If you've been just staring at the sunrise above this hollow town俗孝,如若你時常凝望這空城之上庸疾,靜待旭日東升羹膳,
been chasing empty memories, the kind that's keeping you down胖齐,又終日追隨著虛無的回憶,浪費光陰也只會讓你止步不前栗柒,
can't seem to find your strife, just trying to live your life礁扮,既然挑無自己的違和之處,那只管好好生活便是,
been feeling suffocated, searching for vindication太伊,也曾茍延殘喘雇锡,只得尋覓一份辯護之書,
this sense of indecision ain't what we had in mind僚焦,這種優(yōu)柔寡斷锰提,才不該在你我腦海中扎營,
the dream that I envisioned, I am still hoping to find叠赐,那個我心心念念的夢啊欲账,如今我仍想把它找到屡江,
you ain't done nothing wrong but we ain't done nothing right芭概,你并非毫無過錯,但我們也絕非一事無成惩嘉,
I know that something's missing罢洲,我明白,有些東西早已被我錯過文黎,
but the world will keep on turning turning惹苗,但地球只是照舊在轉(zhuǎn)、轉(zhuǎn)耸峭、轉(zhuǎn)桩蓉,
you gotta keep that fire burning burning,你勢必讓心火繼續(xù)燃劳闹、燃院究、燃,
I know you think you're in a hurry本涕,我知业汰,你總覺著自己如今正是棲棲遑遑,
there's no need to worry菩颖,其實本就毋須慌亂样漆,
cause I can feel it turning turning,我有預感晦闰,劇情正在反轉(zhuǎn)放祟,
our luck is turning around,好運終將歸來呻右,
chasing these empty verses, some rows have crooked signs跪妥,跟著這首歌的節(jié)奏吧,雖然總有幾行看著不太美好窿冯,
we're losing all this daylight but soon the moon's gonna rise骗奖,縱是日落西山,光芒散盡,但一輪新月正冉冉高升执桌,
these final puzzle pieces, we tried but they're too tight鄙皇,這最終謎題(原意指最后幾片拼圖碎片)便是,你我早已全力以赴仰挣,卻還是逃不開它們的緊追不舍伴逸,
but if we ease the pressure, I bet they'll fit just right,不過你我若是能享受這重壓膘壶,我斷言這些定會契合完美错蝴,sometimes it takes some patience, sometimes it works first try,有時總需幾分耐心颓芭,有時又需幾分勇氣顷锰,
but I know that this is worth it, cause this dream's too strong to die,可我懂得亡问,一切都不會毫無意義官紫,畢竟生命不息,夢想不死州藕,
I ain't done nothing wrong but we ain't done nothing right束世,我也并非毫無過錯,但我們也絕非一事無成床玻,
one day we'll find what's missing毁涉,終有一天,我們會彌補缺憾锈死,
but the world will keep on turning turning贫堰,但地球只是照舊在轉(zhuǎn)、轉(zhuǎn)馅精、轉(zhuǎn)严嗜,
you gotta keep that fire burning burning,你勢必讓心火繼續(xù)燃洲敢、燃漫玄、燃,
I know you think you're in a hurry压彭,我知睦优,你總覺著自己如今正是棲棲遑遑,
there's no need to worry壮不,其實本就毋須慌亂汗盘,
cause I can feel it turning turning,我有預感询一,劇情正在反轉(zhuǎn)隐孽,
our luck is turning around癌椿,好運終將歸來,
I've been in, I've been out菱阵,我曾入世踢俄,亦曾出世,
I've been low, beaten down晴及,我曾被擊倒都办,身居谷底,
I've been lost now I'm found虑稼,我曾失掉自我琳钉,可如今我已找回,
this fire is burning us蛛倦,這星火歌懒,燃起你我心火,
still staring at the sunrise, missing that hollow town胰蝠,仍舊凝望著朝陽緩升歼培,只是空城不再震蒋,
feeling those empty memories but nothing's holding me down茸塞,還是舍不去過往回憶,可已心無羈絆查剖,
I hope you find your strife, just go and live your life钾虐,愿你坎坷之時,仍舊前行笋庄,仍舊好好生活效扫,
I'm feeling vindicated,你我并無罪過直砂,
the world will keep on turning turning菌仁,但地球只是照舊在轉(zhuǎn)、轉(zhuǎn)静暂、轉(zhuǎn)济丘,
you better keep that fire burning burning,心火絕不可熄洽蛀,
I know you think you're in a hurry摹迷,我懂,你時常碌碌終日而無所得郊供,
there's no need to worry峡碉,可是你也別自亂陣腳,
cause I can feel it turning turning驮审,我能確定鲫寄,命數(shù)自有天定吉执,
our luck is turning around (turning turning),我們終將時來運轉(zhuǎn)地来,
our luck is turning around (turning turning)鼠证,我們終將時來運轉(zhuǎn),
our luck is turning around (turning turning)靠抑,我們終將時來運轉(zhuǎn)量九,
I've been in, I've been out,我曾入世颂碧,亦曾出世荠列,
I've been low, beaten down,我曾入世载城,亦曾出世肌似,
I've been lost now I'm found,我曾被擊倒诉瓦,身居谷底川队,
our luck is turning around,我曾失掉自我睬澡,可如今我已找回固额。