微微蹙眉,“你到底想講什么啊岛啸,就 寫作文要有個主旨的吧...”蝎困,“我是為了湊字數(shù)嘛哪里來的主旨啊...”(雖然心虛地不敢再看她的眉頭)护昧,然后就在圖書館一樓開始了原定30分鐘實則2小時的改作文的過程,雖然是她抱著我的電腦在改对竣,但我的任務同樣很重庇楞,因為我要一遍構思想詞一遍觀察她的神情(非常投入的樣子),在她糾結(jié)于一個詞的表達很多秒沒反映過來的時候我能講出她覺得合適的詞后竟然有種小小的成就感(越來越抖m了嗎)否纬。
“你知道這個詞什么意思嗎” ?“不知道” ?“你真的要去考托福嗎” ?“額...” ?“你不用記個筆記什么的嗎” ?“...”
下樓的路上我在跟她講我突然聯(lián)想到的一個事“rapper們常用respect這個詞吕晌,就算diss別的rapper有時候也會是種respect的方式,當初老萬diss天diss地就是沒有diss hippopman的時候临燃,hippopman還會覺得老萬看不起他...” ? ? ? ? ?“哈哈所以這是爸爸對你的愛” ? ? ? ? “有毒吧你....”
The Great Gatsby
The first time I got to know about the?Great Gatsby?was through Leonardo’s movie, which mostly attracts the audience with its luxury scenes. The movie was brilliant, of course, but I think what really matters in understanding the essence of this work is to understand the specific character -- Gatsby.
Both the movie and the literature mainly focus on how the upper class wasted their money on endless parties and luxuries. However, during my watching and reading, a question always hovered on my mind. How exactly did Gatsby, an ordinary people, get to embrace such a great deal of fortune? There were several clues in the book. Firstly, the story happened in 1920s, when the National Prohibition Act was published. So the business of selling alcohol, though illegal, had enormous interests. Gatsby seized the opportunity and earned a lot through this period. However to me, what impressed me more was the explanations in the last chapter, in which Nick, the narrator, paid a visit to Gatsby’s old friend. There, he found a neat manuscript with Gatsby’s schedule in 1906 on it. On the schedule, every single minute was distributed to specific activities such as doing exercise, reading and practising manners and behaviors. It was so concrete that Nick was astonished by his determination. The friend said during all those years, Gatsby always bore what he longed for in mind and stuck to his plan firmly. Without the resolution and the perseverance, he was definitely not able to reach such a position.
All the efforts that Gatsby paid was for pursuing the perfect love with Daisy. To reach this goal, he would abandon everything else, like moral and rules. Some reckon that it didn’t worth. But from my perspectives, one can’t fairly judge that another man’s value is noble or not. I don’t mind whether Gatsby’s chasing for love or his career. Just like I don’t really care which way he choose to realize his desire. Instead,I would rather focus on how Gatsby clearly understood what he yearned for and devoted all his life to it. At the end of the day, despite his miserable ending, he had live a meaningful life.?