??1. Matrimonial/IAS Part 20: 婚姻法庭/IAS第20法庭(查詞過程詳見上一篇文章《? 美國離婚判決中文首的“Matrimonial/IAS Part”是什么意思念恍?》)?
2. present/appear:出庭
3. ?default:未出庭/ make the judgment in default:進行缺席判決
4. judgment of divorce:離婚判決書
5. ?agreement of settlement:離婚協(xié)議書
6. child support:子女撫養(yǎng)費 ?
7. maintenance:贍養(yǎng)
8. ?support collection unit:撫養(yǎng)費收款單位
9. ?order of child support:子女撫養(yǎng)費判決/ court‘s decision:法院判決
10. referee:仲裁人/J.S.C.:法官(justice)/Hon. Justice:法官(注:Hon.=Honorable 表尊稱蜈垮,此處可不譯)
11. Verified Complaint and Affidavit:最終起訴書與書面陳述
12. Summons with Notice and Affidavit:傳票及通知書览效、書面陳述
13. waive his right to answer:放棄答辯權(quán)
14. proof of non-military status:未服兵役證明
15. attorney for Plaintiff:原告律師
16. on motion of sb:根據(jù)某人的請求
17. dissolve the marriage between the Plaintiff and the Defendant:解除原告與被告的婚姻關(guān)系
18. live apart:分居
19. the relationship between the two parties has broken down irretrievably:雙方婚姻關(guān)系徹底破裂
20. have custody of the minor child of the marriage:對未成年婚生子女具有撫養(yǎng)權(quán)
21. visitation:探視
22. maintenance:贍養(yǎng)
23. minor child of the marriage:未成年婚生子女
24. unemancipated?child of the marriage:未獨立生活的婚生子女
25. be authorized to resume the use of any prior surname:有權(quán)恢復使用婚前姓
26. counsel fees:律師費
27. notice of entry: 判決通知書