Filter Out the Noise
It can seem like our lives are filled with busyness, noise, distractions, and often meaningless activities.
What if we could filter out all that noise, and focus on the meaningful?
What if we could find stillness instead of constant distraction?
I believe that most of us have that power. In my experience, most of the noise is there by choice, but we’ve fallen into patterns over the years and it can seem like we’re not able to change them.
Let’s talk about ways to filter out the noise, then how to find stillness and meaning.
Ways to Filter the Noise 過濾噪音的途徑
Take the rest of today to notice what noise you find in your life. Even take a little time to make a list, whenever you find distraction or busyness.
For example, noise in my life comes from: email, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Twitter, blogs and other sites I like to read, text messages, Slack, and watching Netflix. You might have other sources: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, news, cable TV.
比如說奔脐,我生活中的噪音來自: 郵件,微信栏账,snapchat(一款快聊APP)帖族,twitter, 博客,或者其他的我想要閱讀的網站挡爵, 文本信息竖般, Slack (?一款企業(yè)聊天工具)和觀看Netflix ,你或者有其他的資源: Facebook , instagram, Messenger, news, Cable TV.?
Once we’re aware of the noise, how can we filter it out? We have to decide that we want more quiet and meaning in our lives. That it’s important enough to “miss out” on some things in those noisy channels.
一旦我們意識到噪音,我們如何過濾掉茶鹃?我們必須決定我們需要生活更安寧以及有意義涣雕。 因此在這些充滿噪音的頻道里省略一些事情就非常重要了
Then we can take action:
? Turn off notifications as much as possible. Including the unread messages count by each app on your phone.
? Decide to check on some things (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) just once a day. Others you can check twice a day, or three times if needed (like email or Slack). But set a limit.
決定核查每天一次的頻率核查一些事情( 如FACEBOOK, Twitter ,instagram) 闭翩。其它的你可以每天核查2次挣郭,或者3次如果有需要的話( 如郵件,或者Slack).但是設定一個限制次數
? Delete accounts or delete apps that aren’t giving you real meaning (I deleted my Facebook account years ago).
刪除一些賬戶或者刪除APP 疗韵,這些不能給你帶來實際的意義(幾年以前我刪除了我的FACE BOOK 賬戶)
? Unsubscribe from everything possible in your email account. And from Twitter or any other app where you’re “following” people or blogs/websites. If you use an RSS reader, unsubscribe from as many feeds as possible. Leave only a handful that give you meaning.
盡可能退訂一切在你電子郵件賬戶里的東西兑障。和來自TWITTER 或者其他的app 你正在追尋的人或者博客/網址。如果你使用RSS reader ,退訂盡可能多的訂閱蕉汪。僅留下少數對你有意義的流译。
? Tell people that you are only checking your messages once a day, to set expectations. Don’t use an autoresponder — I find those annoying. Instead, just send a message to the people who matter most, and ask that they be understanding.
告訴人們你每天只查一次你的信息,設定期望者疤。不要設定自動回復-我發(fā)現這個很讓人討厭福澡。 相反,僅僅發(fā)一個信息給那些重要的相關人驹马,要求他們理解革砸。
? Set a time each day when you watch TV or movies (if at all). Set a time of day when you read news or blogs (if at all). If you say, “I only watch TV after 7 p.m.,” then you’ve limited how much space this takes up in your life.
? If there are some things (like email, for example) where you need to stay connected because of work, try to negotiate with your boss or team so that you can find periods of disconnection. For example, ask if you can take a couple hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon to be disconnected, to focus on more important work.
如果有一些事情(比如郵件,打個比方)因為工作笔时,哪里你需要一直保持聯(lián)系的棍好,試著跟你的老板或者團隊協(xié)調來使得你有不在聯(lián)的時間段,比如允耿, 征求你是否能保留早上的幾個小時或者下午的幾個小時處于不在聯(lián)狀態(tài)來專注于更重要的工作
If you take these actions, you’ll filter out most of the noise.
What’s left? Time for quiet, stillness, focus and meaning.
那么留下來的是什么呢? 擁有時間享有安靜和寧靜,專注和意義较锡。