- rent [rent]:自己讀的是/?/捌显,像潤,實際是/e/总寒,哎的那個和德語類似扶歪,和/?/類似更小的那個。并且那部分e字母都讀/e/摄闸,所以別讀成漢字的e額,壞習慣善镰。
- radical ['r?d?k(?)l]激進的adj,基礎n.:?
- abode住所 [?'b??d]:?
本田思域Honda Civic - 擺脫get rid of
- 俚語:killer特別棒的
- real estate房地產 [?'ste?t; e-]
- snatch up猛然抓住 [sn?t?]搶奪
- condo出售的公寓大廈-apartment是出租
- vehicle [?vi??k(?)l]車子
- briefcase ['bri?fke?s]公文包(簡短的)
- distraction分心 [d?'str?k?(?)n]的事物:It distract u.
- suck away [s?k]吸走了
- make sense 有意義,有道理:It makes no sense.
- hassle['h?s(?)l] n麻煩
- logical合理的['l?d??k(?)l]合乎邏輯的
- entrepreneur[??ntr?pr??n??(r)]企業(yè)家
- potential [p??ten?l] n.潛力
- practice ['pr?kt?s] n.做法
- revolutionize [,rev?'lju:??naiz] vt.徹底改變年枕,變革
- sacrifice ['s?kr?fa?s]犧牲
- profound [pr?'fa?nd]深刻的
- yoga mat瑜伽墊 [m?t]
- decent ['di?s(?)nt]相當好的炫欺,得當的
- primal ['pra?m(?)l] adj.原始的 urge沖動
- ignite [?g'na?t] vt 點燃=kindle點燃,發(fā)亮
- vanish ['v?n??] vt. 消失= disappear
- cling on to 緊緊抓住熏兄, [kl??]堅持依附
- fulfillment [f?l'f?lm?nt] n. 滿足
- zip code 郵編
- Minimalism['m?n?m?,l?z(?)m]極簡主義
- the more....the more.....: The more we learn ,the less we konw.
- spend one's time doing sth 花時間做某事
spend one's time on sth 把時間花在某事上
- Even though my condo was nice and comfortable, it was a distraction for me -- something that sucked away my energy, time and money.
- I don’t need stuff to make me happy.
- In fact,the more stuff I have, the more hassle I’m forced to deal with. And a house is the ultimate hassle. 我是認為房子 會變成唯一去追求的東西品洛,而失去了自己生活和自己。
The more I roam(漫游), the more I learn. I network(此處為編織人際關系網) like an addict(癮君子). I’m constantly meeting and learning from fascinating['f?s?ne?t??] people all over the world. It’s not about what I got rid of. It’s what I gained.Letting go of things is one of the best ways to discover yourself.
Growing up in a middle-class neighborhood, I always heard people say, "Get a good job." "Buy a nicehouse." "Settle down." Etc. Why did so much of life revolve around(以…為中心)having a house? What if that lifestyle isn’t for everyone?
以前會糾結買房子的問題芦拿,在做答案明了:如果 買房之后士飒,讓你幾乎為此放棄了整個人生查邢,NO。如果買房讓你真正得到滿足和幸福酵幕,而不只是聽別人講扰藕,滿足虛榮物欲占有等,YES芳撒。所以如果以后我沒那么多錢实胸,我會先把中心放在追求更有意義的事情上。
Life wasn’t about the things that I had, but about the relationships that I built with people.
A house doesn’t fill me with passion. It doesn’t energize me. It doesn’t give me purpose. It’s not a source of joy.If a house, an apartment or other stuff gets in the way(阻礙) of my passions, then I should leave it behind.
- 生活不在于你占有了多少東西番官。其實有發(fā)現不是指平常我們購買一些東西庐完。而是指,當你吃撐了但還是非要再買徘熔,再吃门躯,和難受了。當你發(fā)現自己不應該再看小說了酷师,可是就是不要停下來讶凉,當你沒有任何需要買的時候也要去超市隨便買點什么的時候,這就是你在讓物品山孔,填滿空虛的心懂讯。所以,當你發(fā)現自己買/吃/做某事是未來填補空虛的心的時候台颠,停下來褐望。
- 作者說生活不是在于事物,而是在于人串前。笑來說瘫里,幸福的定義,是與他人荡碾、社會的正相關谨读。我想了想了,覺得很有道理坛吁,雖然沒有百分百明白劳殖,但我知道,我一定要照做〔β觯現在在慢慢領悟更多哆姻。
- 當我們選擇做什么的時候,的確應該問問自己女坑,這能不能讓我有激情填具,激勵我统舀,給我目標感匆骗?如果一個房子劳景,一個專業(yè),一個人讓你沒有激情甚至阻礙你碉就,那就消除盟广,丟掉!
房子不是幸福的來源瓮钥。聽到這句話自己有點炸毛筋量,是啊,你說人是不是有毛病碉熄,暴食桨武,狂購,看垃圾小說都不可能是a source of joy啊锈津,我們卻停不下來呀酸。怪不得人最大的敵人是自己。這句話真是最正確不過了琼梆。你控制不住自己的本我/大腦/欲望性誉,你讓你的大象在拽著你走。那他只會把你引向墮落的深淵茎杂。有癮错览,其實就是選擇多了,腦回路形成吧煌往?
The minute I signed the papers on the sale of my condo, something within me —primal(原始的), deep, and powerful -- was ignited(點燃). I felt free. Completely,truly, internally, externally, and absolutely free.
less is more倾哺。擁有物質越多無形中消耗越多能量。且說明你內心越空虛刽脖。所以悼粮,極簡主義是應該被提倡的,并且應該通過外在改變來達到內心改變曾棕。這是可以的扣猫。
Minimalism(極簡主義) might start with getting rid of your possessions, but it goes much deeper than that. It reorients(重新調整) your mind,helping you focus on the things that truly matter. My minimalism makes my life easy,stress-free and streamlined(合理化的).