? 對比中西方的精神文化基礎(chǔ)结胀,我們不難發(fā)現(xiàn):中國文化的精神基礎(chǔ)并沒有很濃的宗教意識(shí)漓雅。這其中的原因是什么怜森?通過閱讀馮友蘭先生的《中國哲學(xué)簡史》(趙復(fù)三先生譯)仍律,我對這個(gè)問題有了新的看法。
? 我將文中的觀點(diǎn)總結(jié)為如下兩點(diǎn):
? 以我們熟悉的佛教為例呆馁,佛教是無神論的,但仍有上層建筑毁兆,即佛教弟子相信業(yè)報(bào):每一個(gè)人都是因與果浙滤、業(yè)與報(bào)的連環(huán)套。此外气堕,我們耳熟能詳?shù)闹T行無常纺腊、諸法無我畔咧、緣起性空這些都是佛陀對于人生的系統(tǒng)思考。
? 有意思的是揖膜,佛教并沒有為中國文化添加了宗教色彩誓沸,反而是帶來了思辨的方法論,豐富了此后的儒家和道家學(xué)說壹粟。
? 人總是不滿足于現(xiàn)實(shí)世界而去追求超越,這是人類的共性趁仙,中國人和其他民族并無二致洪添,這也是一個(gè)不言而喻的事實(shí)。中國人在追求超越的過程中雀费,過于注重對人生的系統(tǒng)思考干奢,在這樣的思考中找到了超越的存在,如盏袄,儒家的倫理忿峻、道家之道、佛學(xué)中的“空”辕羽。
Religion and the Spiritual Foundation of Chinese Culture
The difference between spiritual foundations of western and Chinese culture is quite straight-forward: religion does not ever play a vital role in Chinese culture. What is the underlying reason? I've got some insight after reading 'a short history of Chinese philosophy' by Feng Youlan, translated by Zhao Fusan.
Two main arguments are as follows:
? First, religion is a combination of upper structure and a systematic reflection on human life.?
? Here I take religious Buddhism, a religion we Chinese are not supposed to be unfamiliar with, as an example. Atheistic as Buddhism is, the upper structure also exists: Buddhists believe in the law of Karma, which claims no being can ever escape the causal connectedness between cause and effect, between our actions and their consequences. Besides the upper structure, notions echoing in our culture, such as "nothing is impermanent", "No-Self", "Teachings on Dependent Arising", are all Buddha's systematic reflection on human life.?
? What's more intriguing is that religious Buddhism has never brought religion back on the stage of Chinese culture. On the contrary, religious Buddhism steps down and adds a dialectical method of thinking in the methodology repertoire of Confucian and Taoism thoughts.?
?Second, Chinese found transcendence in the very reflection on life.
? People rarely get satisfied in the experience world and strive to search anything beyond. It is apt and self-evident to say it is human nature, and viewing in the scope of such a nature, Chinese are no exception but lay much more emphasis on reflection.?Chinese found transcendence in the very reflection on life: ethical rules in Confucianism, "Path" in Taoism, and "Emptiness" in Buddhism.?