Dan Robinson has been worried all week. Last Tuesday he received a letter?from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Dan wondered?why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. He was?amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen!
[d?n] [?r?b?ns?n] [h?z] [bi?n] [?w?rid] [??l] [wi?k].?[lɑ?st] [?tju?zde?] [hi?] [r??si?vd] [?] [?l?t?] [fr?m] [e?] [?l??k?l] [p??li?s].?[?n] [e?] [?l?t?] [hi?] [w?z] [ɑ?skt] [tu?] [k??l] [?t] [e?] [?ste???n].?[d?n] [?w?nd?d] [wa?] [hi?] [w?z] [?w?nt?d] [ba?] [e?] [p??li?s],?[b?t] [hi?] [w?nt] [tu?] [e?] [?ste???n] [?j?st?de?] [?nd] [na?] [hi?] [?z] [n?t] [?w?rid] [??ni] [m??].?[?t] [e?] [?ste???n],?[hi?] [w?z] [t??ld] [ba?] [?] [?sma?l??] [p??li?sm?n] [e?t] [h?z] [?ba?s?kl] [h?d] [bi?n] [fa?nd].?[fa?v] [de?z] [??g??],?[e?] [p??li?sm?n] [t??ld] [h?m],?[e?] [?ba?s?kl] [w?z] [p?kt] [?p] [?n] [?] [sm??l] [?v?l??] [f??] [?h?ndr?d] [ma?lz] [??we?].?[?t] [?z] [na?] [?bi???] [s?nt] [tu?] [h?z] [h??m] [ba?] [tre?n].?[d?n] [w?z] [m??st] [s??pra?zd] [w?n] [hi?] [h??d] [e?] [nju?z].?[hi?] [w?z] [??mju?zd] [tu?],?[b??k?z] [hi?] [?n?v?r] [?ks?p?kt?d] [e?] [?ba?s?kl] [tu?] [bi?] [fa?nd].?[?t] [w?z] [?st??l?n] [?tw?nti] [j??z] [??g??] [w?n] [d?n] [w?z] [?] [b??] [?v] [?f?f?ti?n]!
知識點:Dan wondered?why he was wanted by the police.
然而中文卻不會這么說,如果直譯會說:丹想知道為什么會被警察想要苞笨。哈哈债朵,還是蠻好玩的。中文里說“找”瀑凝,除了“尋找”之外序芦,還有“需要,想要”的一層意思猜丹,比如“我找你有事”芝加。然而,英語中find大多的本意就是尋找的意思射窒,為何要尋找呢?丟失了才會尋找将塑,所以大多情況下脉顿,因為丟失的這層意思在,才會又尋找点寥“保“You must find yourself if you lost .”這是我舉得一個例子。
英語里面的詞語意思更為直接,想要直接就是want蔽莱。中式英語估計就是把want這層意思用find來代替弟疆,結(jié)果就變成“Dan wondered?why the police found him”哈哈,典型得很盗冷,其實母語為英語的人聽了會覺得奇怪怠苔,警察沒有尋找丹啊,只是想要丹啊仪糖,哈哈