Problems: Precious time are wasted for useless and inefficient meetings are widely seen in many organizations. Therefore, we have to establish an effective company meeting system.
Five Common Pitfalls
1. No agenda, No preparation. Don’t go for such meeting.
Solution: it is compulsory for management to decide the theme and agenda, issues to be solved and fundamental direction. Make it clear, make it more efficient.
2. not all meetings are suitable for problem solving.
Solution: To consider the audiences.
3. It is not mean for public criticizing.?
Management intend to change the people who made mistakes by public criticizing, however the reality is this person will not appreciate your efforts because of losing face.
Solution: Praise more than criticizing. Learn it from "The One Minute Manager’
4. meeting is dictated by boss
Silence is killer. There is one but only perspective from boss, neither other employees.
Solution:Inspire employee. Employees talk first, followed by boss.
5. No deliverable after long meetings.
Solution: clear agenda is the key. Good preparation, productive discussion and agreement of decision will lead to a successful meeting.
Systematic ways to develop a meeting system.
1.Morning meeting
Daily morning meeting is targeted to know each employee within set time frame, usually less than 15mins. Following are five key objectives:
1) Training:common problems solving sharing and learning.
2) Motivation: positive environment to motivate employees
3) Communication: information, daily task, KPIs,work priorities to set clear direction.
4) Practice: to build up employee confidence by organization, communication and leadership practicing.
5) Cultivation: best time to cultivate the company vision, mission and culture. In order to enhance the overall capabilities.
2.Evening meeting.
Two key objectives: daily wrap up and resolve problems; plan for tomorrow.
Typical questions include: what problems have you faced today? How to solve these problems? What should I need improve?
3. Weekly meeting
Key employees will wrap up activities this week and plan for next week.
It will improve the connection between departments and learn from each other.
4. Monthly meeting
Monthly meeting promotes the best employees last month. It will also clarify the company direction next month including the target status, promotion, best story sharing, company and department targets setting and company challenge.
5. Quarterly strategic workshop
Wrap up work last quarter and clarify the strategic plan for next quarter. Two full days are used to have deep brainstorming between the top management.
Review the product, market and team development status, determine the company and department directions in order to achieve yearly target.
6. Anniversary celebration and annual meeting
They are important for any company to motivate employee Pride and sense of belonging.