import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j;
public class GPSUtils {
public static double pi =3.1415926535897932384626;
? ? public static double x_pi =pi *3000.0 /180.0;
? ? public static double a =6378245.0;
? ? public static double ee =0.00669342162296594323;
? ? public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] dd =gps84_To_bd09(31.426896, 119.496145);
? ? ? ?[0]);
? ? ? ?[1]);
? ? ? ? dd =gps84_To_Gcj02(31.426896, 119.496145);
? ? ? ?[0]);
? ? ? ?[1]);
? ? }
public static double transformLat(double x, double y) {
double ret = -100.0 +2.0 * x +3.0 * y +0.2 * y * y +0.1 * x * y
+0.2 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x));
? ? ? ? ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * x *pi) +20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * x *pi)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(y *pi) +40.0 * Math.sin(y /3.0 *pi)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? ret += (160.0 * Math.sin(y /12.0 *pi) +320 * Math.sin(y *pi /30.0)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? return ret;
? ? }
public static double transformLon(double x, double y) {
double ret =300.0 + x +2.0 * y +0.1 * x * x +0.1 * x * y +0.1 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x));
? ? ? ? ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(6.0 * x *pi) +20.0 * Math.sin(2.0 * x *pi)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? ret += (20.0 * Math.sin(x *pi) +40.0 * Math.sin(x /3.0 *pi)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? ret += (150.0 * Math.sin(x /12.0 *pi) +300.0 * Math.sin(x /30.0 *pi)) *2.0 /3.0;
? ? ? ? return ret;
? ? }
public static double[]transform(double lat, double lon) {
if (outOfChina(lat, lon)) {
return new double[]{lat, lon};
? ? ? ? }
double dLat =transformLat(lon -105.0, lat -35.0);
? ? ? ? double dLon =transformLon(lon -105.0, lat -35.0);
? ? ? ? double radLat = lat /180.0 *pi;
? ? ? ? double magic = Math.sin(radLat);
? ? ? ? magic =1 -ee * magic * magic;
? ? ? ? double sqrtMagic = Math.sqrt(magic);
? ? ? ? dLat = (dLat *180.0) / ((a * (1 -ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) *pi);
? ? ? ? dLon = (dLon *180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * Math.cos(radLat) *pi);
? ? ? ? double mgLat = lat + dLat;
? ? ? ? double mgLon = lon + dLon;
? ? ? ? return new double[]{mgLat, mgLon};
? ? }
public static boolean outOfChina(double lat, double lon) {
if (lon <72.004 || lon >137.8347)
return true;
? ? ? ? if (lat <0.8293 || lat >55.8271)
return true;
return false;
? ? }
* 84 to 火星坐標(biāo)系 (GCJ-02) World Geodetic System ==> Mars Geodetic System
? ? * @param lat
? ? * @param lon
? ? * @return
? ? */
? ? public static double[]gps84_To_Gcj02(double lat, double lon) {
if (outOfChina(lat, lon)) {
return new double[]{lat, lon};
? ? ? ? }
double dLat =transformLat(lon -105.0, lat -35.0);
? ? ? ? double dLon =transformLon(lon -105.0, lat -35.0);
? ? ? ? double radLat = lat /180.0 *pi;
? ? ? ? double magic = Math.sin(radLat);
? ? ? ? magic =1 -ee * magic * magic;
? ? ? ? double sqrtMagic = Math.sqrt(magic);
? ? ? ? dLat = (dLat *180.0) / ((a * (1 -ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) *pi);
? ? ? ? dLon = (dLon *180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * Math.cos(radLat) *pi);
? ? ? ? double mgLat = lat + dLat;
? ? ? ? double mgLon = lon + dLon;
? ? ? ? return new double[]{mgLat, mgLon};
? ? }
* * 火星坐標(biāo)系 (GCJ-02) to 84 * * @param lon * @param lat * @return
? ? public static double[]gcj02_To_Gps84(double lat, double lon) {
double[] gps =transform(lat, lon);
? ? ? ? double lontitude = lon *2 - gps[1];
? ? ? ? double latitude = lat *2 - gps[0];
? ? ? ? return new double[]{latitude, lontitude};
? ? }
* 火星坐標(biāo)系 (GCJ-02) 與百度坐標(biāo)系 (BD-09) 的轉(zhuǎn)換算法 將 GCJ-02 坐標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)換成 BD-09 坐標(biāo)
? ? * @param lat
? ? * @param lon
? ? */
? ? public static double[]gcj02_To_Bd09(double lat, double lon) {
double x = lon, y = lat;
? ? ? ? double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) +0.00002 * Math.sin(y *x_pi);
? ? ? ? double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) +0.000003 * Math.cos(x *x_pi);
? ? ? ? double tempLon = z * Math.cos(theta) +0.0065;
? ? ? ? double tempLat = z * Math.sin(theta) +0.006;
? ? ? ? double[] gps = {tempLat, tempLon};
? ? ? ? return gps;
? ? }
* * 火星坐標(biāo)系 (GCJ-02) 與百度坐標(biāo)系 (BD-09) 的轉(zhuǎn)換算法 * * 將 BD-09 坐標(biāo)轉(zhuǎn)換成GCJ-02 坐標(biāo) * * @param
* bd_lat * @param bd_lon * @return
? ? public static double[]bd09_To_Gcj02(double lat, double lon) {
double x = lon -0.0065, y = lat -0.006;
? ? ? ? double z = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) -0.00002 * Math.sin(y *x_pi);
? ? ? ? double theta = Math.atan2(y, x) -0.000003 * Math.cos(x *x_pi);
? ? ? ? double tempLon = z * Math.cos(theta);
? ? ? ? double tempLat = z * Math.sin(theta);
? ? ? ? double[] gps = {tempLat, tempLon};
? ? ? ? return gps;
? ? }
* 將gps84轉(zhuǎn)為bd09
? ? * @param lat
? ? * @param lon
? ? * @return
? ? */
? ? public static double[]gps84_To_bd09(double lat, double lon) {
double[] gcj02 =gps84_To_Gcj02(lat, lon);
? ? ? ? double[] bd09 =gcj02_To_Bd09(gcj02[0], gcj02[1]);
? ? ? ? return bd09;
? ? }
public static double[]bd09_To_gps84(double lat, double lon) {
double[] gcj02 =bd09_To_Gcj02(lat, lon);
? ? ? ? double[] gps84 =gcj02_To_Gps84(gcj02[0], gcj02[1]);
? ? ? ? //保留小數(shù)點(diǎn)后六位
? ? ? ? gps84[0] =retain6(gps84[0]);
? ? ? ? gps84[1] =retain6(gps84[1]);
? ? ? ? return gps84;
? ? }
* 保留小數(shù)點(diǎn)后六位
? ? * @param num
? ? * @return
? ? */
? ? private static double retain6(double num) {
String result = String.format("%.6f", num);
? ? ? ? return Double.valueOf(result);
? ? }