
What is HotFix?




首先HotFix原理是基于Android Dex分包方案的,而Dex分包方案的關(guān)鍵就是Android的ClassLoader體系。ClassLoader的繼承關(guān)系如下:



  • PatchClassLoader
  * Provides a simple {@link ClassLoader} implementation that operates on a list
 * of files and directories in the local file system, but does not attempt to
 * load classes from the network. Android uses this class for its system class
 * loader and for its application class loader(s).


  • DexClassLoader
 * A class loader that loads classes from {@code .jar} and {@code .apk} files
 * containing a {@code classes.dex} entry. This can be used to execute code not
 * installed as part of an application.




 * Base class for common functionality between various dex-based
 * {@link ClassLoader} implementations.
public class BaseDexClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

     /** structured lists of path elements */
     private final DexPathList pathList;

     //...some code
     protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {

         Class clazz = pathList.findClass(name);
         if (clazz == null) {
             throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);

         return clazz;


    //...some code


 * A pair of lists of entries, associated with a {@code ClassLoader}.
 * One of the lists is a dex/resource path — typically referred
 * to as a "class path" — list, and the other names directories
 * containing native code libraries. Class path entries may be any of:
 * a {@code .jar} or {@code .zip} file containing an optional
 * top-level {@code classes.dex} file as well as arbitrary resources,
 * or a plain {@code .dex} file (with no possibility of associated
 * resources).
 * <p>This class also contains methods to use these lists to look up
 * classes and resources.</p>
/*package*/ final class DexPathList {
     /** list of dex/resource (class path) elements */
     private final Element[] dexElements;

     * Finds the named class in one of the dex files pointed at by
     * this instance. This will find the one in the earliest listed
     * path element. If the class is found but has not yet been
     * defined, then this method will define it in the defining
     * context that this instance was constructed with.
     * @return the named class or {@code null} if the class is not
     * found in any of the dex files
     public Class findClass(String name) {
         for (Element element : dexElements) {
             DexFile dex = element.dexFile;
             if (dex != null) {
                 Class clazz = dex.loadClassBinaryName(name, definingContext);
                 if (clazz != null) {
                     return clazz;

         return null;


這個方法里面有調(diào)用了dex.loadClassBinaryName(name, definingContext),然后我們來看一下DexFile的這個方法:

 * Manipulates DEX files. The class is similar in principle to
 * {@link}. It is used primarily by class loaders.
 * <p>
 * Note we don't directly open and read the DEX file here. They're memory-mapped
 * read-only by the VM.
public final class DexFile {

     * See {@link #loadClass(String, ClassLoader)}.
     * This takes a "binary" class name to better match ClassLoader semantics.
     * @hide
     public Class loadClassBinaryName(String name, ClassLoader loader){

         return defineClass(name, loader, mCookie);


     private native static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader, int cookie);







  1. 改變BaseDexClassLoader中的dexElements數(shù)組并炮,將我們的patch.jar插入到dexElements數(shù)組的第一個位置默刚。
  2. 在打包的時候,我們要阻止類被打上CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED標(biāo)記


AndFix的原理需要從源碼來一步一步的分析逃魄,接下來按照AndFix的使用步驟來分析源碼荤西,從而引出原理,一共分為兩層:1.Java層 2.Native層(關(guān)鍵步驟)伍俘。


首先是patchManager = new PatchManager(context);邪锌,來看下PatchManager的構(gòu)造方法:

  * @param context 
  *            context 
public PatchManager(Context context) {  
    mContext = context;   
     mAndFixManager = new AndFixManager(mContext);   
     mPatchDir = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), DIR);   
     mPatchs = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Patch>();  
    mLoaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ClassLoader>();

public AndFixManager(Context context) {   
    mContext = context;   
    mSupport = Compat.isSupport();   
    if (mSupport) {      
        mSecurityChecker = new SecurityChecker(mContext);      
        mOptDir = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), DIR);     
        if (!mOptDir.exists() && !mOptDir.mkdirs()) {// make directory fail  
            mSupport = false;        
            Log.e(TAG, "opt dir create error.");      
        } else if (!mOptDir.isDirectory()) {// not directory         
            mSupport = false;     

構(gòu)造方法里的代碼都加了注釋很清晰秃流,接下來看patchManager.init(appversion);//current version方法:

 * initialize 
 * @param appVersion
 *            App version 
public void init(String appVersion) {   
    if (!mPatchDir.exists() && !mPatchDir.mkdirs()) {// make directory fail      
        Log.e(TAG, "patch dir create error.");      
    } else if (!mPatchDir.isDirectory()) {// not directory      
    SharedPreferences sp = mContext.getSharedPreferences(SP_NAME,Context.MODE_PRIVATE);   
    String ver = sp.getString(SP_VERSION, null);  
     if (ver == null || !ver.equalsIgnoreCase(appVersion)) {   
        // 清除緩存文件夾里面的所有文件
        sp.edit().putString(SP_VERSION, appVersion).commit();  
     } else {      

 *  清除緩存文件夾里面的所有文件
private void cleanPatch() {  
    File[] files = mPatchDir.listFiles();   
    for (File file : files) {      
        if (!FileUtil.deleteFile(file)) {         
            Log.e(TAG, file.getName() + " delete error.");      

private void initPatchs() {   
    File[] files = mPatchDir.listFiles();   
    for (File file : files) {      
        // 從緩存文件夾添加補丁文件

 * add patch file 
 * @param file 
 * @return patch 
private Patch addPatch(File file) {   
    Patch patch = null;   
    if (file.getName().endsWith(SUFFIX)) {      
        try {         
            patch = new Patch(file);       
        } catch (IOException e) {         
            Log.e(TAG, "addPatch", e);      
    return patch;

接下來先分析一下另一個addPatch(String path)方法,這個方法在加載補丁的時候調(diào)用:

 * add patch at runtime 
 * @param path 
 *            patch path 
 * @throws IOException 
public void addPatch(String path) throws IOException {   
    File src = new File(path);   
    File dest = new File(mPatchDir, src.getName());   
        throw new FileNotFoundException(path);   
    if (dest.exists()) {      
        Log.d(TAG, "patch [" + path + "] has be loaded.");      
    FileUtil.copyFile(src, dest);// copy to patch's directory   
    //這里也是調(diào)用的上面的addPatch(File file)方法
    Patch patch = addPatch(dest);   
    if (patch != null) {     


* load patch,call when application start 
public void loadPatch() {   
    mLoaders.put("*", mContext.getClassLoader());// wildcard 
    Set<String> patchNames;   
    List<String> classes;   
    for (Patch patch : mPatchs) {      
        patchNames = patch.getPatchNames();      
        for (String patchName : patchNames) {        
            classes = patch.getClasses(patchName);   
            mAndFixManager.fix(patch.getFile(), mContext.getClassLoader(),               classes);      

源碼里好幾個loadPatch()重載的方法,這里只列出一個糖赔,其他接收參數(shù)和內(nèi)部實現(xiàn)略有不同萍丐,但最終都去調(diào)用了mAndFixManger.fix(...)方法,而fix()方法開始是一堆的驗證放典,文件校驗之類的安全檢查逝变,在這就不貼了基茵,最后調(diào)用了fixClass(Class<?> clazz, ClassLoader classLoader)方法,直接貼這個方法:

* fix class 
* @param clazz 
*            class 
private void fixClass(Class<?> clazz, ClassLoader classLoader) { 
    // 反射找到clazz中的所有方法
    Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();   
    MethodReplace methodReplace;   
    String clz;   
    String meth;   
    for (Method method : methods) {    
        methodReplace = method.getAnnotation(MethodReplace.class);      
        if (methodReplace == null)         
        clz = methodReplace.clazz();      
        meth = methodReplace.method();    
        if (!isEmpty(clz) && !isEmpty(meth)) {               
            replaceMethod(classLoader, clz, meth, method);      

replaceMethod(ClassLoader classLoader, String clz, String meth, Method method)方法:

* replace method 
* @param classLoader classloader 
* @param clz class 
* @param meth name of target method  
* @param method source method 
private void replaceMethod(ClassLoader classLoader, String clz,String meth, Method method) {   
    try {      
        String key = clz + "@" + classLoader.toString(); 
        // 根據(jù)key,查找緩存中的數(shù)據(jù)宴咧,該緩存記錄了已經(jīng)被修復(fù)過的class對象根灯。     
        Class<?> clazz = mFixedClass.get(key);      
        if (clazz == null) {// class not load     
            // initialize target class   
            Class<?> clzz = classLoader.loadClass(clz);  
            // 通過C層烙肺,改寫accessFlags,把需要替換的類的所有方法(Field)改成了public         
            clazz = AndFix.initTargetClass(clzz);      
        if (clazz != null) {// initialize class OK    
            mFixedClass.put(key, clazz);         
            // 反射得到修復(fù)前老的Method對象    
            Method src = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(meth,method.getParameterTypes());         
            AndFix.addReplaceMethod(src, method);     
    } catch (Exception e) {      
        Log.e(TAG, "replaceMethod", e);   


* replace method's body 
* @param src 
*            source method 
* @param dest 
*            target method 
public static void addReplaceMethod(Method src, Method dest) {   
    try {      
        replaceMethod(src, dest);      
    } catch (Throwable e) {     
        Log.e(TAG, "addReplaceMethod", e);   

private static native void replaceMethod(Method dest, Method src);


接下來是Native層的分析氧卧,由于自己對c代碼不是太了解桃笙,所以Native層分析來自從AndFix源碼分析JNI Hook熱修復(fù)原理

static void replaceMethod(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject src, jobject dest) { 
    if (isArt) { 
        art_replaceMethod(env, src, dest); 
    } else { 
        dalvik_replaceMethod(env, src, dest); 


extern void __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) art_replaceMethod( 
                  JNIEnv* env, jobject src, jobject dest) { 
    if (apilevel > 22) { 
        replace_6_0(env, src, dest); 
    } else if (apilevel > 21) { 
        replace_5_1(env, src, dest); 
    } else { 
        replace_5_0(env, src, dest); 


void replace_5_0(JNIEnv* env, jobject src, jobject dest) {
    // 通過jni.h中的FromReflectedMethod方法反射得到源方法和替換方法的ArtMethod指針(ArtMethod的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)定義在頭文件中,接下來會分析)
     art::mirror::ArtMethod* smeth = 
                  (art::mirror::ArtMethod*) env->FromReflectedMethod(src);

    art::mirror::ArtMethod* dmeth = 
                  (art::mirror::ArtMethod*) env->FromReflectedMethod(dest);

    // 替換方法所在類的類加載器 
    dmeth->declaring_class_->class_loader_ = 
                  smeth->declaring_class_->class_loader_; //for plugin classloader
    // 替換用于檢查遞歸調(diào)用<clinit>的線程id 
    dmeth->declaring_class_->clinit_thread_id_ = 
    // 把目標(biāo)方法所在類的初始化狀態(tài)值設(shè)置成源方法的狀態(tài)值-1  
    dmeth->declaring_class_->status_ = smeth->declaring_class_->status_-1;

// 把原方法的各種屬性都改成補丁方法的 
    smeth->declaring_class_ = dmeth->declaring_class_; 
    smeth->access_flags_ = dmeth->access_flags_; 
    smeth->frame_size_in_bytes_ = dmeth->frame_size_in_bytes_;       
    smeth->dex_cache_initialized_static_storage_ = dmeth->dex_cache_initialized_static_storage_; 
    smeth->dex_cache_resolved_types_ = dmeth->dex_cache_resolved_types_; 
    smeth->dex_cache_resolved_methods_ = dmeth->dex_cache_resolved_methods_; 
    smeth->vmap_table_ = dmeth->vmap_table_; 
    smeth->core_spill_mask_ = dmeth->core_spill_mask_; 
    smeth->fp_spill_mask_ = dmeth->fp_spill_mask_; 
    smeth->mapping_table_ = dmeth->mapping_table_; 
    smeth->code_item_offset_ = dmeth->code_item_offset_;

    // 最重要的兩個方法指針替換宿饱,下面兩個entry_point指針代表了ART運行時執(zhí)行方法的兩種模式(compiled_code熏瞄,interpreter),Andfix根據(jù)方法不同的調(diào)用機制通過這兩個指針做方法替換 
    smeth->entry_point_from_compiled_code_ = dmeth->entry_point_from_compiled_code_;

    // 方法執(zhí)行方式為解釋執(zhí)行的指針入口 
    smeth->entry_point_from_interpreter_ = dmeth->entry_point_from_interpreter_;

    smeth->native_method_ = dmeth->native_method_; 
    smeth->method_index_ = dmeth->method_index_; 
    smeth->method_dex_index_ = dmeth->method_dex_index_; 

    LOGD("replace_5_0: %d , %d", smeth->entry_point_from_compiled_code_, dmeth->entry_point_from_compiled_code_);


// art_5_0.h
class ArtMethod: public Object {
    // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses". 
    // The class we are a part of 
    Class* declaring_class_; 

    // short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access 
    void* dex_cache_initialized_static_storage_; 

    // short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access 
    void* dex_cache_resolved_methods_; 

    // short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access 
    void* dex_cache_resolved_types_; 

    // short cuts to declaring_class_->dex_cache_ member for fast compiled code access 
    void* dex_cache_strings_; 

    // Access flags; low 16 bits are defined by spec. 
    uint32_t access_flags_; 

    // Offset to the CodeItem. 
    uint32_t code_item_offset_; 

    // Architecture-dependent register spill mask 
    uint32_t core_spill_mask_; 

    // compiled_code調(diào)用方式强饮,本地機器指令入口 
    // Compiled code associated with this method for callers from managed code. 
    // May be compiled managed code or a bridge for invoking a native method. 
    // TODO: Break apart this into portable and quick. const void* entry_point_from_compiled_code_; 

    // 通過interpreter方式調(diào)用方法 解釋執(zhí)行入口 
    // Called by the interpreter to execute this method. 
    void* entry_point_from_interpreter_; 

    // Architecture-dependent register spill mask 
    uint32_t fp_spill_mask_; 

    // Total size in bytes of the frame 
    size_t frame_size_in_bytes_; 

    // Garbage collection map of native PC offsets (quick) or dex PCs     (portable) to reference bitmaps. 
    const uint8_t* gc_map_; 

    // Mapping from native pc to dex pc 
    const uint32_t* mapping_table_; 

    // Index into method_ids of the dex file associated with this method 
    uint32_t method_dex_index_; 

    // For concrete virtual methods, this is the offset of the method in Class::vtable_. 
    // For abstract methods in an interface class, this is the offset of the method in 
    // "iftable_->Get(n)->GetMethodArray()". 
    // For static and direct methods this is the index in the direct methods table. 
    uint32_t method_index_; 

    // The target native method registered with this method 
    const void* native_method_; 

    // When a register is promoted into a register, the spill mask holds which registers hold dex 
    // registers. The first promoted register's corresponding dex register is vmap_table_[1], the Nth 
    // is vmap_table_[N]. vmap_table_[0] holds the length of the table.     
    const uint16_t* vmap_table_; 

    static void* java_lang_reflect_ArtMethod_;


  • java層:實現(xiàn)加載補丁文件为黎,安全驗證等操作邮丰,然后根據(jù)補丁中的注解找到將要替換的方法然后交給native層去處理替換方法的操作。
  • native層:利用java hook的技術(shù)來替換要修復(fù)的方法铭乾,AndFix原理就是:在Native層使用指針替換的方式替換bug方法剪廉,以達到修復(fù)bug的目的。






  1. 下載andfix-0.4.0.aar 0.4.0版本的aar文件到本地敲霍,然后將文件的擴展名改為zip俊马,用壓縮文件打開
  2. 因為其他文件夾都是空的丁存,我們只需要將jni文件夾的so文件和classes.jar(可以改下名字)導(dǎo)入到libs下面
  3. 按照AndFixgithub上的使用教程,集成api就可以了





今天看到了這篇文章Android Patch 方案與持續(xù)交付,覺得很吊的樣子~希望能開源出來晕窑。


Android dex分包方案
Android 熱補丁動態(tài)修復(fù)框架小結(jié)
Android熱補丁動態(tài)修復(fù)技術(shù)(三)—— 使用Javassist注入字節(jié)碼杨赤,完成熱補丁框架雛形(可使用)
向每一個錯誤致敬—— AndFix學(xué)習(xí)記錄
從AndFix源碼分析JNI Hook熱修復(fù)原理
Android Patch 方案與持續(xù)交付

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  • 正文 我出身青樓乳丰,卻偏偏與公主長得像掌测,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子产园,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
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