Tonight I'm gonna rock this place. Shake it to the ground now. Wanna feel that 808. 聽到節(jié)奏就出招桨螺,用激光帶動(dòng)呼吸的時(shí)刻鞭光,讓我們掙脫存在的規(guī)則访雪。Tonight I'm gonna rock this place. 準(zhǔn)備好開始尖叫掸驱。
Turn it up loud. 上緊發(fā)條耘眨,我就是主角。Cuz I'm feeling the force. 現(xiàn)在起跳岗屏,當(dāng)心跌倒母剥,全場(chǎng)聚焦。We'd be shaking these walls. 今夜我的咒語生效茵烈,今夜烙上我的記號(hào)百匆。給你五秒,用心思考瞧毙,要不要讓我胧华,Show it to you right now.
Tonight I'm gonna rock this place. ?Shake it to the ground now. Wanna feel that 808. 聽到節(jié)奏就出招,用激光帶動(dòng)呼吸的時(shí)刻宙彪,讓我們掙脫存在的規(guī)則矩动。Tonight I'm gonna rock this place.準(zhǔn)備好尖叫。
Turn it up loud. 上緊發(fā)條释漆,我就是主角悲没。Cuz I'm feeling the force. 現(xiàn)在起跳,當(dāng)心跌倒男图,全場(chǎng)聚焦示姿。We'd be shaking these walls. 今夜我的咒語生效,今夜烙上我的記號(hào)逊笆。給你五秒栈戳,用心思考,要不要讓我难裆,Show it to you right now. 要不要讓我子檀,Show it to you right now.
頻率亂套镊掖,高低揭曉,這是我的名字我的記號(hào)褂痰,上緊發(fā)條亩进,現(xiàn)在起跳,One two three let's go.