練習材料:[Day 2776 2022-05-02]
L49-2: The ideal servant
Thoughmy aunt pursued what was, in those days, an enlightened policy, in that she never allowedher domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, she was extremely difficult to please. Whileshe always criticized the fickleness of human nature, she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servantto the end of her days,even after she had been sadly disillusioned by Bessie.Bessie worked for AuntHarriet for three years.During that time she so gained my aunt's confidence that she was put in charge of thedomestic staff. Aunt Harriet could not find words to praise Bessie'sindustriousness and efficiency. In addition to all her other qualifications, Bessie was an expertcook. She acted the role of the perfect servantfor three years before Aunt Harrietdiscovered her 'little weakness'. After being absentfrom the Gables for a week, my auntunexpectedly returned one afternoon with a party of guests and instructedBessie to prepare dinner.