《Everything I Never Told You》 中文譯名是《無聲告白》, 作者是美籍華裔伍綺詩(Celeste Ng)年鸳。它講述了一個普通的美國家庭的故事湘纵。雖然這個故事發(fā)生在美國 赢织,但是書中所提出的問題正是當下中國家庭所面臨的問題(或者說僻造,是全世界的家庭都面對的問題) —— 父母將自己未完成的愿望強加于孩子废亭,讓孩子完全淪為了父母的提線木偶百炬。
Marilyn 違背母親的愿望蚕脏,放棄學(xué)業(yè)和 James 結(jié)婚侦副,當起了全職媽媽。而當 Nath 和 Lydia 都開始上學(xué)了驼鞭,而 Hannah 還沒出生時秦驯,她突然發(fā)現(xiàn)自己為愛情與家庭付出了太多,她覺得自己應(yīng)該改變挣棕。
For the first time, since she'd been married, Marilyn found herself unoccupied. She was twenty-nine years old, still young, still slender. Still smart, she thought. She could go back to school now, at last, and finish her degree. Do everything she'd planned before the children come along.
她回想起自己的母親译隘。她覺得自己母親的一生是可悲的亲桥。她母親將自己的一生的大部分時間都花在了研究食譜之類的瑣事上,將家人視為自己的全部固耘。但是题篷,她卻辜負了母親,放棄前程和 James 結(jié)婚厅目。
Is there anything that gives you a deeper sense of satisfaction? Certainly her mother would have said no, no, no. She thought with sharp and painful pity of her mother, who had planned on a golden, vanilla-scented life but ended up alone, trapped like a fly in this small and sad and empty house, this small and sad and empty life, no trace of herself left except there pencil-marked dreams.
Marilyn 告訴自己悼凑,絕不重蹈覆轍, 絕不像母親那樣將理想埋葬于婚姻璧瞬。她決定離家出走繼續(xù)自己的學(xué)業(yè)户辫。
You don't want this, she remained herself. There will be more to your life than this.
Never, She promised herself. I will never end up like that.
Marilyn 留下一張紙條,希望 James 能明白自己的想法嗤锉。然后狠心地離開了家渔欢,決定去追尋自己的夢想。
I realize that I am not happy with the life I lead. I always had one kind of life in mind and things have turned out very differently. I have kept all these feelings inside me for a long time, but now, after being in my mother’s house agin, I think of her and realize I cannot put them aside any longer. I know you’ll be fine without me. I hope you can understand why I have to leave. I hope you can forgive me.
然而瘟忱,造化弄人奥额。經(jīng)過激烈的心理斗爭,Marilyn 好不容易才下定決心访诱,回到學(xué)校完成自己的學(xué)業(yè)垫挨。九周之后,她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己懷孕了触菜。她只好告訴自己九榔,她不可能再有勇氣繼續(xù)學(xué)業(yè)。
Everything she had dreamed for herself faded away, like fine mist on a breeze.
That is it, Marilyn told herself. Let it go. That is what you have. Accept it.
當她對實現(xiàn)自己的抱負已經(jīng)不抱任何希望時涡相,她將目光投向了自己的女兒 —— Lydia哲泊。
Marilyn 將人世間所有最美好的愿望都寄托在了她的女兒 Lydia 的身上。她甚至時炒呋龋幻想自己與世長辭時的場景:白發(fā)蒼蒼的自己躺在病床上切威,Lydia —— 已經(jīng)成為了她期望的樣子 —— 在床邊緊緊地握著她的手。
She would have imagined a touching bedside scene, like in the movies: herself white-haired and elderly and content, in a satin bed jacket, ready to say her goodbye; Lydia a grown woman, confident and poised, holding her mother’s hands in hers, a doctor by then, unfazed by the great cycle of life and death.
于是 Marilyn 不再是一個“家庭主婦”丙号,而是一個“家庭教師”先朦。她想按照“合理的”方式教育 Lydia,她想讓自己的女兒能夠有自己的自由犬缨,能夠在男權(quán)的世界闖出自己的一片天喳魏,能夠逃離“家庭主婦”的宿命。所以當 Lydia 物理考試掛科之后遍尺,Marilyn 才會像很多“中國式家長”那樣痛心疾首:“你這樣子以后很難找到工作的截酷!難道你想早早的找個男人嫁了涮拗,做家庭主婦乾戏? 這就是你一輩子的計劃迂苛?”
"Imagine youself older and unable to find a job. Just imagine it." Marilyn had found herself repeating that dire warning again and again. "Do you think you'll just find a man and get married? Is that all you plan for your life?"
由于承受不了來自父母的壓力,Lydia 最后選擇了結(jié)束自己的生命鼓择。在生命的最后階段三幻,她告訴自己:“從現(xiàn)在起,再也不用假裝某個自己不愿意成為的人呐能。從現(xiàn)在起念搬,做自己真正想做的事“诔觯”
She will stop pretending to be someone she is not. From now on, she will do what she wants.
Marilyn 的形象很像傳統(tǒng)中國婦女的形象朗徊,放棄自己的事業(yè),為了家務(wù)事忙了一輩子偎漫,將全部身心投入家庭爷恳。偶爾在窗臺前駐足,回首一生象踊,才發(fā)現(xiàn)自己一輩子都是為了別人而活温亲。文中有一段描寫,概括了她們的心態(tài):
You loved so hard and hoped so much and then you ended up with nothing.Children who no longer needed you. A husband who no longer want you. Nothing left but you, alone, and empty space.
本書不僅只描述 Marilyn 和 Lydia 的母女情杯矩,還描述了 Marilyn 和 James 的愛情栈虚,James 和 Lydia 的父女情, Lydia 和 Nath 的兄妹情等史隆。這里只是做一個拋磚引玉魂务,如果感興趣的話,可以找找這本書來讀讀泌射。
《Everything I Never Told You》