How can I make better use of my time? I'm sick of wasting time
Nela Canovic,Life is easier and much better with shortcuts. Updated Jun 22
Try one or all of these 10 tips on making the best use of your time:
1.Create a perfect workspace.
Don’t wait until the last minute to get everything ready for the work you'll need to complete. Gather all materials the night before so that you don't waste time in the morning looking for them. This applies to reference materials (bookmark them in your browser or write notes that you'll have handy on your desk), a plan for the day (checklist of tasks you need to complete), a bottle of water at your desk, an energy snack (a power bar or a fruit and nut mix). Some more tips to consider:
Too much noise from family or roommates?Pack it all up and go to the library, then find a desk in the back so you don't get distracted by anyone walking by.
Coworkers chatting non-stop? Invest in a good pair of noise-cancelling headphones, and if possible get away from your desk for an hour and find a table in the cafeteria or an empty conference room so that you can concentrate on an important deadline.
2.Always have a goal to aspire to.
When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you are less likely to waste time on things that are not related to those goals. The bonus: everything you do starts feeling that it has purpose. To help you focus better on your goals, try this technique:
Start each day with the question:What is the ONE THING I am committed to completing today?This question forces you to prioritize, helps your brain focus better, and streamlines the work you need to do on that particular day, so that you don't feel stressed and overwhelmed with having to make too many choices.
3.Find out how your brain works.
There is a way to work smarter (in less time) rather than harder (in more time): optimize your brain performance. For one week, keep a log of all mental activities you perform in the morning, midday, afternoon and evening. You will notice a pattern in how your brain works at a certain time of day. Then, adjust your schedule to accommodate the activities depending on what's right for your brain and when. For example:
Mornings can be great for doing deep work, i.e. work that requires a lot of your concentration. Some scientists call this the brain’s peak performance time, and it's roughly 2-4 hours after we wake up. So, for example, if you wake up at 6, your peak times are between 8 and 10 a.m. Block this time off for your analytical brain to perform the most complex tasks that require a lot of focus.
Early afternoons are great for collaborating.This covers the 12-4 p.m. time range, when you take a lunch break and the few hours after, when you are more likely to socialize. It's a good time of day to schedule meetings, brainstorm ideas with others, and work together on projects where you can provide feedback and get recommendations on your work.
Evenings, usually around 5-9 p.m., can be scheduled forstrategic thinking. This is when the brain eases into a different tempo when it can be more creative. If you're setting goals and strategizing where you want to be in 6 months' time or a year with your personal development or career, this is when you can outline your next steps. It's a great time for creating and contemplating the big picture.
4.Become a pro at time management.
Why would you waste hours at your desk working but not really being as productive as you could be? Try a different approach to your work:
When you're ready to start studying,use a timer to divide up your time into manageable increments that will allow your brain to focus in a more targeted and effective way. Set the timer to 30 or 60 minute increments to maximize concentration.
For even shorter periods of concentration, try the Pomodoro techniquewhich consists of 25 minute blocks of time, followed by 5 minute breaks. When you're done with one segment, step away from your desk and do something completely unrelated to work to give your brain a chance to rest: take a 5-minute walk to get some fresh air, stretch your body for a few minutes, grab a cup of coffee or tea.
5.Ignore distractions successfully.
Distractions can easily make you slip from the work you are focusing on, and can waste time without you even noticing. Reading email and constantly checking your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter feed prevents you from focusing and can make you feel overwhelmed. Even worse: studies have shown that this multitasking can lower your IQ by 10 points!
Make a conscious effort to avoid distractions as much as possible. Here’s how:
Set your phone to Airplane mode when you need to focus without any disturbances.
Set expectations with others by letting them know you won't be available in the next few hours, so they don’t interrupt you with their requests, questions or comments.
Check your email and social media apps only 2–3 times a day (around lunchtime, later in the afternoon, and evening).
Avoid browsing the Internet or reading the daily news; leave these activities for later after you've completed all the items you’ve listed in your daily plan.
To Be Continued……
Nela Canovic Productivity hacker, writer, entrepreneur in Silicon Valley