Order of Learning CNN.
1 – Title
2 – News
3 – Words
Browse its Chinese meaning - > deeply understand its meaning
Politics [pol-i-tiks]
001 - Trump’s Change of Diplomacy
Franky, dispensing with some of the diplomatic niceties and also the double standard whereby foreign leader can trash America and threaten us and we’re not expected to respond, you know, I think it is a moment of clarity that will actually help our friends and adversaries understand what the U.S is thinking.
Dispense with – 免除弛槐,省略
Let’s dispense with the formalities and get down to business.
The machine dispenses tickets.
Whereby – by which method 借由驾霜;透過
Alan is working on an app whereby driver can locate parking lots in the area.
Trash – 丟棄粪糙;毀壞;痛斥
It is not very noble to trash people behind their backs.
在人家背后進(jìn)行人身攻擊(說閑話 )不太高尚堕义。
Insult 辱罵
Condemn 譴責(zé)猜旬;指責(zé)
Criticize 批評(píng)