? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A day is dedicated to learning English
? ? ? ?Today is the English class on this week's English class in the second quarter, in yesterday's English class after I make a new goal is to learn English today:
? ? ? ?1. The translation, I hope my translation in the English class today again myself thinking more, use less youdao translation. And then can't slack off, only translated text, not the main characters in the translation diary content words. Translation faster and a little not like today even there was no time for dictation.
? ? ? ? ?2. Dictation, in today's dictation, not deep words themselves trying to spell, don't just empty out. Of course, I don't know what do you mean you can also use to fight for his written in Chinese. Then listen to listen to it again like that in one go, then don't listen to pause it, because it with this without any help for individuals. But I found the two content I didn't finish well. I want to look for reason. Is today in translation when I was hopping is dedicated to find those simple pages less good translator to translate, I think I was thinking about before is probably is that most of the translation are themselves on the Internet to check, then only a small part of his translation, and then I think today is begin with simple, and then began to slowly, but I chose is too simple to there is no challenging myself. Then is to stay down the kid diary after the date of the translation, difficult or not, I think can ask ancent, even if you choose to choose some challenging to oneself.
? ? ? ?Then I think dictation today quite good, just not as usual to hear a pause that appearance, is listening are completely shun down today, it will continue to keep!
? ? ? ? ?And then also did not learn today Rosetta, is don't know why I recently always on Rosetta this learning English software, feelings is to ignore him. Next time be sure to add, because it was everybody's learning content, whatever the reason is still to learn.
? ?Hope next week's English class I can improve the bad place, can continue to keep good place