Alamofire Upload




            .upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in
                multipartFormData.append("自定義數(shù)據(jù)0".data(using: .utf8)!, withName: "data0")
                multipartFormData.append("自定義數(shù)據(jù)1".data(using: .utf8)!, withName: "data1")
               multipartFormData.append(UIImage().jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0)!, withName: "img0", fileName: "aaa.jpg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")
            }, to: "your url") { (result) in
  • Alamofire 多表單上傳為外界提供了一個(gè)閉包,方便構(gòu)造表單數(shù)據(jù)


open class SessionManager {

open func upload(
        multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
        usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = SessionManager.multipartFormDataEncodingMemoryThreshold,
        to url: URLConvertible,
        method: HTTPMethod = .post,
        headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
        queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
        encodingCompletion: ((MultipartFormDataEncodingResult) -> Void)?)
        do {
            let urlRequest = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)

            return upload(
                multipartFormData: multipartFormData,
                usingThreshold: encodingMemoryThreshold,
                with: urlRequest,
                queue: queue,
                encodingCompletion: encodingCompletion
        } catch {
            (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { encodingCompletion?(.failure(error)) }

open func upload(
        multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
        usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = SessionManager.multipartFormDataEncodingMemoryThreshold,
        with urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible,
        queue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
        encodingCompletion: ((MultipartFormDataEncodingResult) -> Void)?)
    { .utility).async {
            let formData = MultipartFormData()

            var tempFileURL: URL?

            do {
                //設(shè)置表單數(shù)據(jù)的類型 Content-Type
                var urlRequestWithContentType = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
                urlRequestWithContentType.setValue(formData.contentType, forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
                //判斷當(dāng)前URLSession 是不是background類型
                let isBackgroundSession = self.session.configuration.identifier != nil
                //判斷當(dāng)前的表單數(shù)據(jù)大小是否小于某一閾值 && 不是backgroud類型的URLSession
                if formData.contentLength < encodingMemoryThreshold && !isBackgroundSession {
                    let data = try formData.encode()
                    let encodingResult = MultipartFormDataEncodingResult.success(
                        //調(diào)用upload 方法3.1
                        request: self.upload(data, with: urlRequestWithContentType),
                        streamingFromDisk: false,
                        streamFileURL: nil
                    //主線程調(diào)用 encodingCompletion 閉包
                    (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { encodingCompletion?(encodingResult) }
                } else {

                    let fileManager = FileManager.default
                    let tempDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory())
                    let directoryURL = tempDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("org.alamofire.manager/")
                    let fileName = UUID().uuidString
                    let fileURL = directoryURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
                    tempFileURL = fileURL

                    var directoryError: Error?
                    // Create directory inside serial queue to ensure two threads don't do this in parallel
                    self.queue.sync {
                        do {
                            try fileManager.createDirectory(at: directoryURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
                        } catch {
                            directoryError = error
                   // 創(chuàng)建失敗就拋異常
                    if let directoryError = directoryError { throw directoryError }

                    try formData.writeEncodedData(to: fileURL)

                    //調(diào)用另一個(gè)上傳 upload方法3.2,傳遞了fileURL
                    let upload = self.upload(fileURL, with: urlRequestWithContentType)
                    //Taskdelegate.queue中添加 移除臨時(shí)文件的操作,再上傳結(jié)束后會(huì)被執(zhí)行
                    // Cleanup the temp file once the upload is complete
                    upload.delegate.queue.addOperation {
                        do {
                            try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)
                        } catch {
                            // No-op
                    (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async {
                        let encodingResult = MultipartFormDataEncodingResult.success(
                            request: upload,
                            streamingFromDisk: true,
                            streamFileURL: fileURL
                          //主線程調(diào)用 encodingCompletion 閉包
            } catch {
                // Cleanup the temp file in the event that the multipart form data encoding failed
                if let tempFileURL = tempFileURL {
                    do {
                        try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: tempFileURL)
                    } catch {
                        // No-op

                (queue ?? DispatchQueue.main).async { encodingCompletion?(.failure(error)) }

//upload 方法3.1
    open func upload(_ data: Data, with urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible) -> UploadRequest {
        do {
            let urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
            return upload(.data(data, urlRequest))
        } catch {
            return upload(nil, failedWith: error)

//upload 方法3.2
 open func upload(_ fileURL: URL, with urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible) -> UploadRequest {
        do {
            let urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
            return upload(.file(fileURL, urlRequest))
        } catch {
            return upload(nil, failedWith: error)

//upload 方法4,這個(gè)是私有方法哦~
//此方法真正 resume task.
private func upload(_ uploadable: UploadRequest.Uploadable) -> UploadRequest {
        do {
            let task = try uploadable.task(session: session, adapter: adapter, queue: queue)
            let upload = UploadRequest(session: session, requestTask: .upload(uploadable, task))

            if case let .stream(inputStream, _) = uploadable {
                upload.delegate.taskNeedNewBodyStream = { _, _ in inputStream }

            delegate[task] = upload

            if startRequestsImmediately { upload.resume() }

            return upload
        } catch {
            return upload(uploadable, failedWith: error)


open class UploadRequest: DataRequest {

    // MARK: Helper Types
    enum Uploadable: TaskConvertible {
        case data(Data, URLRequest)
        case file(URL, URLRequest)
        case stream(InputStream, URLRequest)

        func task(session: URLSession, adapter: RequestAdapter?, queue: DispatchQueue) throws -> URLSessionTask {
            do {
                let task: URLSessionTask
              //這里面調(diào)用adapt 適配器,得到最終的請(qǐng)求
                switch self {
                case let .data(data, urlRequest):
                    let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter)
                    task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(with: urlRequest, from: data) }     
                case let .file(url, urlRequest):
                    let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter)
                    task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(with: urlRequest, fromFile: url) }
                case let .stream(_, urlRequest):
                    let urlRequest = try urlRequest.adapt(using: adapter)
                    task = queue.sync { session.uploadTask(withStreamedRequest: urlRequest) }

                return task
            } catch {
                throw AdaptError(error: error)



  • 我們外界的調(diào)用的upload方法經(jīng)過 upload方法1-->upload方法2-->upload方法3.1 或者 upload方法3.2->upload方法4,其中upload方法2upload方法4是比較重要的環(huán)節(jié).

  • upload方法2 主要處理兩種情況:

  • upload方法4調(diào)用了 uploadable.task方法,uploadable.task 方法會(huì)根據(jù)之前對(duì)于多表單數(shù)據(jù)大小的判斷 創(chuàng)建對(duì)應(yīng)類型的 URLSessionTask, 最后調(diào)用 URLSessionTaskresume方法開始上傳.



//upload 方法3.1
            .upload(Data(), to: "your url")
            .uploadProgress(closure: { (progress) in
            .response { (response) in

    open func upload(_ data: Data, with urlRequest: URLRequestConvertible) -> UploadRequest {
        do {
            let urlRequest = try urlRequest.asURLRequest()
            return upload(.data(data, urlRequest))
        } catch {
            return upload(nil, failedWith: error)

  • 外界調(diào)用data 上傳 實(shí)際上是調(diào)用上面提到的 upload方法4,這里就不贅述了 上傳


//外界調(diào)用 stream 上傳
 let data = Data()
        let inputStream = InputStream(data: data)
        SessionManager.default.upload(inputStream, to: "", method: .post, headers: ["":""]).response { (response) in

    open func upload(
        _ stream: InputStream,
        to url: URLConvertible,
        method: HTTPMethod = .post,
        headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil)
        -> UploadRequest
        do {
            let urlRequest = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
            return upload(stream, with: urlRequest)
        } catch {
            return upload(nil, failedWith: error)
  • stream 上傳實(shí)際上是調(diào)用 upload方法3.3,最終又會(huì)調(diào)用 upload方法4,可見其實(shí) upload方法3.x 都是 upload方法4的裝飾器.


上面敘述了三種上傳方式的方法流程,但是上傳請(qǐng)求要想成功,正確的報(bào)文格式是必須的,Alamofire幫助我們封裝了報(bào)文構(gòu)建的過程,為我們的開發(fā)提供了極大的便利,在開始探索報(bào)文構(gòu)造流程之前,先來看看HTTP 上傳報(bào)文的樣子.



Alamofire 報(bào)文構(gòu)造過程,實(shí)際上就是構(gòu)造類似于上述數(shù)據(jù)的過程,還記得upload方法2中有一段let data = try formData.encode()嗎? 來看源碼:

//在upload方法2 中有這樣一段代碼:
let data = try formData.encode()

open class MultipartFormData {

//BodyPart 內(nèi)部類
class BodyPart {
        let headers: HTTPHeaders
        let bodyStream: InputStream
        let bodyContentLength: UInt64
        var hasInitialBoundary = false
        var hasFinalBoundary = false

        init(headers: HTTPHeaders, bodyStream: InputStream, bodyContentLength: UInt64) {
            self.headers = headers
            self.bodyStream = bodyStream
            self.bodyContentLength = bodyContentLength

private var bodyParts: [BodyPart]

public func encode() throws -> Data {
        if let bodyPartError = bodyPartError {
            throw bodyPartError

        var encoded = Data()

        bodyParts.first?.hasInitialBoundary = true
        bodyParts.last?.hasFinalBoundary = true
       //遍歷 BodyPart 數(shù)據(jù),拼接data
        for bodyPart in bodyParts {
            let encodedData = try encode(bodyPart)

        return encoded

//編碼每一個(gè) BodyPart對(duì)象
 private func encode(_ bodyPart: BodyPart) throws -> Data {
        var encoded = Data()

        let initialData = bodyPart.hasInitialBoundary ? initialBoundaryData() : encapsulatedBoundaryData()

        let headerData = encodeHeaders(for: bodyPart)

        let bodyStreamData = try encodeBodyStream(for: bodyPart)

        if bodyPart.hasFinalBoundary {

        return encoded

private func encodeHeaders(for bodyPart: BodyPart) -> Data {
        var headerText = ""

        for (key, value) in bodyPart.headers {
            headerText += "\(key): \(value)\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)"
        headerText += EncodingCharacters.crlf

        return String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)!

 private func encodeBodyStream(for bodyPart: BodyPart) throws -> Data {
        let inputStream = bodyPart.bodyStream
        defer { inputStream.close() }

        var encoded = Data()

        while inputStream.hasBytesAvailable {
            var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: streamBufferSize)
            let bytesRead =, maxLength: streamBufferSize)

            if let error = inputStream.streamError {
                throw AFError.multipartEncodingFailed(reason: .inputStreamReadFailed(error: error))

            if bytesRead > 0 {
                encoded.append(buffer, count: bytesRead)
            } else {

        return encoded
/* --------       boundary 生成相關(guān)方法       -------*/
 private func initialBoundaryData() -> Data {
        return BoundaryGenerator.boundaryData(forBoundaryType: .initial, boundary: boundary)

    private func encapsulatedBoundaryData() -> Data {
        return BoundaryGenerator.boundaryData(forBoundaryType: .encapsulated, boundary: boundary)

    private func finalBoundaryData() -> Data {
        return BoundaryGenerator.boundaryData(forBoundaryType: .final, boundary: boundary)

struct BoundaryGenerator {
        enum BoundaryType {
            case initial, encapsulated, final

        static func randomBoundary() -> String {
            return String(format: "alamofire.boundary.%08x%08x", arc4random(), arc4random())

        static func boundaryData(forBoundaryType boundaryType: BoundaryType, boundary: String) -> Data {
            let boundaryText: String

            switch boundaryType {
            case .initial:
                boundaryText = "--\(boundary)\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)"
            case .encapsulated:
                boundaryText = "\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)--\(boundary)\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)"
            case .final:
                boundaryText = "\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)--\(boundary)--\(EncodingCharacters.crlf)"

            return String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)!
/* --------       boundary 生成相關(guān)方法       -------*/

//append 方法1
public func append(_ data: Data, withName name: String) {
        let headers = contentHeaders(withName: name)
        let stream = InputStream(data: data)
        let length = UInt64(data.count)
        append(stream, withLength: length, headers: headers)

private func contentHeaders(withName name: String, fileName: String? = nil, mimeType: String? = nil) -> [String: String] {
        var disposition = "form-data; name=\"\(name)\""
        if let fileName = fileName { disposition += "; filename=\"\(fileName)\"" }

        var headers = ["Content-Disposition": disposition]
        if let mimeType = mimeType { headers["Content-Type"] = mimeType }

        return headers

//append 方法2
public func append(_ stream: InputStream, withLength length: UInt64, headers: HTTPHeaders) {
        //構(gòu)造 BodyPart , 添加到bodyParts數(shù)組中
        let bodyPart = BodyPart(headers: headers, bodyStream: stream, bodyContentLength: length)

  • 相關(guān)代碼還是很多,總結(jié)一下:
    1.Alamofire構(gòu)造上傳請(qǐng)求的流程就是用 MultipartFormData 傳遞給外界
    2.外界調(diào)用append方法之后, MultipartFormDatabodyParts數(shù)組中添加BodyPart對(duì)象.
    3.MultipartFormDataencode()方法被調(diào)用后,遍歷bodyParts數(shù)組,調(diào)用encode(bodyPart)編碼每一個(gè)bodyPart得到每一個(gè)bodyPart編碼后的data, 把這個(gè)data 添加到encode中構(gòu)造總報(bào)文.
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