How do you change your bad habits by replacing it or by another way? - Quora
Bruce Davis, Spiritual psychologist,author, leading retreats in heartfulness at Silent Stay
The energy behind "bad habits" is usually tension, unresolved frustration, patterns of behavior which are stuck in our routine. ?As we meditate and discover this inner vastness, a large presence of peace inside, the automatic behavior of our habits find more space, understanding, and another alternative. ?Meditation opens a space inside which gives the energy behind our habits another place to go, to be. ?As we find more of our selves, as we find the true depth and size of our awareness our personality, habits, thoughts, and feelings find another dimension, another way of being. ?Meditation opens the doors to more and more of our true self and our habits and old patterns begin to change....
Runaway, Busy Mind? There Is a Way Home
Written Apr 12 · View Upvotes
Is laziness, for the most part a habit? Can it be replaced by the habit of just doing what you need to do? - Quora
Theo J Ellis, Habits can make you or break you
128 Views · Theo has 270+ answers in Self-Improvement
Tom decides not to study for his upcoming exams because he’d rather play Call Of Duty on his Xbox. Eventually that 1 decision becomes his everyday routine, and by time his exams come up, well, he’s unprepared, doubtful, and bound to fail.
Bob, on the other hand makes an effort to just get his studies done instead of slacking off and making excuses. Overtime this becomes routine for him, and by time his exams come around, he’s fully prepared, confident, and assured he’ll pass.
In other words, yes, laziness is a habit.
And not just for the “most part”, it’s 100% a habit. Just like brushing your teeth in the morning, having a shower, eating, checking your Facebook account, or procrastination. It’s all a habit.
To change the habit, you simply stop making bullshit excuses and just take action instead of sweet-talking yourself out of the thing you KNOW you SHOULD be doing. Do that enough times and the habit will be replaced.
Easy? No. Worth it? Damn right….