3.Very detail.
4.Agenda.Big thing followed agenda.
5.lots of team,such as SAA team,第一會(huì)務(wù)組。
6.Recap is very important,more and more,long and long.
7.Follow up DCP.
Every month write report.let them know what they need to do next.
8.Happy to share.
you may how to do,but how to do it well.
Group Discussion-Hosted by Ronaldo.
1.What are best experience in club Visiting.
1)key role TM ,TTM, GE should be assigned to old masters.
2)Inform the club in advance.
3)Say hello to every one.
4)positive feedback .
5)take a role or not depends/to be an observer.shining points,education track.give feedback to every individual speaker.
6)follow up,next time improve.
7)motivate the club.
8)joint meeting.
9)the quality of the meeting.
2.What will do differentntly in the second round club Visiting?
-Pay attention to struggle club.
District conference.Open a door of Toastmasters.
met members from over 100 clubs.Tell a personal story when telling a conference.
6-9 workshops from champion or DD leaders.Motivate with a hamble.Break comfort zone.
We are not selling ticket,but selling TM.
My story of Contest.By Helen He.
-Why contest?Defination.
-DCP target.
-Bring hope to struggle club.
officers,invite people as many as possible.to attend,to support,to grow.
1.Find who should be the first person you need persuade to host contest.
2.Finance to support.
3.meet what they need.
father VPE,Mother VPM.
new club member.no.requirements(6speeches) to attend Contest.