Hello everyone, this is Helen Huang @ Organizing, based in Beijing, China. In order to better learn and practice the YiXiaoNeng Time Management System, after finished publishing 100 Chinese articles, I decided to continue writing and publishing a daily English article in another 100 days based on the "YeWuBin Time Management 100 Episodes" audio program. Today is the 165th day.
Today's topic is: The 11 Habits of Successfully Men and Women
Yixiaoneng encourages you to live an online life. An online life is a life of good habits. Everyone has both good and bad habits. Whether you live an online or offline life depends on the proportion of good and bad habits that you cultivate.
Everyone has a dream of succeeding in life. Today, I'll talk about what habits lead us to success and allow us to achieve our dreams. We can determine which habits successful people build by observing both successful people and those who have made a fortune already.
There are 11 good habits of successful rich people which we at Yixiaoneng advocate. Let me share those 11 habits with you now.
1. Meditation
Scientific research shows meditation has both physical and mental health benefits. Frequent meditation helps improve our memory, enhance immunity to disease, and decrease procrastination. Yixiaoneng advises that you use mindfulness meditation. Try meditating three times a day: in the morning, afternoon and evening. If you cannot follow this schedule then make sure you make some time to meditate during the day.
2. Get up early
Since you have been listening to these lessons each morning at 6AM, I'm sure you're developing the good habit of waking up early. As you know, there are many advantages to waking early in the morning, such as an easy drive free of traffic jams, and morning flights free of delays. Many successful men and women leading the world's top 500 companies are early birds. Yixiaoneng recommends you get up when the sun rises in the morning.
3. Daily ritual
Internationally renowned Japanese short story author, Haruki Murakami, advises that we need two things in life: one is a little happiness and two is a daily ritual. We need some quiet time to reflect or write in a morning diary after getting up. That's a good example of daily ritual. The important thing is to have a ritual in the morning to help structure our day and motivate us, no matter what ritual it is.? Any ritual will work.
4. Live a life with frugality
Many of the richest people in the world are actually very careful with their money and practice a frugal lifestyle. They don't have to live in a luxury hotel or buy expensive and famous brands. For example: Warren Buffett, a very rich man, tends to drive in an old used car he has kept for years. If you develop the habit of frugality when starting from scratch, then you'll become more admirable.
5. Love your own career
Steve Jobs said: "The only way to do great work is to love what you're doing". No matter how many books we read, how many countries we visit, or how many things we do, we all aim to broaden our horizons and increase our life experiences over time. Desire won't make us succeed, but enthusiasm can.
6. Reading
Warren Buffett spends 80% of each day reading.? He recommends a list of books every year to his shareholders. I also benefit from this reading habit. I usually bring a Kindle with me to keep reading all the time. I have also learned to read very fast. I will give an explanation of how to speed read in a later lesson.
7. Develop an automatic income stream
Successful people are very focused on their intellectual property. They publish books, develop their own brand recognition, make good use of financial knowledge, and all of these in order to create more income streams. All their actions create additional wealth for themselves, while preserving and increasing the value of the existing wealth they have.
8. Work for yourself
If you work for your boss, you are only paid for your time no matter how much work you do for that time. If you work for yourself, then you're paying yourself for the time you spend and the effort you put in. We should strive to let more of other people's time and money work for us.
For more on this, I recommend you read a book called "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", by Robert Kiyosaki. When unable to start a business, we should also work hard trying to become an investor, a shareholder or a partner of a company. When you are an owner or a master of a company, you tend to act more responsibly and work harder with the possibility of earning more.
9. Always exercise
Science shows: exercise contributes to building our energy, memory and attention, and helps us think quickly, stay healthy, sleep better, improve work efficiency, and even drive our willpower.
10. Make friends with successful men and women
Successful men and women have a broad and diverse network of contacts that you can leverage. Therefore we must constantly improve our abilities but also improve our contacts, so that we can expand our reach. We must develop our ability to network and create new friends and contacts especially in areas that go beyond what we normally do each day. Meeting people outside of our industries and jobs is often a major opportunity. We must pay attention to this opportunity to reach out to people beyond our comfort zone. Focusing on reaching out to people beyond our comfort zone can change our lives.
11. Do charity
Many successful men and women participate in public benefits and charities. Therefore, I will invite you to start focusing on public benefit and charity events.
Today you have it: 11 habits of successful and rich men and women that Yixiaoneng advocate.
That's all sharing today. Thank you being with me together. Have a wonderful day!