使用python 調用 pybind11封裝的 cuda C++ 動態(tài)鏈接庫
pybind11可以自動實現(xiàn)C++中vector、list等與python中l(wèi)ist的自動轉換醒串,也可以C++中多維數(shù)組自動轉換為 numpy.ndarray的格式。
py::array_t<float> np_multiply_Cublas(py::array_t<float> &inLeft, py::array_t<float> &inRight)
py::buffer_info bufLeft = inLeft.request(), bufRight = inRight.request();
assert(bufLeft.ndim == bufRight.ndim);
assert(bufLeft.ndim == 2);
assert(bufLeft.shape[1] == bufRight.shape[0]);
const int M = bufLeft.shape[0], K = bufLeft.shape[1], N = bufRight.shape[1];
// 實現(xiàn)矩陣乘法,C=A*B
auto result = py::array_t<float>(M * N);
result.resize({M, N});
py::buffer_info bufResult = result.request();
float *ptrLeft = (float *)bufLeft.ptr,
*ptrRight = (float *)bufRight.ptr,
*ptrResult = (float *)bufResult.ptr; //獲得數(shù)據(jù)指針
Gpu_mul(ptrLeft, ptrRight, ptrResult, M, K, N);//將響應參數(shù)傳輸cuda C++編寫的矩陣乘法函數(shù)中結果保存在ptrResult中
return result;
//返回result,result也是py::array_t<T>格式粱檀,也就是python中 的numpy.ndarray
PYBIND11_MODULE(mylib, m)
// m.doc("use cuda and demo");
m.def("np_sum", &np_sum, "Add two Numpy arrays use cuda");
m.def("Gpu_mul", &np_multiply, "Multuply tow arrays use cuda flag==1 use shared memory,flag==2 use global memory");
m.def("Gpu_Cublas", &np_multiply_Cublas, "Multuply tow arrays use cublas");
import os
os.sys.path.append("build/bin/Release")#這三個路徑是 mylib.cp37-win_amd64.pyd 動態(tài)庫可能存在的路徑
import mylib as my # 載入mylib模塊
import time
import numpy as np
Ga = np.random.rand(50* 100, 31 * 100).astype(np.float32)
Gb = np.random.rand(31 * 100, 50 * 100).astype(np.float32)
# 生成隨機numpy.ndarray,為float32格式
Gstart = time.time()
Ghc = Ga @ Gb # 調用numpy自帶的矩陣乘法函數(shù)
Gpaush = time.time()
Gc = my.Gpu_Cublas(Ga, Gb) # 調研C++端的liys cublas矩陣乘法函數(shù)
Gend = time.time()
print("the numpy cost", (Gpaush - Gstart)) # 比較兩者耗時
print("the cublas cost time ", (Gend - Gpaush))
print("the two result are same?", (Ghc == Gc).any()) # 比較兩個答案是否相等
void useCublas(float *_A, float *_B, float *_C, int M, int K, int N)
cublasHandle_t handle;
float alpha = 1, beta = 0;
cublasSgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, N, M, K, &alpha, _B, N, _A, K, &beta, _C, N);//C=alpha*A*B+beta,
//cublas中矩陣是列優(yōu)先的格式,而C++是行優(yōu)先的格式,所以調用的時候是_B在前刨秆,_A在后 C^T = B^T*A^T
void Gpu_mul(float *ptrLeft, float *ptrRight, float *ptrResult, int M, int K, int N,int flage)
float *d_a, *d_b, *d_c;
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_a, M * K * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_b, K * N * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_c, M * N * sizeof(float));
CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_a, ptrLeft, M * K * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_b, ptrRight, K * N * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
constexpr const int TP = 16;
dim3 threadsPer(TP, TP);
dim3 blocksPer((M + TP - 1) / TP, (N + TP - 1) / TP);
if (flage == 1)
matrix_MulG<TP><<<blocksPer, threadsPer>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, M, K, N);
else if (flage == 0)
useCublas(d_a, d_b, d_c, M, K, N); //如果flag==0,調用cublas的矩陣乘法忆畅,否則調用 手寫的cuda核函數(shù)進行矩陣相乘。
else if (flage == 2)
matrix_glbal_mul<<<blocksPer, threadsPer>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c, M, K, N);
CHECK(cudaMemcpy(ptrResult, d_c, M * N * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
__global__ void matrix_glbal_mul(float*_A ,float* _B,float* _C, int M,int K,int N)
int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; //對應于_C的列
int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; //對應于_C的行索引
if(y>=M || x>=N)
float sum = 0.;
for (int i = 0;i<K; ++i)
sum += _A[y * K + i] * _B[i * K + x];//A[y][i]*B[i][x]的乘累加
_C[y * N + x] = sum;
//這個版本绊诲,A和B中的每個元素都需要讀取多次,由于GPU中global memory讀寫速度遠小于每個block的shared memory
利用shared memory的儲存A和B的數(shù)據(jù)掂之,global memory中的每個數(shù)據(jù)只需讀取一次
template <int TILE_WIDTH>
__global__ void matrix_MulG(float *_A, float *_B, float *_C, int M, int K, int N)
__shared__ float subM[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];
__shared__ float subN[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];//每個block中的所有threads共享同一的shared memory
int x = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x; //
int y = threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y * blockDim.y; //y為行,x為列 對應與結果C的行和列
int tx = threadIdx.x;
int ty = threadIdx.y;//該thread 在所屬block中的索引
float tmp = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < ((K + TILE_WIDTH - 1) / TILE_WIDTH); ++i)
if ((tx + i * TILE_WIDTH) < K && (y < M))
subM[ty][tx] = _A[y * K + tx + i * TILE_WIDTH]; //共享內存參數(shù)更新
subM[ty][tx] = 0.;
if ((ty + i * TILE_WIDTH) < K && (x < N))
subN[ty][tx] = _B[(ty + i * TILE_WIDTH) * N + x];
subN[ty][tx] = 0.;
__syncthreads();// block內thread同步
for (int j = 0; j < TILE_WIDTH; ++j)
tmp += subM[ty][j] * subN[j][tx];
if (y < M && x < N) //越界檢查
_C[y * N + x] = tmp;
the numpy cost 4.054656028747559
the cublas cost time 2.555680513381958
the two result are same? True
the Gpu with shared memory cost time 4.681894779205322
the two result are same? True
the Gpu with global memory cost time 4.836901903152466
the two result are same? True