Obscure: not well known; to make it difficult to see, hear or understand
Opaque: clear enough to see through or allow light through
Gnaw: to keep biting sth or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears
Speculation:? the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts
Scowl: to look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way
Jabber: to talk quickly and in an excited way so that it is difficult to understand what you are saying
Jeer: to laugh at sb or shout rude remarks at them to show that you do not respect them
Indigo: very dark blue in color
Formulate: to create or prepare sth carefully, giving particular attention to the details
Mimicry: the action or skill of being able to copy the voice, movements, etc. of others
Inarticulate: not able to express ideas or feelings clearly or easily
Gibbering: to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, often because of fear
Improvisation: to make or do sth using whatever is available, usually because you do not have what you really need
-When does Ralph acknowledge that their group is falling apart and why?
?He acknowledged that while walking along the beach. He realized that children stopped following the rules ( they did not build the shelters, they did not gather drinking water, they ignored the signal fire and they defecate outside the toilet area).
-On page 84 & 85, a littlun named Phil tells about his encounter with the beast. From this story, how can you tell what the beast is? It must be Simon wondering around at night.
-What does Ralph’s speech reveal about his character on page 79-82??
It reveals that Ralph was rational and civilized.
-What is the assembly about??
The assembly was meant to integrate the falling group and reinforce the rules.
-What does Jack think the beast is?
?Jack did not think the beast actually existed.
-What is Piggy’s attitude towards the beast??
He did not believe there existed a beast.
-Where does Percival think the beast comes from?
?He thought the beast came from the sea.
-What does Simon think the beast is?
?Simon thought the beast was themselves.
-Who says, “Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got! And why does he say it? Ralph said that because the meeting began to fall apart, and he was having an argument with Jack.
-How does the setting of the meeting about the beast affect the results of the meeting? The meeting fell apart finally because the order collapsed. Every one wanted to express their own ideas but not listen to others.
-Why does Ralph say that he wants to give up his chief status??
Because he could not hold the order and let other kids listen to him.
-On page 94, Ralph and Piggy discuss how adults would function in this situation. What does this conversation reveal about society and human nature??
The presence of adults represented order. The society is built based on order. The true enemy of humanity is disorder. The evil side of human nature would come out when order collapses.
-What is happening in the last paragraph of Chapter 5?
?Percival was lying in the long grass and reciting his address.?