Today we had choice for camp.
Choice is when you get to pick one activity out of three activities. The choices for this week were Facepainting, canoeing and outdoor living skills. I chose outdoor living skills.
In outdoor living skills we got to build shelters out of nature. First we started with a big strong stick, then we put lots of big and little sticks around it. Next we added some pieces of bark. ?We also got to put more sticks on the shelter. After we added lots of leaves and decorated the inside and outside. It looked really good! Finally we got to go in and test if it was waterproof. When we tested it, our shelter was waterproof!
In face painting, some people face painted, in butterflies, Tigers, happy faces and sun. My friend went to face painting, and she got her face painted like a butterfly.
In canoeing, people got to row boats with a paddle in the river. The people that were in canoes saw the chain of a dragon that is stuck underwater.
Those were all the activities in choice today.
I had lots of a fun building a shelter in outdoor living skills! ?I had a fabulous time!