let str = "helloworld"
let index3 = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
let index4 = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 6)
let sub4 = str[index3..<index4]
// 打印結果:low
let firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp:String? = "2019年8月"
// 找到“年”所在range
let yearRange = firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp?.range(of: "年")
/// Returns the distance between two indices.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: A valid index of the collection.
/// - end: Another valid index of the collection. If `end` is equal to
/// `start`, the result is zero.
/// - Returns: The distance between `start` and `end`.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*), where *n* is the resulting distance.
let yearDistance = (firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp?.distance(from: firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp!.startIndex, to: yearRange!.lowerBound))!
// 比如 2019
let firstReturnMoneyYear = firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp?.prefix(yearDistance)
let firstReturnMoneyYearVaule:Int = Int(String(firstReturnMoneyYear!))!
// 找到“月”所在range
let monthRange = firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp?.range(of: "月")
// 返回從 upperBound 到 lowerBound(不包含)位置之間的字符
let firstReturnMonth = firstReturnMoneyTimeTemp![yearRange!.upperBound ..< monthRange!.lowerBound]