Certainly yes, keeping curious can help you better to generate good questions that you can find more information about your customers. Hence, you can get more BATANAS.
I am curious why you paid that price.
I am curious how you made that decision.
I am curious how you came to decide on that machine.
Structure your questions carefully. By structuring your questions you can control the agenda, the meeting, and, eventually, the outcome.
Examples of When questions
When do you think you will be able to go ahead?
When will you put it to your committee?
When will you have had time to consider the pros and cons of the offer?
When will the board be satisfied that the outstanding negotiation points have been sorted?
Examples of Who questions
Who is the decision-maker on this contract?
Who will I need to convince?
Can I help you present the case?
Who will be presenting the proposal?
Who will sign off the payments?
Examples of Where questions
Where will the final agreement be signed?
Where shall we hold the negotiations?
Where will we find the answers to their outstanding points?
Where can we find the information we need, so we can go ahead?