EACH FAMILYHAS unique habits and rules for praise. In one family, praise is long lasting, as solid and sweet as a giant gumball rolling on one’s tongue. In another family, praise’s sweetness dissolves quickly, leaving no trace and offering no satisfaction. When one person responds to praise with a rush of pride, while another feels anxious and wonders, “Did they really mean it?” and “Are they still pleased?” it is likely that their families expressed praise in very different ways.
Each family also has unique practices and rules about blame. In some families, blame is short-lived, quickly overridden by praise. In another, blame is set down indelibly in the family record, frequently referenced as an enduring measure of low worth. One person takes blame in his or her stride, shrugging it off: “It was a mistake anyone could make.” Another bristles defensively, “It wasn’t my fault,” or “Your view doesn’t matter to me.” A third is immediately flooded with self-abuse: “Yes, I really messed up; I always do that; it’s all my fault.” Such very different responses are linked to the ways blame is meted out and expressed within our families, from infancy through midlife.