To end all starvation of body, mind, and heart once and for all is the birthright of every human being. To think and to make others think about humanity as divided into the ‘Helpers’ and the ‘Helpless’ is to deny the birthright for the ‘Helpless’ and to make its enjoyment all the more difficult for the ‘Helpers.'-Meher Baba ?
When the Creator, whoever or whatever He may be, created creation, there were no temples, no mosques, no churches, no synagogues, no telling of beads, no prattle of priests, no chanting of hymns, no offering of bribes at altars. When rituals came into existence, God gradually began to fade out of it.
I do not change your Destiny but give you inner strength to face the battle of life. - Meher Baba
To him who suffers in my darbar [court] without complaint, I will give the greatest benefit.
The Master is absolutely necessary for anyone to arrive at self-knowledge, but the true significance of the help given by the Master consists in the fact that he enables others to come into the full possession of their own latent possibilities.
大師對(duì)于任何一個(gè)人來(lái)說(shuō)都絕對(duì)必要,但他所給予幫助的真正意義在于验残,他使別人能夠完全擁有自己潛在的可能性捞附。 ? ? ? ? ?