In previous classes, I showed you a comprehensive theory of time management and explained several practical methods that you can use to implement this theory in your everyday life.
In this course, I’ll recommend some tools that will help you implement this time management process.
Confucius once said, “the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”
In time management, if we want to get double the results in half the time, we must use the right tools.
The right tools will reduce the time and effort to complete tasks.
If using the right tools is so important to optimizing the time you spend, then you must also learn to select the right tools for the right tasks.
So how do we choose the right tools?
Tools must be satisfied in two criteria: they must be reduce time and they must reduce effort.
As I mentioned before, the basis to managing time is really managing events.
One tool that we use improperly is our own brain.? Our brain is not designed to memorize but instead to think.? It is a CPU not a hard disk.
So, we need a different tool to collect and store our many tasks.? And it must meet the two criteria: it must reduce the time and effort it would take our brains to do this alone.
After we empty our brain of these tasks, its energy can fully devoted to better organizing our schedules and lists.
Remember, always organize your tasks according to the 4D principle – Do, Delegate, Delay, Delete.
In order from least to most effective in reducing time and effort, here are some tools we could use:
First, paper and pen.? They are easiest to find.
The saying goes, “Good memory is inferior to a badability to write”.
While paper is indeed easier to find, it can be easier to lose but of course this depends on your storage habits.
The other thing is we don’t always have paper and pen with us.? Also, it is difficult to rearrange tasks into prioritized lists, schedules and contexts.
Therefore, it has become inconvenient to use paper and pen to manage our matters.
If you are still using your brain to manage tasks, you’re still living in a primitive age.
If you’re still using paper and pen to manage tasks you are still living in an agricultural age.
We are in the information age of the 21st century.? We need tools that fit the times.
So, I suggest that all of you must learn to manage taskswith your mobile phone.
It would be even better if you have other portable devices such as the iPad, electronic watch.
The mobile phone is very convenient because we carry it with us everywhere we go.
The iPad is good too because its screen is larger and it will be easier to enter information.
The computer is a nice tool as well but it is much more difficult to carry around with us.
If you decided to manage tasks with your phone, you need pay attention to one problem.
It is very easy to become distracted while using your phone because of all the different apps and the opportunity to use social media.
There is no one tool that is best for every situation and for every person.? Tools have different strengths and weaknesses for different situations and different people.? However, in general, some tools are better than others and I’ve found that the mobile phone has been the most effective.
I recommend using the mobile phone to organize your kinds of aims.
Don’t get in the habit of writing down your urgent matters using paper and pen.? As soon as you’re assigned a new task what is the very first thing you do?? Do you write it down on a Post-It note or tablet?? Avoid this habit and instead write it on your phone.
If you don’t have a mobile phone, currently, some of the major brands include the iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi and Huawei as well as many others.
Mobile phones that have a large selection of Apps in an App Store are better for time management.
Choosing the right app is the next thing to consider.? Some apps handle specific things such as list apps, scheduling apps, reminder apps.
We want an app that combines all of the most important components into a single platform that reduces time and effort.
There is one app that I highly recommend: OmniFocus.
Omnifocus is designed to be used with the iPhone.? I’ve used OmniFocus for many years and recommend it to every student of Easy Efficiency.
This software is a bit expensive, and every version and update requires a new payment.? Currently, only the iPhone, iPad and PC can use it.
But, since it is expensive, it must be worth of it.
I will use OmniFocus for the rest of my life.? That’s how good it is.
If you’re really serious about improving your time management, I highly recommend you consider investing in and using OmniFocus.
I want to point something out:
OmniFocus is not developed by Easy Efficiency and has no affiliation with our company.
Easy Efficiency is not a sales agent for OmniFocus and does not get any revenue from its students using it.
The reason I recommend it is very simple – it is the best.? I have used many tools and products and have found this is far and above, the best one.
You can absolutely use other mobile phones and other apps.
You can even collect and arrange matters with a notebook, if you’d like.
In fact, you are welcome to start out practicing with paper and pen. After you are proficient, you can expand to using more convenient and technological solutions.