98年到2004年,6年的時間讓這個電視劇成為一個經(jīng)典遣蚀,看似簡單顽耳,四個女人,一個又一個的愛情片段妙同。因為性的因素,這個電視劇在中國的流行度遠不如《friends》膝迎。N年來粥帚,說到學英語的美劇,大部分人還是推薦老友記限次。沒有任何貶低老友記的意思芒涡,這兩個應(yīng)該是兩個無法逾越的經(jīng)典,再多的模仿也只是東施效顰卖漫。 盡管現(xiàn)在很多人覺得都過時了费尽,我們?nèi)匀粵]遇到更打動我的美劇。另外羊始,請來的好萊塢最矚目的時尚顧問旱幼,讓時尚更是永不過時。
《老友記》是六個朋友的生活情景喜劇突委,《欲望都市》是講給女人的愛情人生柏卤, 個人覺得后者結(jié)構(gòu)和構(gòu)思更為精巧冬三,每一集的結(jié)尾都是意猶未盡,這個深度是缘缚,當你的英文達到一定的水平勾笆,你才會真正的會心一笑,語言的內(nèi)涵深處桥滨,編劇的獨具匠心窝爪,幽默,犀利齐媒,一語雙關(guān)蒲每。
Season 1-----1
一開始是Carrie的獨白泣特,先來一個typical 曼哈頓浪漫的愛情故事敘述:
Once upon a time, an English journalist came to New York.
Elizabeth was attractive and bright.
Right away she hooked up with one of the city's typically eligible bachelors.
The question remains--
Is this really a company we want to own?
Tim was 42, a well-liked,and respected investment banker...who made about two million a year.
They met one evening, in typical New York fashion...at a gallery opening.
It was love at first sight.
For two weeks they snuggled...went to romantic restaurants...had wonderful sex...and share their most intimate secrets.
這個俗套的話是: I feel likeI know you from somewhere .結(jié)果美女也一樣的俗:I think perhaps I have met you somewhere before.
“Could we take a rain check? ? ? ?--Of course.”
呵呵噠,awfully long rain check ! 是不是覺得不妙兜挨!
up to one's ears 表示很忙的意思膏孟,忙成這樣?拌汇! 耳朵都滿了柒桑?
Carrie 的出場,這是一個age of un-innocence. ?不是童話故事噪舀,沒有那么小清新的一見鐘情然后happy ever after 魁淳,有的只是一個rain check 就消失的無影無蹤了。 ?現(xiàn)實是什么与倡? ? 為什么會遇不到完美的男朋友界逛?
Riddle of Sphinx ?........
到了30s的時候,忽然感覺so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men!
Suddenly, the guys are holding all the chips. ?l call it“ the mid-30s power flip''.
男人忽然占了主導地位纺座! 這是一個權(quán)利大反轉(zhuǎn)(flip)!!
大家開始議論紛紛息拜,理性閨蜜 Mirada 出場敘述了一個故事:
l have a friend who'd always gone out with extremely sexy guys and just had a good time. ?One day she woke up and found ?she was 41.She couldn't get any more dates.
She had a complete physical breakdown,couldn't hold on her job and had to ?moved back to Wisconsin to live with her mother.Trust me, this is not a story that ?makes ?men feel bad.
好吧! 年齡是女人的悲哀嗎, 不想承認可是連女強人Mirada 字里行間帶著對女性的惋惜该溯,這部劇是否帶有女權(quán)主義岛抄,不在此討論,只因是從女性角度去探討的罷了狈茉。
書呆子也出來說了一句: Sometimes you just have to give it a little space and that's exactly what?s missing in Manhattan,the space for romance.
我們的城市確實缺失浪漫的氣息夫椭,中國人一定站出來說那是因為我們活的太累了,地那么貴氯庆,房子也買不起蹭秋,還有space for romance ?
It?s like the older we get,the more we keep self-selecting down to a smaller & smaller group.
turn down 的男人有各種各樣不滿的理由仁讨,too short, too fat, too poor .....
Mirada 接著說:
l've been out with some of those guys-the short, fat poor ones.
lt makes absolutely no difference.
They are just as selfcentered and unappreciative as the good-looking ones.
absolutely no difference... 那既然這樣,女人覺得還是的找個條件好的实昨,男人覺得女人越老越挑剔:
“Why don't they just marry a big fat tub of lard? ”
閨蜜 Samantha 覺得愛情就是illusion, 她對三個閨蜜說了一段大家覺得哭笑不得的話:
Sweetheart, this is the first time in the history of Manhattan that women have had as much money and power as men,plus the equal luxury of treating men like sex objects.
Yeah, except men in this city fail on both counts.I mean they don?t want to ?be in a relationship with u ,but as soon as you only want them for sex,they ?don't like it.
這一集的主題開始出現(xiàn)了荒给,面對三個不同觀點的閨蜜丈挟, Carrie想實驗一下,有沒有她所謂的 messy emotional attachment志电,是否可以像個男人一樣曙咽?
結(jié)果是更加迷惑了,在舊情人變成現(xiàn)在所謂的"friends with benefits" 挑辆,她在感覺良好之后例朱,完全沒覺得自己占控制權(quán)。
閨蜜Charlotte則是一個略為保守傳統(tǒng)的美女鱼蝉,她的宗旨是play hard-to-get 洒嗤,
結(jié)果約會的結(jié)尾好雷,拒絕過夜之后的男人毫不尷尬的對她說:Look,l understand where you're coming from and l totally respect it.But l really need to have sex tonight.
在這一集最后Carrie 遇到了MR.BIG魁亦, 一個迷人的單身漢烁竭,充滿著她喜歡的氣息,帥氣逼人吉挣,成熟神秘, ?她對他說婉弹, “l(fā) write a column called Sex And The City.right now l'm researching an article about women who have sex like men. You know,They have sex and then afterwards they feel nothing.” ?BIG 卻說:“ ?But you're not like that."
"No....Not even half a drop."
忽然感覺一陣眩暈 ? ? ?
Suddenly l felt the wind knocked out of me.
Have you ever been in love?
MR.BIG 嘴角露出迷人的笑容.... 一個讓所有人難忘的詞緩緩從笑容里吐露出來