Among all the characters in The Big Bang Theory, the famous sitcom drama, I think Sheldon would be the most popular one in the eye of the audience. His quirk, smartness, slickness, numbness, stubbornness, gayness, his wry sense of humor and benevolence (he established a trust fund for Howard's kids.) makes him one of the cutest person in the world.
I would be killed to be Professor Sheldon Cooper's roommate like Lenord, or just like Raj and Howard, a good friend. Because those aforementioned qualities just meet all the standards that I set for a perfect friend. At table, I can listen to an assortment of knowledge from his "melt caramel voice", quoted Sheldon himself and the topic would range from big bang to when and how a specific word was coined. And what's even better is that whenever he kids, you'll always hear the belated cue of him - "Bazinga!". I just love the sound of this word out of his mouth.
Sheldon do spring countless waves of laughter on me, catching me off guard and making my life jovial again when I am not in my best days. However, he is dabbed with tragic tang.?He lives in a world full of sarcasm, yet lacking the ability to discern those either teasing or mean jokes from others, time often, leaving the embarrassment stentorian in the room as a result.
His behavior is ritual and regular. No matter where he is, be it his living room with Lenard, the jail he stayed only for a couple of minutes, leaving after his apology to the judge for no tolerance to urinate in front of criminals, restroom at work, theaters where he interrupted Lenard and the doctor's date, he could always find his bespoke spot. To a large extent, it is the spot that controls him instead of the other way around.
Thanks to those pals in the drama who gives his so much unconditional love and patience that Sheldon could live a carefree life and make us laugh at our, sometimes, not so carefree life.
Thank Jim Parson, a wonderful gay man, for such a great drama.?