FSAE觅丰,which is
formula SAE, “is an integrative
engineering education event which facing college students.
I have become one of our racing team, the SJTU racing team when I was freshman. I chose the CAM team at the first year, which was focused on computer assistant manufacturing. But it was useless for a technological weak student ream. So we just canceled this team and I chose to join in the frame team.
In this year, I have done the following works as member of frame team.
1. Read the paper related to three point bending of sandwich structure and come up with a method to improve the result from experiment. But I was absent of the experiment, and we just do the same thing as last year.
This is one result of I just do my job passively and didn't push others. After learning "leader your leader", I won't make the same problem next year.
2. My major job is design and make the connecting system of spoiler. It is our first time to use aerodynamic kit.
At the beginning, I got know of material about spoiler and connecting by check the photo of foreign racing team and read some relevant paper. Gotten some Basic idea, I chose to use the plan consist of six or eight rod with cable. Because we had to use the more conserve plan in the first year. According to data I collected, the forgoing plan is the most popular and mature one, which takes more than 90%. And because it was also my first time to design complex mechanics, we also wanted me do the most safe work.
The next step was to finish the wire frame in Catia. The biggest problem I met is unsure of wire frame stability. I have tried a lot such as working in draft paper, learning space bars system from civil, and try to utilize some software. But after I have finished the?《Engineering Mechanics AN INTRODUCTION TO DYNAMICS in second semester of sophomore, I knew how to Slovenia this in Matlab, and I would do this in 2015 season.
And then to finish the whole system modeling. I learned something related to suspension and finish my model. During modeling I have to consider interfering and sharing problems and improve modeling. It last for three or four months. I have learned parametric modeling this winter break and I believe I can save a lot of effort in future.
Next, consider the connecting to the car body and the spoiler. By consulting to the senior and fellow in other universities, reading the paper of foreign racing team, learning similar thing about wings, I finished design of those seats.
Optimizing and taking account of the processing level throughout the whole design process.
After all that work, I made the 2D drawing, checked the drawings, and contacted with processors. After we redo the making 2D drawing over and over again, I make those drawing with high quality.
In the end, the assembled connecting system proved my design is good.
3. I also did something related to designing the welding
fixture, making die for wings, and deal with carbon fiber. Considering they are
not design parts and I just working on surface about them, I will talk about
them later.