? ?升級
weekly rate/fee/rent ? ? ? 周租
theft protection防盜險
international driver's
[ai,dentifi'kei??n] card ? ? ? 身份證
voucher ['vaut??] ? ? ? 租車憑證
grand total ? ? ? 總計
汽車外設:External Parts:
backup light / reversing light ? ? ?倒車燈
bodywork / body ? ? ? 車身
bonnet ['b?nit] ? ? 發(fā)動機蓋
boot ? ? ? ?行李箱
bumper ['b?mp?] ? ? ? ?保險杠
chassis ['??si] ? ? ? ?底盤
front wheel ? ? ?前輪
front blinker ? ? ? 前信號燈
license plate / number plate ? ? ? ? 車號牌
radiator ['reidieit?] grille ? ? ?水箱
rear blinker ? ? ?轉(zhuǎn)彎指示燈
rear wheel ? ? ? 后輪
rear window ? 后窗玻璃
roof rack, luggage rack ? ? ?行李架
stoplight / stop lamp ? ? ? ?剎車燈
taillight / tail lamp ? ? ?尾燈
tailpipe ? ? ? 排氣管
tread [tred]輪距
windscreen wiper ? ? ? 雨刮器
windscreen ? ? ?擋風玻璃
wing mirror ? ? ?后視鏡
wing ? ? ? ? 前翼子板
汽車內(nèi)設:Interior Parts:
back seat / rear seat ? ? ? 后座
brake pedal ['pedl] ? ? ? 剎車踏板
choke ? ? ?熄火裝置
dashboard ? ? ? ?儀表板
drain tap ? ? ? ?排氣閥門
driver's seat / driving seat ? ? ? 駕駛席
gear stick / gear change ? ? ? 變速桿
gearbox ? ? ? 變速箱
horn / hooter喇叭
inner tube [tju:b] ? ? ? ?內(nèi)胎
milometer [mai'l?mit?] ? ? ? ?里程表
passenger seat ? ? ? ?旅客席
radiator ['reidieit?] ? ? ? ? 散熱器
rear-view mirror ? ? ? 后視鏡
seat belt ? ? ? ?安全帶
silencer ? ? ? 消音器
spare wheel ? ? ? ? 備胎,備用輪胎
speedometer [spi'd?mit?] / clock ? ? ? ?速度表
starter / self-starter ? ? ?起動器,起動鈕
steering wheel / wheel ? ? ? 方向盤
tank ? ? ? 油箱
Part B Useful Expressions租車常用語句
I want to rent a car tomorrow. ? ? ? ? 我明天要租一輛車谬莹。
What's the rental fee? ? ? ?租金是多少?
I want to make a reservation. ? ? ?我想預定一部尖昏。
What kind of cars do you have? ? ? ? ?你們有什么車?
What do you have available? ? ? 你們這里有哪些選擇?
What model do you want? ? ? ? ?您想要什么型號的?
I will have to drive back then. ? ? ? 那么到時我必須把車開回來.
Do I have to return the career? ? ? ?我一定要到這里來還車嗎?
I have my own license and an international license. ? ? 我有一張自己的(本地的)和一張國際的駕駛執(zhí)照前塔。
What should I do if something happens to the car? ? ? ?如果車子有什么問題我該怎么辦?
I think these tires need some air. ? ? ? ?我想這些輪胎要打點氣百炬。
Will it (insurance) cover the rental car? ? ? ? 租車包括保險嗎?
I want to rent an economy car. ? ? ? 我要租一輛省油車。
I like/prefer a station wagon, if possible, with automatic transmission.
I want to rent a car with agood stereo ['sti?ri?u]. ? ? ?我想要租一輛音響好的車子淆两。
I'd like to reserve one fornext Friday. ? ? ?我想預定一輛,下星期五用锯玛。
I will pick it up here nextTuesday at 10am and return itnext Friday by noon.
Is there a deposit? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 要保證金嗎?
Can you have someone come pick up the car? ? ? ? 你可以派人來把車子開回去嗎?
How do I pay? ? ? ? ? 我該怎么付款?
Can I pay by credit card? ? ? ? ? ? ?我可以用信用卡付帳嗎?
Can I put it on my card? ? ? ? ? ? ?我可以刷卡嗎?
Can I get a different car? ? ? ? ? ?我可以租別的車嗎?
We want you return the car with a full tank of gas. ? ? ? ?還車時我們要求油箱要加滿。
Do you have any cars available? ? ? ? ? ?你們現(xiàn)在有空車嗎?
What are your daily rates? ? ? ? ? ?每天的租金是多少?
It depends on the kind of car you want to rent. ? ? ? ? ? 依你要租的車而定历等。