SourceTree 2.7 - Major Release [9 January 2018]
Note: this resets your column layout and is a one-time change for the 2.7 release
Bitbucket Pipelines
First of its kind: view build status in-app for a seamless CI/CD workflow
Quickly review runs for a commit without context switching
Receive on-screen notifications when a build transitions between states
Works with multiple Bitbucket Cloud accounts - associate one per repository
Automatic refresh when pushing, pulling, fetching, or opening a repository (also manual refresh)
Hide or show the new build status column on a per-repository basis
Migrate to Bitbucket Cloud
Easy to use option for test driving Atlassian's code hosting service
Transfers existing branches and tags, updates remotes accordingly
"View Remote" toolbar and menu item to open the Bitbucket Cloud or GitHub website for that repository
Increased font size and row height for sidebar and commit graphs
Restored border around labels and selected graph nodes
Update to embedded Mercurial 4.4.2 including hg-flow and hg-subversion
Update to embedded Git-LFS 2.3.4
Enforce proper branch and tag name formatting
Bug Fixes
- Optimized and increased reliability around theme switching
- Text is visible again when editing in the Repository Browser (regardless of theme)
- Darkened the text color of line numbers in light theme to icrease readability
- Use the proper text color for headers in fluid staging regardless of theme
- Mercurial's new branch indicator is readable again in dark theme
- Prevent clipping of contents in Git's Checkout window
- Correct problem with Bitbucket Server remotes link when cloning
- Address problems with SSH keys that could prevent welcome wizard from proceeding
- Prevent multiple 'create bookmarks' windows from opening at the same time
- Stop remote repositories from loading when accounts are edited
- Hide hosting service popup when editing an existing account
- Correct case where you couldn't save GitHub accounts with SSH
- Fix issue that prevented loading all remote repositories from Bitbucket Server
- Fix Fabric Crash Report #4442 (keychain saving)
- Update to Sparkle 1.18.1
- Update to CocoaLumberjack 3.2.0
- Update to Crashlytics 3.9.3
- Update to Fabric 1.7.2
- Updated localizations
Known Issues
- Doesn't dynamically load older commit statuses when scrolling
- Keyboard navigation for popovers isn't available
2 倉庫的稅率選擇和參考碼部分
tax option
<div className={editing ? classes.editContainer : classes.container}>
{listing.taxOptionIds.length ? (
<Multiple name="taxOptionIds">
getter={(taxOptionId) => {
const option = taxOptions.find(({id}) => taxOptionId === id )
return option && option.name
) : <div className={classes.multipleEmpty}>No data to display</div>}
reference code
<div className={classes.multipleBox}>
<div className={editing ? classes.editContainer : classes.container}>
{listing.listingReferenceCodes.length ? (
<Multiple name="listingReferenceCodes">
getter={(listingReferenceCodes) => {
return listingReferenceCodes.code
) : <div className={classes.multipleEmpty}>No Reference Code</div>}
<div className={classes.fieldHeader}>
<div className={classes.fieldTitle}>Reference Code</div>
{editing && (
placeholder="Please input"
onClick={(e) => this.handleAddRefCode(e)}
3 增加API
var updateReferenceCodes = function (id, store_id, codes) {
return $http.put($rootScope.api + '/api/v2/stores/' + store_id
+ '/listings/' + id + '/reference_codes', { codes }