
一. 使用用例

    OkHttpclient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().build();
    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
    Call<ResponseBody> request(@Query("name") String name);
    IService service = retrofit.create(IService.class); 
    Call<ResponseBody> call = service.request("test");
    call.enqueue(new Callable() {

二. 源碼解析

1. Retrofit.Build

    public Builder() {
    Builder(Platform platform) {
            this.platform = platform;
            converterFactories.add(new BuiltInConverters());
    public Retrofit build() {
        if (baseUrl == null) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("Base URL required.");

        okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory = this.callFactory;
        if (callFactory == null) {
             callFactory = new OkHttpClient();

        Executor callbackExecutor = this.callbackExecutor;
        if (callbackExecutor == null) {
            callbackExecutor = platform.defaultCallbackExecutor();

        List<CallAdapter.Factory> adapterFactories = new ArrayList<>(this.adapterFactories);

       List<Converter.Factory> converterFactories = new ArrayList<>(this.converterFactories);

       return new Retrofit(callFactory, baseUrl, converterFactories, adapterFactories,
                    callbackExecutor, validateEagerly);

  1. 如果沒有設置CallAdapter,對于Android平臺诊胞,默認使用ExecutorCallAdapterFactory
  2. 如果沒有設置ConvertFactory, 默認使用BuiltInConverters

2. Retrofit.create

    public <T> T create(final Class<T> service) {
        if (validateEagerly) {
            //如果是Android平臺庸队,isDefaultMethod = false, 將service中所有method都生成對應的
        return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{service},
                new InvocationHandler() {
                    private final Platform platform = Platform.get();

                    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
                            throws Throwable {
                        if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
                            return method.invoke(this, args);
                        //Android平臺isDefaultMethod = false
                        if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {
                            return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);
                        ServiceMethod<Object, Object> serviceMethod =
                                (ServiceMethod<Object, Object>) loadServiceMethod(method);
                        OkHttpCall<Object> okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);
                        return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall);
  1. 首先校驗傳入的Class是不是一個接口
  2. 因為默認的validateEagly = false, 所以不執(zhí)行eagerlyValidateMethods方法,該方法實質上根據(jù)接口中的所有方法生成每個方法相應的ServiceMethod逢唤,并放入緩存
  3. 創(chuàng)建動態(tài)代理(核心步驟)拉讯,以后每次調用接口的方法都會調用InvocationHandler.invoke(...)方法

2.1 Retrofit.loadServiceMethod

    ServiceMethod<?, ?> loadServiceMethod(Method method) {
        ServiceMethod<?, ?> result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
        if (result != null)
            return result;

        synchronized (serviceMethodCache) {
            result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
            if (result == null) {
                result = new ServiceMethod.Builder<>(this, method).build();
                serviceMethodCache.put(method, result);
        return result;


2.2 ServiceMethod.Builder

Builder(Retrofit retrofit, Method method) {
    this.retrofit = retrofit;
    this.method = method;
    this.methodAnnotations = method.getAnnotations();
    this.parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
    this.parameterAnnotationsArray = method.getParameterAnnotations();

public ServiceMethod build() {
      //獲取CallAdapter, 【2.2.1】
     callAdapter = createCallAdapter();
     responseType = callAdapter.responseType();
     if (responseType == Response.class||responseType == okhttp3.Response.class) {
     //如果沒有設置Converter,默認的Converter是BuiltInConverter, 通過
     //如果Annotation中Streaming, 則返回StreamingResponseBodyConverter鳖藕, 
     responseConverter = createResponseConverter();
     //處理方法的注釋, 【2.2.3】
     for (Annotation annotation : methodAnnotations) {
     if (httpMethod == null) {
           throw methodError(...);

     if (!hasBody) {
         if (isMultipart) {
                throw methodError(..);
         if (isFormEncoded) {
               throw methodError(...);

     //處理參數(shù)的注解, 【2.2.4】
     int parameterCount = parameterAnnotationsArray.length;
     parameterHandlers = new ParameterHandler<?>[parameterCount];
     for (int p = 0; p < parameterCount; p++) {
           Type parameterType = parameterTypes[p];
            if (Utils.hasUnresolvableType(parameterType)) {
                 throw parameterError(...);

            Annotation[] parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotationsArray[p];
            if (parameterAnnotations == null) {
                  throw parameterError(...);

            parameterHandlers[p] = parseParameter(p, parameterType, parameterAnnotations);

       if (relativeUrl == null && !gotUrl) {
              throw methodError(...);
       //GET, DELETE等方法不可以有@Body
       if (!isFormEncoded && !isMultipart && !hasBody && gotBody) {
             throw methodError(...);
       if (isFormEncoded && !gotField) {
             throw methodError(...);
       if (isMultipart && !gotPart) {
             throw methodError(...);
       return new ServiceMethod<>(this);
  1. 獲取CallAdapter
  2. 獲取Call<T>中T的具體類型院尔,并確保T并不是retrofit2.Reponse或okhttp3.Response
  3. 獲取Converter
  4. 處理方法注釋
  5. 注釋參數(shù)注釋

2.2.1 ServiceMethod.createCallAdapter

private CallAdapter<T, R> createCallAdapter() {
      Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
       if (Utils.hasUnresolvableType(returnType)) {
             throw methodError(...);
       if (returnType == void.class) {
            throw methodError(...);
      Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
      try {
             return (CallAdapter<T, R>) retrofit.callAdapter(returnType, annotations);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) { 
             throw methodError(...);
} Retrofit.callAdapter

    public CallAdapter<?, ?> callAdapter(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations) {
        return nextCallAdapter(null, returnType, annotations);
    public CallAdapter<?, ?> nextCallAdapter(CallAdapter.Factory skipPast, Type returnType,
                                             Annotation[] annotations) {
        checkNotNull(returnType, "returnType == null");
        checkNotNull(annotations, "annotations == null");

        int start = adapterFactories.indexOf(skipPast) + 1;
        for (int i = start, count = adapterFactories.size(); i < count; i++) {
            //如果沒有顯示的設置蜻展,Android平臺的默認只有一個CallAdapter.Factory -> ExecutorCallAdapterFactory
            CallAdapter<?, ?> adapter = adapterFactories.get(i).get(returnType, annotations, this);
            if (adapter != null) {
                return adapter;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);
    } ExecutorCallAdapterFactory.get()

    public CallAdapter<?, ?> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
        if (getRawType(returnType) != Call.class) {
            return null;
        final Type responseType = Utils.getCallResponseType(returnType);
        return new CallAdapter<Object, Call<?>>() {
            public Type responseType() {
                return responseType;

            public Call<Object> adapt(Call<Object> call) {
                return new ExecutorCallbackCall<>(callbackExecutor, call);

2.2.2 ServiceMethod.createResponseConverter()

    private Converter<ResponseBody, T> createResponseConverter() {
            Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
            try {
                return retrofit.responseBodyConverter(responseType, annotations);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) { 
                 throw methodError(...);
        } Retrofit.responseBodyConverter

    public <T> Converter<ResponseBody, T> responseBodyConverter(Type type, Annotation[] annotations) {
        return nextResponseBodyConverter(null, type, annotations);
    public <T> Converter<ResponseBody, T> nextResponseBodyConverter(Converter.Factory skipPast,Type type, Annotation[] annotations) {
        checkNotNull(type, "type == null");
        checkNotNull(annotations, "annotations == null");

        int start = converterFactories.indexOf(skipPast) + 1;
        for (int i = start, count = converterFactories.size(); i < count; i++) {
            //如果沒有顯示設置, convertFactories里面只有BuiltInConverters
            Converter<ResponseBody, ?> converter =
                    converterFactories.get(i).responseBodyConverter(type, annotations, this);
            if (converter != null) {
                return (Converter<ResponseBody, T>) converter;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);
    } BuiltInConverters.responseBodyConverter

    public Converter<ResponseBody, ?> responseBodyConverter(Type type, Annotation[] annotations,
                                                            Retrofit retrofit) {
        if (type == ResponseBody.class) {
            return Utils.isAnnotationPresent(annotations, Streaming.class)
                    ? StreamingResponseBodyConverter.INSTANCE
                    : BufferingResponseBodyConverter.INSTANCE;
        if (type == Void.class) {
            return VoidResponseBodyConverter.INSTANCE;
        return null;

2.2.3 ServiceMethod.parseMethodAnnotation

    private void parseMethodAnnotation(Annotation annotation) {
            if (annotation instanceof DELETE) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("DELETE", ((DELETE) annotation).value(), false);
            else if (annotation instanceof GET) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("GET", ((GET) annotation).value(), false);
            else if (annotation instanceof HEAD) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("HEAD", ((HEAD) annotation).value(), false);
                if (!Void.class.equals(responseType)) {
                    throw methodError("HEAD method must use Void as response type.");
            else if (annotation instanceof PATCH) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("PATCH", ((PATCH) annotation).value(), true);
            else if (annotation instanceof POST) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("POST", ((POST) annotation).value(), true);
            else if (annotation instanceof PUT) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("PUT", ((PUT) annotation).value(), true);
            else if (annotation instanceof OPTIONS) {
                parseHttpMethodAndPath("OPTIONS", ((OPTIONS) annotation).value(), false);
            else if (annotation instanceof HTTP) {
                HTTP http = (HTTP) annotation;
                parseHttpMethodAndPath(http.method(), http.path(), http.hasBody());
            else if (annotation instanceof retrofit2.http.Headers) {
                String[] headersToParse = ((retrofit2.http.Headers) annotation).value();
                if (headersToParse.length == 0) {
                    throw methodError("@Headers annotation is empty.");
                headers = parseHeaders(headersToParse);
            else if (annotation instanceof Multipart) {
                if (isFormEncoded) {
                    throw methodError("Only one encoding annotation is allowed.");
                isMultipart = true;
            else if (annotation instanceof FormUrlEncoded) {
                if (isMultipart) {
                    throw methodError("Only one encoding annotation is allowed.");
                isFormEncoded = true;

parseMethodAnnotation方法主要就是用過parseHttpMethodAndPath方法設置ServiceMethhod的請求方法邀摆,相對Url, 是否有body等選項

2.2.4 ServiceMethod.parseParameter

private ParameterHandler<?> parseParameter(int p, Type parameterType, Annotation[] annotations) {
     ParameterHandler<?> result = null;
     for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
         ParameterHandler<?> annotationAction = parseParameterAnnotation(
                        p, parameterType, annotations, annotation);
         if (annotationAction == null) {
         if (result != null) {
              throw parameterError(...);
         result = annotationAction;

    if (result == null) {
        throw parameterError(p, "No Retrofit annotation found.");
    return result;


  • @Url
  • @Path
  • @Query
  • @QueryName
  • @QueryMap
  • @Header
  • @HeaderMap
  • @Field
  • @FieldMap
  • @Part
  • @PartMap
  • @Body

2.3 ServiceMethod.callAdapter.adapter

ServiceMethod.callAdapter是通過ExcecutorAdapterFactory.get()創(chuàng)建的一個匿名CallAdapter, 其實現(xiàn)為:

    new CallAdapter<Object, Call<?>>() {
            public Type responseType() {
                return responseType;

            public Call<Object> adapt(Call<Object> call) {
                return new ExecutorCallbackCall<>(callbackExecutor, call);
    static final class ExecutorCallbackCall<T> implements Call<T> {
        final Executor callbackExecutor;
        final Call<T> delegate;

由此可以看出,最終真正返回的是ExecutorCallbackCall, 其中delagateOkHttpCall

3. ExecutorCallbackCall.enqueue

    public void enqueue(final Callback<T> callback) {
        if (callback == null) throw new NullPointerException("callback == null");
        delegate.enqueue(new Callback<T>() {
             public void onResponse(Call<T> call, final Response<T> response) {
                    callbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            if (delegate.isCanceled()) {
                                callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, new IOException("Canceled"));
                            } else {
                                callback.onResponse(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, response);

             public void onFailure(Call<T> call, final Throwable t) {
                    callbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, t);


3.1 OkHttpCall.enqueue

    public void enqueue(final Callback<T> callback) {
        if (callback == null) throw new NullPointerException("callback == null");

        okhttp3.Call call;
        Throwable failure;

        synchronized (this) {
            if (executed)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already executed.");
            executed = true;

            call = rawCall;
            failure = creationFailure;
            if (call == null && failure == null) {
                try {
                    call = rawCall = createRawCall();
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    failure = creationFailure = t;

        if (failure != null) {
            callback.onFailure(this, failure);

        if (canceled) {
        call.enqueue(new okhttp3.Callback() {
            public void onResponse(okhttp3.Call call, okhttp3.Response rawResponse)
                    throws IOException {
                Response<T> response;
                try {
                    response = parseResponse(rawResponse);
                } catch (Throwable e) {

            public void onFailure(okhttp3.Call call, IOException e) {
                try {
                    callback.onFailure(OkHttpCall.this, e);
                } catch (Throwable t) {

            private void callFailure(Throwable e) {
                try {
                    callback.onFailure(OkHttpCall.this, e);
                } catch (Throwable t) {

            private void callSuccess(Response<T> response) {
                try {
                    callback.onResponse(OkHttpCall.this, response);
                } catch (Throwable t) {

3.1.1 OkHttpCall.createNewCall

    private okhttp3.Call createRawCall() throws IOException {
        //這里的args就是被動態(tài)代理的方法的參數(shù), 【】
        Request request = serviceMethod.toRequest(args);
        okhttp3.Call call = serviceMethod.callFactory.newCall(request);
        if (call == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Call.Factory returned null.");
        return call;

OkHttpClient同樣實現(xiàn)了okhttp3.Call.Factory接口隧熙, 而通過步驟【1】和【2.2】的代碼可以看出, 這里的callFactory就是OkHttpClient,所以調用的是OkhttpClient.newCall(實際返回一個okhttp3.RealCall) ServiceMethod.toRequest

    Request toRequest(Object... args) throws IOException {
        RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(httpMethod, baseUrl, relativeUrl, headers,
                contentType, hasBody, isFormEncoded, isMultipart);

         ParameterHandler<Object>[] handlers = (ParameterHandler<Object>[]) parameterHandlers;

        int argumentCount = args != null ? args.length : 0;
        if (argumentCount != handlers.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument count (" + argumentCount
                    + ") doesn't match expected count (" + handlers.length + ")");

        for (int p = 0; p < argumentCount; p++) {
            //不同參數(shù)的注釋有對應不同的handler, 以Query為例片挂,其handler是Query<T>
            handlers[p].apply(requestBuilder, args[p]);


這個方法的核心調用在于handlers[p].apply,不同的參數(shù)注釋幻林,對應這不同的ParameterHandler,以@Query為例贞盯,它所對應的ParammeterHandlerQuery<T>, Query<T>.apply的作用是將@Query所修飾的參數(shù)轉為String類型并添加到要請求的url的query string中

3.1.2 OkHttpCall.parseResponse

Response<T> parseResponse(okhttp3.Response rawResponse) throws IOException {
        ResponseBody rawBody = rawResponse.body();

        // Remove the body's source (the only stateful object) so we can pass the response along.
        rawResponse = rawResponse.newBuilder()
                .body(new NoContentResponseBody(rawBody.contentType(), rawBody.contentLength()))

        int code = rawResponse.code();
        if (code < 200 || code >= 300) {
            try {
                // Buffer the entire body to avoid future I/O.
                ResponseBody bufferedBody = Utils.buffer(rawBody);
                return Response.error(bufferedBody, rawResponse);
            } finally {

        if (code == 204 || code == 205) {
            return Response.success(null, rawResponse);

        ExceptionCatchingRequestBody catchingBody = new ExceptionCatchingRequestBody(rawBody);
        try {
            T body = serviceMethod.toResponse(catchingBody);
            return Response.success(body, rawResponse);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // If the underlying source threw an exception, propagate that rather than indicating it was
            // a runtime exception.
            throw e;

3.1.3 ServiceMethod.toResponse

    R toResponse(ResponseBody body) throws IOException {
        return responseConverter.convert(body);

在之前【2.2.2】中可以得知, 如果沒有設置Converter沪饺,則使用默認的BuiltInConverter來獲取對應的response convert, 如果方法中有@Streaming注釋躏敢,則responseConverterStreamingResponseBodyConverter, 否則是BufferingResponseBodyConverter, 一般情況下不會有@Streaming注釋

3.1.4 Converter.convert StreamingResponseBodyConverter
    static final class StreamingResponseBodyConverter
            implements Converter<ResponseBody, ResponseBody> {
        static final StreamingResponseBodyConverter INSTANCE = new StreamingResponseBodyConverter();

        public ResponseBody convert(ResponseBody value) throws IOException {
            return value;
    } BufferingResponseBodyConverter
static final class BufferingResponseBodyConverter
            implements Converter<ResponseBody, ResponseBody> {
        static final BufferingResponseBodyConverter INSTANCE = new BufferingResponseBodyConverter();

    public ResponseBody convert(ResponseBody value) throws IOException {
       try {
            // Buffer the entire body to avoid future I/O.
            return Utils.buffer(value);
        } finally {
static ResponseBody buffer(final ResponseBody body) throws IOException {
    Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
    return ResponseBody.create(body.contentType(), body.contentLength(), buffer);

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  • Retrofit是squareup公司的開源力作伙判,和同屬squareup公司開源的OkHttp象对,一個負責網(wǎng)絡調度,...
    藍灰_q閱讀 41,519評論 23 281
  • 最近非常流行 Retrofit+RxJava+OkHttp 這一整套的網(wǎng)絡請求和異步操作的開源框架宴抚,從 Jake ...
    慌不要慌閱讀 1,974評論 1 7
  • Retrofit是一個Android網(wǎng)絡框架勒魔。是一個對OKHttp框架的簡單封裝。所以其內部實現(xiàn)原理實際上也是...
    龍城_閱讀 13,018評論 0 16