


Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

GitHubService service = retrofit.create(GitHubService.class);


[Could not locate ResponseBody xxx Tried: * retrofit.BuiltInConverters]


Gson: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson
Jackson: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-jackson
Moshi: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-moshi
Protobuf: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-protobuf
Wire: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-wire
Simple XML: com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-simplexml
Scalars (primitives, boxed, and String): com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-scalars



Call<List<User>> groupList(@Path("id") int groupId);
第二種: @Query方式
public Call<String> loginGet(@Query("mobile") String username,@Query("password") String password);

拼接之后的URL: user/login?platform=android&city_id=101&type=pwd&channel=baiduxi&mobile=XXX&password=XXXX

形如?t=1&p=2&size=3的url鏈接不能用@PATH注解 否則會報錯

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URL query string "t={type}&p={page}&size={count}" must not have replace block. For dynamic query parameters use @Query.異常原因

注意:@Path和 @Query也能混合使用
Call<List<User>> groupList(@Path("id") int groupId, @QueryMap Map<String, String> options);

針對多個參數(shù) 可使用Map集合
GET :@QueryMap

    public Call<String> login(@FieldMap Map<String,String> paramsMap);

    public Call<String> loginGet(@QueryMap Map<String,String> pramsMap);


public interface LoginService {

   // http://api.cloud.test.haocaisong.cn/v2.0/user/login?platform=android&password=xh130727&city_id=101&device_id=866622020797175&mobile=18810388728&version=3.2.0&os_version=6.0.1&regid=LOSkRfxLoPXO4SPah9%2BGqwpvt%2BedJ4wymROb29RE7z4%3D&type=pwd&channel=baiduxi

    public Call<String> login(@Field("mobile") String username, @Field("password")String password);

    public Call<String> login(@FieldMap Map<String,String> paramsMap);

    public Call<String> loginGet(@Query("mobile") String username,@Query("password") String password);

    public Call<String> loginGet(@QueryMap Map<String,String> pramsMap);


public class SimpleRetrofitLoginGet {

    private static String URL_SERVER = "http://api.cloud.test.haocaisong.cn/v2.0/";
    public static void loginSync(String username, String password, SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener) {
        Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        paramMap.put("mobile", username);
        paramMap.put("password", password);
        HttpTask httpTask = new HttpTask(paramMap, onHttpResultListener);

    static class HttpTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Object> {

        private Map<String, String> paramMap;
        private SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener;

        public HttpTask( Map<String, String> paramMap,
                        SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener) {
            this.paramMap = paramMap;
            this.onHttpResultListener = onHttpResultListener;

        protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) {
            LoginService loginService = getLoginService();
            Call<String> callLogin = loginService.loginGet(paramMap);
            try {
                Response<String> response =  callLogin.execute();
                return response.body();
            } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
            if (this.onHttpResultListener != null) {


    private static OkHttpClient getOkHttpClient() {
        HttpLoggingInterceptor httpLoggingInterceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(httpLoggingInterceptor).build();

     * 異步:采用Retrofit框架自帶的
     * @param username
     * @param password
     * @param onHttpResultListener
    public static void loginAsync(String username, String password, final SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener){
        LoginService loginService = getLoginService();
        Call<String> callLogin = loginService.loginGet(username,password);
        try {
            callLogin.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
                public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {

                public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable t) {
        }catch (Exception e){


    private static LoginService getLoginService() {
        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = getOkHttpClient();
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        return retrofit.create(LoginService.class);


public class SimpleRetrofitLoginPost {

    private static String URL_SERVER = "http://api.cloud.test.haocaisong.cn/v2.0/";
    public static void loginSync(String username, String password, SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener) {
        Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        paramMap.put("mobile", username);
        paramMap.put("password", password);
        HttpTask httpTask = new HttpTask(paramMap, onHttpResultListener);

    static class HttpTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Object> {

        private Map<String, String> paramMap;
        private SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener;

        public HttpTask( Map<String, String> paramMap,
                        SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener) {
            this.paramMap = paramMap;
            this.onHttpResultListener = onHttpResultListener;

        protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) {

            LoginService loginService = getLoginService();
            Call<String> callLogin = loginService.login(paramMap);
            try {
                Response<String> response =  callLogin.execute();
                return response.body();
            } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Object result) {
            if (this.onHttpResultListener != null) {


     * 異步:采用Retrofit框架自帶的
     * @param username
     * @param password
     * @param onHttpResultListener
    public static void loginAsync(String username, String password, final SimpleSystemLogin.OnHttpResultListener onHttpResultListener){
        LoginService loginService = getLoginService();
        Call<String> callLogin = loginService.login(username,password);
        try {
            callLogin.enqueue(new Callback<String>() {
                public void onResponse(Call<String> call, Response<String> response) {

                public void onFailure(Call<String> call, Throwable t) {
        }catch (Exception e){

    private static OkHttpClient getOkHttpClient() {
        HttpLoggingInterceptor httpLoggingInterceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(httpLoggingInterceptor).build();
    private static LoginService getLoginService() {
        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = getOkHttpClient();
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
        return retrofit.create(LoginService.class);


  public <T> T create(final Class<T> service) {
    // 驗證當(dāng)前類是不是接口 不是接口拋異常
    if (validateEagerly) {
    return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service },
        new InvocationHandler() {
          private final Platform platform = Platform.get();

          @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args)
              throws Throwable {
            // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.
            if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
              return method.invoke(this, args);
            if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {
              return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);
            ServiceMethod<Object, Object> serviceMethod =
                (ServiceMethod<Object, Object>) loadServiceMethod(method);
            // 解析完成之后,調(diào)用Okhttp框架執(zhí)行請求
            OkHttpCall<Object> okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);
            // serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall)返回值:Call<String>
            return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall);

  ServiceMethod<?, ?> loadServiceMethod(Method method) {
    ServiceMethod<?, ?> result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
    if (result != null) return result;

    synchronized (serviceMethodCache) {
      result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
      if (result == null) {
        result = new ServiceMethod.Builder<>(this, method).build();
        serviceMethodCache.put(method, result);
    return result;


  /** Builds an HTTP request from method arguments. */
  Request toRequest(@Nullable Object... args) throws IOException {
    RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(httpMethod, baseUrl, relativeUrl, headers,
        contentType, hasBody, isFormEncoded, isMultipart);

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // It is an error to invoke a method with the wrong arg types.
    ParameterHandler<Object>[] handlers = (ParameterHandler<Object>[]) parameterHandlers;

    int argumentCount = args != null ? args.length : 0;
    if (argumentCount != handlers.length) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument count (" + argumentCount
          + ") doesn't match expected count (" + handlers.length + ")");

    for (int p = 0; p < argumentCount; p++) {
      handlers[p].apply(requestBuilder, args[p]);

    return requestBuilder.build();

  /** Builds a method return value from an HTTP response body. */
  R toResponse(ResponseBody body) throws IOException {
    return responseConverter.convert(body);

   * Inspects the annotations on an interface method to construct a reusable service method. This
   * requires potentially-expensive reflection so it is best to build each service method only once
   * and reuse it. Builders cannot be reused.
  static final class Builder<T, R> {
    final Retrofit retrofit;
    final Method method;
    final Annotation[] methodAnnotations;
    final Annotation[][] parameterAnnotationsArray;
    final Type[] parameterTypes;

    Type responseType;
    boolean gotField;
    boolean gotPart;
    boolean gotBody;
    boolean gotPath;
    boolean gotQuery;
    boolean gotUrl;
    String httpMethod;
    boolean hasBody;
    boolean isFormEncoded;
    boolean isMultipart;
    String relativeUrl;
    Headers headers;
    MediaType contentType;
    Set<String> relativeUrlParamNames;
    ParameterHandler<?>[] parameterHandlers;
    Converter<ResponseBody, T> responseConverter;
    CallAdapter<T, R> callAdapter;

    Builder(Retrofit retrofit, Method method) {
      this.retrofit = retrofit;
      this.method = method;
      //  方法注解列表
      this.methodAnnotations = method.getAnnotations();
      this.parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
      //  方法參數(shù)注解列表
      this.parameterAnnotationsArray = method.getParameterAnnotations();

    public ServiceMethod build() {
      callAdapter = createCallAdapter();
      responseType = callAdapter.responseType();
      if (responseType == Response.class || responseType == okhttp3.Response.class) {
        throw methodError("'"
            + Utils.getRawType(responseType).getName()
            + "' is not a valid response body type. Did you mean ResponseBody?");
      responseConverter = createResponseConverter();

      for (Annotation annotation : methodAnnotations) {

      if (httpMethod == null) {
        throw methodError("HTTP method annotation is required (e.g., @GET, @POST, etc.).");

      if (!hasBody) {
        if (isMultipart) {
          throw methodError(
              "Multipart can only be specified on HTTP methods with request body (e.g., @POST).");
        if (isFormEncoded) {
          throw methodError("FormUrlEncoded can only be specified on HTTP methods with "
              + "request body (e.g., @POST).");

      int parameterCount = parameterAnnotationsArray.length;
      parameterHandlers = new ParameterHandler<?>[parameterCount];
      for (int p = 0; p < parameterCount; p++) {
        Type parameterType = parameterTypes[p];
        if (Utils.hasUnresolvableType(parameterType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Parameter type must not include a type variable or wildcard: %s",

        Annotation[] parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotationsArray[p];
        if (parameterAnnotations == null) {
          throw parameterError(p, "No Retrofit annotation found.");

        parameterHandlers[p] = parseParameter(p, parameterType, parameterAnnotations);

      if (relativeUrl == null && !gotUrl) {
        throw methodError("Missing either @%s URL or @Url parameter.", httpMethod);
      if (!isFormEncoded && !isMultipart && !hasBody && gotBody) {
        throw methodError("Non-body HTTP method cannot contain @Body.");
      if (isFormEncoded && !gotField) {
        throw methodError("Form-encoded method must contain at least one @Field.");
      if (isMultipart && !gotPart) {
        throw methodError("Multipart method must contain at least one @Part.");

      return new ServiceMethod<>(this);

    private CallAdapter<T, R> createCallAdapter() {
      Type returnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
      if (Utils.hasUnresolvableType(returnType)) {
        throw methodError(
            "Method return type must not include a type variable or wildcard: %s", returnType);
      if (returnType == void.class) {
        throw methodError("Service methods cannot return void.");
      Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
      try {
        //noinspection unchecked
        return (CallAdapter<T, R>) retrofit.callAdapter(returnType, annotations);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Wide exception range because factories are user code.
        throw methodError(e, "Unable to create call adapter for %s", returnType);

    private void parseMethodAnnotation(Annotation annotation) {
      if (annotation instanceof DELETE) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("DELETE", ((DELETE) annotation).value(), false);
      } else if (annotation instanceof GET) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("GET", ((GET) annotation).value(), false);
      } else if (annotation instanceof HEAD) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("HEAD", ((HEAD) annotation).value(), false);
        if (!Void.class.equals(responseType)) {
          throw methodError("HEAD method must use Void as response type.");
      } else if (annotation instanceof PATCH) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("PATCH", ((PATCH) annotation).value(), true);
      } else if (annotation instanceof POST) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("POST", ((POST) annotation).value(), true);
      } else if (annotation instanceof PUT) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("PUT", ((PUT) annotation).value(), true);
      } else if (annotation instanceof OPTIONS) {
        parseHttpMethodAndPath("OPTIONS", ((OPTIONS) annotation).value(), false);
      } else if (annotation instanceof HTTP) {
        HTTP http = (HTTP) annotation;
        parseHttpMethodAndPath(http.method(), http.path(), http.hasBody());
      } else if (annotation instanceof retrofit2.http.Headers) {
        String[] headersToParse = ((retrofit2.http.Headers) annotation).value();
        if (headersToParse.length == 0) {
          throw methodError("@Headers annotation is empty.");
        headers = parseHeaders(headersToParse);
      } else if (annotation instanceof Multipart) {
        if (isFormEncoded) {
          throw methodError("Only one encoding annotation is allowed.");
        isMultipart = true;
      } else if (annotation instanceof FormUrlEncoded) {
        if (isMultipart) {
          throw methodError("Only one encoding annotation is allowed.");
        isFormEncoded = true;

    private void parseHttpMethodAndPath(String httpMethod, String value, boolean hasBody) {
      if (this.httpMethod != null) {
        throw methodError("Only one HTTP method is allowed. Found: %s and %s.",
            this.httpMethod, httpMethod);
      this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
      this.hasBody = hasBody;

      if (value.isEmpty()) {

      // Get the relative URL path and existing query string, if present.
      int question = value.indexOf('?');
      if (question != -1 && question < value.length() - 1) {
        // Ensure the query string does not have any named parameters.
        String queryParams = value.substring(question + 1);
        Matcher queryParamMatcher = PARAM_URL_REGEX.matcher(queryParams);
        if (queryParamMatcher.find()) {
          throw methodError("URL query string \"%s\" must not have replace block. "
              + "For dynamic query parameters use @Query.", queryParams);

      this.relativeUrl = value;
      this.relativeUrlParamNames = parsePathParameters(value);

    private Headers parseHeaders(String[] headers) {
      Headers.Builder builder = new Headers.Builder();
      for (String header : headers) {
        int colon = header.indexOf(':');
        if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == header.length() - 1) {
          throw methodError(
              "@Headers value must be in the form \"Name: Value\". Found: \"%s\"", header);
        String headerName = header.substring(0, colon);
        String headerValue = header.substring(colon + 1).trim();
        if ("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(headerName)) {
          MediaType type = MediaType.parse(headerValue);
          if (type == null) {
            throw methodError("Malformed content type: %s", headerValue);
          contentType = type;
        } else {
          builder.add(headerName, headerValue);
      return builder.build();

    private ParameterHandler<?> parseParameter(
        int p, Type parameterType, Annotation[] annotations) {
      ParameterHandler<?> result = null;
      for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
        ParameterHandler<?> annotationAction = parseParameterAnnotation(
            p, parameterType, annotations, annotation);

        if (annotationAction == null) {

        if (result != null) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Multiple Retrofit annotations found, only one allowed.");

        result = annotationAction;

      if (result == null) {
        throw parameterError(p, "No Retrofit annotation found.");

      return result;

    private ParameterHandler<?> parseParameterAnnotation(
        int p, Type type, Annotation[] annotations, Annotation annotation) {
      if (annotation instanceof Url) {
        if (gotUrl) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Multiple @Url method annotations found.");
        if (gotPath) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Path parameters may not be used with @Url.");
        if (gotQuery) {
          throw parameterError(p, "A @Url parameter must not come after a @Query");
        if (relativeUrl != null) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Url cannot be used with @%s URL", httpMethod);

        gotUrl = true;

        if (type == HttpUrl.class
            || type == String.class
            || type == URI.class
            || (type instanceof Class && "android.net.Uri".equals(((Class<?>) type).getName()))) {
          return new ParameterHandler.RelativeUrl();
        } else {
          throw parameterError(p,
              "@Url must be okhttp3.HttpUrl, String, java.net.URI, or android.net.Uri type.");

      } else if (annotation instanceof Path) {
        if (gotQuery) {
          throw parameterError(p, "A @Path parameter must not come after a @Query.");
        if (gotUrl) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Path parameters may not be used with @Url.");
        if (relativeUrl == null) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Path can only be used with relative url on @%s", httpMethod);
        gotPath = true;

        Path path = (Path) annotation;
        String name = path.value();
        validatePathName(p, name);

        Converter<?, String> converter = retrofit.stringConverter(type, annotations);
        return new ParameterHandler.Path<>(name, converter, path.encoded());

      } else if (annotation instanceof Query) {
        Query query = (Query) annotation;
        String name = query.value();
        boolean encoded = query.encoded();

        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        gotQuery = true;
        if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
            throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + "<String>)");
          ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
          Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(iterableType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Query<>(name, converter, encoded).iterable();
        } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
          Class<?> arrayComponentType = boxIfPrimitive(rawParameterType.getComponentType());
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(arrayComponentType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Query<>(name, converter, encoded).array();
        } else {
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(type, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Query<>(name, converter, encoded);

      } else if (annotation instanceof QueryName) {
        QueryName query = (QueryName) annotation;
        boolean encoded = query.encoded();

        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        gotQuery = true;
        if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
            throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + "<String>)");
          ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
          Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(iterableType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.QueryName<>(converter, encoded).iterable();
        } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
          Class<?> arrayComponentType = boxIfPrimitive(rawParameterType.getComponentType());
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(arrayComponentType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.QueryName<>(converter, encoded).array();
        } else {
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(type, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.QueryName<>(converter, encoded);

      } else if (annotation instanceof QueryMap) {
        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@QueryMap parameter type must be Map.");
        Type mapType = Utils.getSupertype(type, rawParameterType, Map.class);
        if (!(mapType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map<String, String>)");
        ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) mapType;
        Type keyType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
        if (String.class != keyType) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@QueryMap keys must be of type String: " + keyType);
        Type valueType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(1, parameterizedType);
        Converter<?, String> valueConverter =
            retrofit.stringConverter(valueType, annotations);

        return new ParameterHandler.QueryMap<>(valueConverter, ((QueryMap) annotation).encoded());

      } else if (annotation instanceof Header) {
        Header header = (Header) annotation;
        String name = header.value();

        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
            throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + "<String>)");
          ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
          Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(iterableType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Header<>(name, converter).iterable();
        } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
          Class<?> arrayComponentType = boxIfPrimitive(rawParameterType.getComponentType());
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(arrayComponentType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Header<>(name, converter).array();
        } else {
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(type, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Header<>(name, converter);

      } else if (annotation instanceof HeaderMap) {
        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@HeaderMap parameter type must be Map.");
        Type mapType = Utils.getSupertype(type, rawParameterType, Map.class);
        if (!(mapType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map<String, String>)");
        ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) mapType;
        Type keyType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
        if (String.class != keyType) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@HeaderMap keys must be of type String: " + keyType);
        Type valueType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(1, parameterizedType);
        Converter<?, String> valueConverter =
            retrofit.stringConverter(valueType, annotations);

        return new ParameterHandler.HeaderMap<>(valueConverter);

      } else if (annotation instanceof Field) {
        if (!isFormEncoded) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Field parameters can only be used with form encoding.");
        Field field = (Field) annotation;
        String name = field.value();
        boolean encoded = field.encoded();

        gotField = true;

        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
            throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                + "<String>)");
          ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
          Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(iterableType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Field<>(name, converter, encoded).iterable();
        } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
          Class<?> arrayComponentType = boxIfPrimitive(rawParameterType.getComponentType());
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(arrayComponentType, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Field<>(name, converter, encoded).array();
        } else {
          Converter<?, String> converter =
              retrofit.stringConverter(type, annotations);
          return new ParameterHandler.Field<>(name, converter, encoded);

      } else if (annotation instanceof FieldMap) {
        if (!isFormEncoded) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@FieldMap parameters can only be used with form encoding.");
        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@FieldMap parameter type must be Map.");
        Type mapType = Utils.getSupertype(type, rawParameterType, Map.class);
        if (!(mapType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
          throw parameterError(p,
              "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map<String, String>)");
        ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) mapType;
        Type keyType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
        if (String.class != keyType) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@FieldMap keys must be of type String: " + keyType);
        Type valueType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(1, parameterizedType);
        Converter<?, String> valueConverter =
            retrofit.stringConverter(valueType, annotations);

        gotField = true;
        return new ParameterHandler.FieldMap<>(valueConverter, ((FieldMap) annotation).encoded());

      } else if (annotation instanceof Part) {
        if (!isMultipart) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@Part parameters can only be used with multipart encoding.");
        Part part = (Part) annotation;
        gotPart = true;

        String partName = part.value();
        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (partName.isEmpty()) {
          if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
            if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
              throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                  + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                  + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                  + "<String>)");
            ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
            Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
            if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(Utils.getRawType(iterableType))) {
              throw parameterError(p,
                  "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.");
            return ParameterHandler.RawPart.INSTANCE.iterable();
          } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
            Class<?> arrayComponentType = rawParameterType.getComponentType();
            if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(arrayComponentType)) {
              throw parameterError(p,
                  "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.");
            return ParameterHandler.RawPart.INSTANCE.array();
          } else if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
            return ParameterHandler.RawPart.INSTANCE;
          } else {
            throw parameterError(p,
                "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.");
        } else {
          Headers headers =
              Headers.of("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"" + partName + "\"",
                  "Content-Transfer-Encoding", part.encoding());

          if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
            if (!(type instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
              throw parameterError(p, rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                  + " must include generic type (e.g., "
                  + rawParameterType.getSimpleName()
                  + "<String>)");
            ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type;
            Type iterableType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
            if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(Utils.getRawType(iterableType))) {
              throw parameterError(p, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not "
                  + "include a part name in the annotation.");
            Converter<?, RequestBody> converter =
                retrofit.requestBodyConverter(iterableType, annotations, methodAnnotations);
            return new ParameterHandler.Part<>(headers, converter).iterable();
          } else if (rawParameterType.isArray()) {
            Class<?> arrayComponentType = boxIfPrimitive(rawParameterType.getComponentType());
            if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(arrayComponentType)) {
              throw parameterError(p, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not "
                  + "include a part name in the annotation.");
            Converter<?, RequestBody> converter =
                retrofit.requestBodyConverter(arrayComponentType, annotations, methodAnnotations);
            return new ParameterHandler.Part<>(headers, converter).array();
          } else if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
            throw parameterError(p, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not "
                + "include a part name in the annotation.");
          } else {
            Converter<?, RequestBody> converter =
                retrofit.requestBodyConverter(type, annotations, methodAnnotations);
            return new ParameterHandler.Part<>(headers, converter);

      } else if (annotation instanceof PartMap) {
        if (!isMultipart) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@PartMap parameters can only be used with multipart encoding.");
        gotPart = true;
        Class<?> rawParameterType = Utils.getRawType(type);
        if (!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawParameterType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@PartMap parameter type must be Map.");
        Type mapType = Utils.getSupertype(type, rawParameterType, Map.class);
        if (!(mapType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map<String, String>)");
        ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) mapType;

        Type keyType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, parameterizedType);
        if (String.class != keyType) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@PartMap keys must be of type String: " + keyType);

        Type valueType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(1, parameterizedType);
        if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(Utils.getRawType(valueType))) {
          throw parameterError(p, "@PartMap values cannot be MultipartBody.Part. "
              + "Use @Part List<Part> or a different value type instead.");

        Converter<?, RequestBody> valueConverter =
            retrofit.requestBodyConverter(valueType, annotations, methodAnnotations);

        PartMap partMap = (PartMap) annotation;
        return new ParameterHandler.PartMap<>(valueConverter, partMap.encoding());

      } else if (annotation instanceof Body) {
        if (isFormEncoded || isMultipart) {
          throw parameterError(p,
              "@Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding.");
        if (gotBody) {
          throw parameterError(p, "Multiple @Body method annotations found.");

        Converter<?, RequestBody> converter;
        try {
          converter = retrofit.requestBodyConverter(type, annotations, methodAnnotations);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
          // Wide exception range because factories are user code.
          throw parameterError(e, p, "Unable to create @Body converter for %s", type);
        gotBody = true;
        return new ParameterHandler.Body<>(converter);

      return null; // Not a Retrofit annotation.

    private void validatePathName(int p, String name) {
      if (!PARAM_NAME_REGEX.matcher(name).matches()) {
        throw parameterError(p, "@Path parameter name must match %s. Found: %s",
            PARAM_URL_REGEX.pattern(), name);
      // Verify URL replacement name is actually present in the URL path.
      if (!relativeUrlParamNames.contains(name)) {
        throw parameterError(p, "URL \"%s\" does not contain \"{%s}\".", relativeUrl, name);

    private Converter<ResponseBody, T> createResponseConverter() {
      Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
      try {
        return retrofit.responseBodyConverter(responseType, annotations);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Wide exception range because factories are user code.
        throw methodError(e, "Unable to create converter for %s", responseType);

    private RuntimeException methodError(String message, Object... args) {
      return methodError(null, message, args);

    private RuntimeException methodError(Throwable cause, String message, Object... args) {
      message = String.format(message, args);
      return new IllegalArgumentException(message
          + "\n    for method "
          + method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()
          + "."
          + method.getName(), cause);

    private RuntimeException parameterError(
        Throwable cause, int p, String message, Object... args) {
      return methodError(cause, message + " (parameter #" + (p + 1) + ")", args);

    private RuntimeException parameterError(int p, String message, Object... args) {
      return methodError(message + " (parameter #" + (p + 1) + ")", args);

   * Gets the set of unique path parameters used in the given URI. If a parameter is used twice
   * in the URI, it will only show up once in the set.
  static Set<String> parsePathParameters(String path) {
    Matcher m = PARAM_URL_REGEX.matcher(path);
    Set<String> patterns = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    while (m.find()) {
    return patterns;

  static Class<?> boxIfPrimitive(Class<?> type) {
    if (boolean.class == type) return Boolean.class;
    if (byte.class == type) return Byte.class;
    if (char.class == type) return Character.class;
    if (double.class == type) return Double.class;
    if (float.class == type) return Float.class;
    if (int.class == type) return Integer.class;
    if (long.class == type) return Long.class;
    if (short.class == type) return Short.class;
    return type;

// 方法注解列表(相當(dāng)于LoginService 中的@POST和@FormUrlEncoded等注解)
this.methodAnnotations = method.getAnnotations();
// 方法參數(shù)注解列表(相當(dāng)于我們的LoginService中的:@Field......)
this.parameterAnnotationsArray = method.getParameterAnnotations();


  private void parseHttpMethodAndPath(String httpMethod, String value, boolean hasBody) {
      if (this.httpMethod != null) {
        throw methodError("Only one HTTP method is allowed. Found: %s and %s.",
            this.httpMethod, httpMethod);
      this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
      this.hasBody = hasBody;

      if (value.isEmpty()) {

      // Get the relative URL path and existing query string, if present.
      int question = value.indexOf('?');
      if (question != -1 && question < value.length() - 1) {
        // Ensure the query string does not have any named parameters.
        String queryParams = value.substring(question + 1);
        Matcher queryParamMatcher = PARAM_URL_REGEX.matcher(queryParams);
        if (queryParamMatcher.find()) {
          throw methodError("URL query string \"%s\" must not have replace block. "
              + "For dynamic query parameters use @Query.", queryParams);

      this.relativeUrl = value;
      this.relativeUrlParamNames = parsePathParameters(value);
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