recent prayer updates:
1. Second master with thesis in IE with. 90% 1/4RA
2. Should I go for a PhD or not
3. What's the call/desire from God:
PhD, Study, Research/ Master, more time focus on family,neighbor?
Or PhD, still could focus on my family and have enough time to love neighbor?
4. How to balance & What is the priority掷豺?:? (Need wisdom from God)
time with the Lord, meditation, reflection on BIBLE
time with my husband
time for children ( in the future )
time with my families ( parents, grandparents...)
time while coding & studying & doing research
time serving at church
time serving others/non-believers out of church
time for our coming little?corgi
time for resting & recovering
God is in control.
No matter study, research, working most of time while coding not connecting people, or having lots of time resting, connecting with people, tell gospel directly or through action......
If it is done from God, through God and for him and for his glory, shall not afraid, shall not compare with others, shall not ashame, God is with you/me.
Roman 11:36
For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
羅馬書 11:36