When you see this title, I guess most of youshould be very curious about what I talk about here. Yes, it’s not about onetiger bite people, not the Korea song<3 bears>, it’s my story with 2bears.
Last year Jun, I went to Shanghai Disney land.It was a interesting journey. I tried many amusement machines, watchedfantastic drama, tasted the turkey legs. As you know, the special of Disneyland, which is different with other theme park: they have many famous cartoons.In photo area, you could have photos together with these funny cartoons actedby people, like beautiful princess: White snow, Cinderella, also loveableanimals such as Mickey mouse, Donald duck and Duffy – a lovely bear!
I am Duffy’s fan, so when I saw the Duffy bearstanding there, I was so excited and immediately joined the long queue to waitto take photo with him one by one. He is so funny, through wearing the heavybear skin not so convenient, still keep self very flexible, put hands on yourshoulder, shake hands, hug, match the tourists’ pose, then another land staffhelped to take photo.
After a while, when only one person in front ofme, suddenly the photo taker stopped, took the bear leave….suddenly the crowdwas in a tumult.The staff hurried comfortedus: “Don’t worry! Just 5 minutes rest time.” OK, fine, we understand bear alsoneed to go to washroom. During leaving, the bear gave us many air kisses, keepwaving hands, looked back, seems don’t want to say goodbye.
Very soon, the bear appeared! When he walkedback to the photo area, many of us found the difference: his step was heavy andslow… looked no sprit. The bear was still that bear, but the people insidechanged! Sure enough, when taking photo, the view was totally different: thebear stand there just like a tree. We had to hand him, hug him, and changed thepose to finish the photos. Everyone felt a bit disappointed after.
This impressed me most that day. Thebefore/after comparison is so obvious. 2 bears have 2 characters, one ischeery, the other is passive. Actually I think it’s about the professionalattitude.
Both 2 play a bear, 2nd bear just dress up thebear skin as a bear. While, 1stbear is an actor, he is cute,spirited. Although you could not see the actors’ face, you can feel his smileand passion from his body language. “play a bear” – from the professionalperspective, what’s this position’s objective? That’s to act cute to pleasepeople, in Chinese is “賣萌”.
Apparently, the 1stbear is atsenior level. Is he more experienced? No, because he has positive attitude,which is the essential to all the jobs. You may only finish your work like 2ndbear, or try to play to the fullest as 1stbear. How to perform,depends to you, depends to your attitude.
There is a famous saying “some people live butthey are dead.” Apply to this case, what’s the difference between 2ndbear with a fake bear statue? If no, why need human being to play? Especiallynow days robots are getting to replace human’s job. On the other side, if the 1stbear keep so welcome, I believe he will be promoted to a bigger stage soon.
No matter which industry you are in, what’syour occupation, keep passion, be positive to do your best is the key to careersuccess. Only being alive, active, then we will have creativity, to createbetter life and bring more happiness to others.