Day161 | 遇見POWH3D(二) - justo、inventor疫稿、sumpunk語(yǔ)錄2018-02-01



Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 Dont
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 This is why we were rewriting the code from scratch
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 this pajeet math
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 because
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 the retard
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:14 didnt fix the backdoor
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:15 to work on his contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:17 use your escape hatch
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:17 you fools
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:18 we uhh
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:18 were rewriting code honestly
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:18 because of this kind of thing
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:18 smart contracts not even once
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:19 Probably
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:19 they're fun but terrifying
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:21 hold on
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:21 we're uhh
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:21 making sure people can get out
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:21 okay
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:26 <p><li><b>PLEASE SAVE THIS SOMEWHERE SAFE</b> If for any reason this website goes down, you can open up a Transaction through Metamask, Send 0 Ether with a 150k Gas Limit to the Contract and send "0xb1e35242" under additional data for a personal exit scheme. This is the getMeOutOfHere() function on the contract and will cash you out of all tokens and dividends. </li></p>, <p>Address =: 0xa7ca36f7273d4d38fc2aec5a454c497f86728a7a#code</p>
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:28 e44 isnt 9
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:34 lol divine
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:34 divine you better take yours down
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:34 this shit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:34 real nigga hours goin on
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 I think its fairly clear that we won't go up with the same script
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 and that all copycat ponzis
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 will not go up with that contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 But
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 our team was making a new one
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 But we definitely need to understand
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:35 what was going on here
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 >compensation for a site that says you'll lose all money you throw at it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 hmmmmm
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 we'll see if we can get in contact with the guy who got out with all of it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 who the fuck
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 is buying into OG
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 USE THE ESCAPE HATCHES
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:37 GET OUT
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:38 oh for fucks sake
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:38 who linked the contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:38 what shitters
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:38 lel
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:43 impressive
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:44 this discord
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:44 will be it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:45 pretty scary stuff
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:45 we'll see
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:45 i gotta rewrite the full page
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 im just impressed
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 that
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 i made two ponzis
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 and got ponzied by both
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 like
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 thats high quality
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 i like blockchain
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 no
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 i actually had nothing in OG
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 14:50 but now i have to fix this mess
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:02 all of the clones do
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:02 you can do this on any clone
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:02 lol
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:03 because they just took our code
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:09 Yes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:10 we can relaunch it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:10 ^^^^
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 I didn't know until it was too late Deebo
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 no
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 its the same contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 all the contracts
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 they stole from us
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:11 and that had the same bug
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:13 scammers
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:13 are posting the UI
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:33 guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:33 how do i pay taxes on negative infinity dividends
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:54 no it didnt
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:54 at no point
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:54 was it a good investment
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 15:55 lets get some double just roles in here
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:00 ?role all Just
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:06 Dont worry guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:06 take out a third loan
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:06 we'll do another one
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:06 PoJH > Proof of JUSTED Hands
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:10 JFMSU coin
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:18 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:18 it tells you
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:18 when you buy in
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 that you're going to lose everything
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 i didnt
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 MEAN
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 for you to lose everything
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 if it makes you any more entertained
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 four other ponzi schemes that copied our site
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 got
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:19 rekt
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:28 honestly
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:29 We're working on it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:29 get prepared for JUST 3: THE RETURN OF JUST
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:36 hes trolling
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:37 but me having to tell you that worries me
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:37 fucking hell though
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:37 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:37 contract is not being fixed tonight
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:37 go to sleep
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:38 Nobody here is mad
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:38 they're intensely amused
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:41 When you opened and paid into your site, you were paying for the fun
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:42 its fun dude
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:42 the entire site was a game, and it got played
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:50 market correction on a ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:50 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:50 100% to 0%
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:52 shit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:52 ima post that on our official twitter
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 @everyone yeah, just be aware that we were already taking steps to create new contracts
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 but jesus christ
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 like
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 if you just me one more time
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 ALRIGHT GUYS
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 ITS TIME
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 FOR MEMES
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 REV UP YOUR MEME ENGINES
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:56 ITS GONNA BE A LONG NIGHT
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:57 stop asking for money you fools
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:57 you lost the game
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 16:57 play the next one better
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:11 ?role all DOUBLE JUST
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:12 @AlexCryptoPro#7774 sent ;)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 such is life
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 in world of ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 honestly
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 begging is gonna get really annoying
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 To be fair
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:14 if you guys do get in on the next one early
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 i mean
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 i would suggest
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 trying to not lose money this time
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 just try harder
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 the site was literally like
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 actually
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 you know
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 i SAID
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 not to trust the fucking insane mathematical gambling robot
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:15 i said it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:19 dem russian hackers
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:23 im pretty sure crypto is actually all ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:23 but we got you guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:23 we'll get you to gains status again
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:23 one day
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 this one honestly i thought was going to go on forever
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 but
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 i mean
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 it will
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 just
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 i will
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:29 ill use
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 all -60 eth
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 i used
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 fml
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 i made a ponzi scheme and ponzied myself
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 twice
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30 you think i have the money indes?
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:30
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 we had uhh
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 a user determine an exploit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 and instead of telling the devs
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 accidentally
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 released it on a public discord
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 and reddit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 and the best part is
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 that user
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 got JUSTED out of taking it themselves
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:31 because someone else did it first
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 (meme)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 oh god
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 what
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 there's other coins that have this in it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 oh for fucks sake
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 like what
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:32 lets take them
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:33 link thread
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 17:33 4chan is always right
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:01 (gif)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 It's very interesting
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 honestly
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 after tonight
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 im just terrified of the blockchain
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 i mean yeah
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:02 but the problems are twofold
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:03 Eth network is very flawed
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:04 the fact that you cant edit smart contracts
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:04 at all
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:04 thats rough stuff
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:05 well i mean
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:05 the thing is you can't trust them because there's some way to break them
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:05 bitcoin has been updated
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:05 many times
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:06 the thing is really
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:06 we grabbed a cool smart contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:06 built a cool site
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:06 put effort into it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:06 and we found out
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 that you literally cant do that
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 you have to have a top notch super strict coding process
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 with massive amounts of background checks
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 and research and testing
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 I mean you can blame the devs here
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 but christ
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:07 two different fucked up bugs
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:08 on two different schemes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:08 We're going to remake PowH
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:08 dont you worry about that
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:09 We're trying to make a ""Smart""Ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:09 and the problem was
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:09 we made a kinda smart ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:09 but someone was smarter
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:18 (sadness)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:19 we have someone working on it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:19 i assume hes going to take the money and run
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:19 clap for him
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:26 (happy)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:26 its okay guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:26 just a little beaten up
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:26 just a little bit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:31 >intentionally added a backdoor
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 18:31 no
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:15 wait
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:15 what are we fudding
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:15 can we fud something
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:15 lol
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:15 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 i've seen people talking about taking other tokens down
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 so
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 it looks like a mass spread bug in token coding
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 that's going to hit the fucking fan today
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 what a time
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 to be alive
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 someone linked me a coin
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:16 that has the bug
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:17 and its not a small one (meme)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 it's a failure to account for a coding overflow in sol code
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 in smart contract scripting
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 aka
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 it literally
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 JUST
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 got found
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 by fucking over our ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 no joke
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 dude
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 like
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 6 hours
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 no way
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:18 this is gonna hit some fucking fans
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:24
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:24 you guys should read the twitter
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:24 im pumping gold
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:24 this is one for the fucking history books guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 Alright guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 im going to screencap those
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 because
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 this needs a /biz/ thread
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 we accidentally fucked EVERYTHING
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 GUYS
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:27 GUYS
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:28 WE ACCIDENTALLY
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:28 EXIT SCHEMED
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:28 THE ENTIRE ERC20 NETWORK
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:31 >400 followers in 2 minutes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:31 oh christ
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:31 THIS IS THE END
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:31 OF CRYPTO
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:31 MY FRIEND
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:34 no
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:34 just shitty smart contracts
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:38 this is insane guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:38 fuck off
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:38 im not telling anyone a coin thats broken
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 thats some shit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 dude
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 this is some real shit
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 we might actually fork ethereum
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 WE MIGHT ACTUALLY
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 FORK
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 ETHEREUM
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 GUYS
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 IM SORRY
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:39 I DIDNT MEAN TO
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:40 yes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:40 people are fucking leaving
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:40 erc20 tokens
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:40 to eth
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:40 you fool
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 are you guys ready
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 for memes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 like you have
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 never seen memes before
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 oh god wait i could look
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 someone give us link's source code
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:45 WHAT
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 (聊天記錄截圖)
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 do
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 me fucking proud guys
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 lets get some threads
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 link me some threads on /biz/
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 LOL
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:51 LOL
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:52 link the addy
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 19:52 oh lord
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:18 countdowns screwed us
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:18 but yeah
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:18 no they're gone
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:24 60k
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:26
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:31 we had great shitcode though
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:31 you couldn't read it at all
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:32 can
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:32 i stack overflow trezors
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:38 yep
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:38 and arc
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:38 decided telling reddit was a better idea then telling us
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:38 -.-
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:50 it's not going to be a problem
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 joke code
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 joke contract
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 got too big
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 it'll be fine
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 we'll just make another one
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 and youll trust biz again
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:51 @lil Ba' Peep#9037 you didnt fucking invest in anything
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:52 you literally threw money at a page telling you not to give it money
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:52 begging you not to
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:52 Eh
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:54 ?role all DOUBLE JUST
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:55 BAM
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:55 found one
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:55 Yeah go pajeet it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:55 also
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 if you guys find one
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 dont
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 tell everyone
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 go talk to the devs
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 first
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 please
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 okay
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 well then steal it yourself
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 unlike arc
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 who found out
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 and then didnt get it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 let shinobi take it all
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 i think he did
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 20:56 he banned the entire old discord before he started
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:04 im not our programmer
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:05 actually thats not true, i programmed a full buy/sell function into our script
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:05 and our pajeet
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:05 deleted it
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:05 and wrote his own
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:05 like
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 its fairly obvious that 1). The amount of money put into PoWH was too much for a copy paste joke from biz
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 its not hard to understand
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 we made a funny site
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 and 1m dollars vanished
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 thats really fucking funny
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 in itself
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 it is
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 yeah
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 someone
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:06 WON
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 lol
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 arc the devs are gone
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 its just me
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 playing the PR game
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 our devs are replaced by actual devs that want to actually make a coin
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 and we have some really cool ideas
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:07 i have a coin designed to murder whales
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 murder them
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 flat out
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 we'll see
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 no i dont care
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 someone else will
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:08 BUY BEANIE BABIES
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:09 yes
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 not yet
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 not yet?
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 lol
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 fuck im going to bed
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 we'll get a new coin out
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 no
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 you shilled pyramid in a non shilling channel
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:10 dude we're fine
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:11 people will buy shadow2
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 21:11 no worries
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:11 he's really annoying
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:12 i banned him once for it and told him not to
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:12 and he just did it again
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:13 ?purge noixez
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:13 ?purge Noixez 200
Justo#1300 2018/2/1 22:14 huh


Author Date Content Attachments
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:27 y tho
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:40 kek
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:40 whalebro so salty
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:40 ayy hol on
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:40
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:40 :DDDDD
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:41 w, TOPKEK, O, P, K, E, K
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:41 no I don't wanna get banned I'm actually interested in #education
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:42 j-just the tip senpai
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:48 I'll call you're mom if u no wat I mean
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:48 no
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:50 I got myself a call from you're mom
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:50 is what
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:51 yeah, something that was called a dox before retarded reddit gobbled it up
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:52 that's fud
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:52 no other erc20 token is broken in this way
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 because they actually have competent devs at work
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 oh no
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 please turn off that justin bieber
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 please
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 I can't
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 OH NO
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 22:53 whoop whoop
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:00 >fivehunnit
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:00 mate, up that tempo. 50k min or bust
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:03 it's not possible
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:04 it'd take you more eth to pay than the eth you'd get out
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:04 he put a dog on his brain mortgage
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:04 no
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:04 go away
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:43 wat
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:43 no
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:43 wtf
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:43 powh was eth
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/1 23:43 you mong


Author Date Content Attachments
inventor#6696 2018/2/1 16:38 @Justo#1300 anyway to execute console functions on the powhcoin website from chrome?



2018-07-27 L

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