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A Big City and a Small Town
【單詞】big [big][b?ɡ] adj. 大的挂谍;重要的;有雄心的瞎饲;受歡迎的
【單詞】city ['sit-ee]['s?ti] n. 城市口叙;都市
【單詞】town [toun][ta?n] n. 城市;城鎮(zhèn)嗅战;(某一城鎮(zhèn)的)居民妄田;商業(yè)區(qū)
Edward Allen always hated living in Los Angeles.
【單詞】hated 原型:hate 動詞過去式 [heyt][he?t] v. 憎恨驮捍;厭惡疟呐;討厭 n. 憎恨;厭惡
【專有名詞】Edward n. 愛德華(男子名)
【專有名詞】Allen 人名/人物 n. 阿倫东且,艾倫(男子名启具,涵義:英俊;好看的)
【專有名詞】Los Angeles 地名 [l?s'?nd??l?s] n. 洛杉磯(美國城市)
Everything was too expensive; traffic was always bad; people were not friendly; it was always crowded.
【單詞】expensive 副詞 [ik-'spen-siv][?k'spens?v] adj. 昂貴的色查;高價的
【單詞】traffic 名詞 ['traf-ik]['tr?f?k] n. (人或車等)交通流量薯演;不正當生意(走私) v. 做生意(多指違法的);游覽
【單詞】friendly 形容詞 ['frend-lee]['frendli] adj. 友好的秧了;友善的 adv. 友好地
【單詞】crowded 原型:crowd 過去分詞做形容詞 [kroud][kra?d] n. 人群涣仿;群眾;大群示惊;朋友 v. 擁擠;擠滿愉镰;涌入米罚;貼近;逼迫
Edward never wanted to live in a big city.
He always wanted to live somewhere in the country, in a small town, where everyone knew everyone.
【單詞】somewhere 名詞 ['suhm-hwair, -wair]['s?mwe?] adv. 在某處隘竭;到某種程度;大約 n. 某處
It was a dream that he was dedicated to achieving.
【語法】此句式為 it + be + 名詞 + that從句动看。其中that從句為句子真正的主語,it為形式主語爪幻。如:It's a shame (that) you're sick. 真遺憾你病了菱皆。
【單詞】dream 名詞 [dreem][dri?m] n. 夢须误;夢想 v. 做夢;夢想
【單詞】dedicated 原型:dedicate 動詞過去分詞 [verb 'ded-i-keyt; adjective 'ded-i-kit]['ded?ke?t] vt. 致力于仇轻;獻出京痢;提獻辭
【單詞】achieving 原型:achieve 動詞現(xiàn)在進行式或動名詞 [uh-'cheev][?'t?i?v] v. 完成飞崖;達到生闲;實現(xiàn)
The day after his 26th birthday, he called his friend Lisa, who had moved to a small town in Iowa.
【語法】sb., who ...默刚,是定語從句圾结,who后面的從句用來修飾前面的人物脉幢;
【單詞】26th 形容詞 第26
【專有名詞】Lisa n. 麗莎(女子名鸭轮;涵義:上帝的誓約)
【專有名詞】Iowa 地名 n. 愛荷華州臣淤;美國中西部之一州
He asked her how it was like over there.
【短語】take over 表示“接管窃爷;接收”邑蒋。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算讓你來接管。
She told him that he would love it.
It's quiet and peaceful; people are friendly.
【單詞】quiet 名詞 ['kwahy-it]['kwa??t] adj. 安靜的逮京;寧靜的卿堂;平靜的 n. 安靜;平靜懒棉;閑適 vt. 使平靜草描;使安心 vi. 平靜下來
【單詞】peaceful 形容詞 ['pees-fuh?l]['pi?sfl] adj. 和平的;安寧的
Edward made up his mind; he was going to move to this little town.
【時態(tài)】be going to do sth. 表示主觀打算、準備或有信心做某事妻导,強調事情已計劃好并將按照計劃來做逛绵;will do sth. 則多用于客觀的情況,即客觀上將要發(fā)生的事情.例如:I’m not going to ask her. 我不打算去問她. It will be rainy tomorrow. 明天會下雨.
He sat down with his mom and dad, and told them what he was planning on doing.
【單詞】sat 原型:sit 動詞過去式 [sit][s?t] v. 坐术浪;棲息;使就座 n. 坐寿酌;棲息
【單詞】mom 名詞 [mom][m?m] n. 媽媽
【單詞】dad 名詞 [dad][d?d] n. 爸爸
They supported his decision and helped him pack his things.
【短語】help sb. to do sth. 或者 help sb. do sth. 幫助某人做某事份名;注意帶不帶to都可以碟联,一般不會用doing妓美;例句:He helped me (to) find my watch. 他幫我找到了手表。
【單詞】pack 動詞一般現(xiàn)在時(除第三人稱單數) [pak][p?k] n. 一群鲤孵;一副壶栋;包裹;一包 v. 包裝普监;解雇贵试;塞滿;收拾行李凯正;佩戴
He would leave in a week.
Lisa had helped Edward get a job where she worked, and she told Edward he could stay with her and her roommate until he got back on his feet.
【單詞】roommate 名詞 ['room-meyt, 'roo?m-]['r?mme?t] n. 室友
【單詞】feet 原型:foot 名詞復數形式 [foo?t][f?t] n. 腳;英尺允睹;最底部运准;音步 v. 表演舞步;步行缭受;付賬胁澳;踏;共計
【解說】get back on one's feet 是指重新能夠經濟獨立米者,獨立生活
Edward was grateful.
【單詞】grateful 形容詞 ['greyt-fuhl]['ɡre?tfl] adj. 感激的;令人愉快的
When he showed up, he immediately started working.
He liked his job, but he found it a bit boring at times.
【短語】at times 有時隘马,偶爾;例句:She can be a very tiresome child at times. 她這孩子有時會很煩人的妻顶。He went to the badminton club at times during his school days. 他上學時有時到羽毛球俱樂部去。
【單詞】boring 原型:bore 現(xiàn)在分詞做形容詞 [bawr, bohr][b??] v. 使厭煩蜒车;開鑿讳嘱;鉆孔;挖掘酿愧;盯著看 n. 討厭的人沥潭;麻煩事;(管道嬉挡、槍炮等的)孔钝鸽;涌潮汇恤;(找水或石油的)鉆孔 動詞bear的過去式.
He was a waiter at a café.
【單詞】waiter 名詞 ['wey-ter]['we?t?] n. 侍者拔恰;(男)服務員
【單詞】café 名詞 咖啡館
He liked the pie at the restaurant, so it wasn't all bad.
【單詞】pie 名詞 [pahy][pa?] n. 餡餅颜懊;餅圖 n. 喜鵲财岔;愛說話的人(=magpie)
【單詞】restaurant 名詞 ['res-ter-uh?nt, -tuh-rahnt, -trahnt]['restr?nt] n. 餐館;飯店
After he had been working for two months, he told Lisa that he couldn't handle it anymore.
【單詞】handle 動詞原形 ['han-dl]['h?ndl] v. 處理;對待咸这;操作夷恍;觸;買賣 n. 把手媳维;柄
【單詞】anymore 副詞 [en-ee-'mawr, -'mohr]['en?m??] adv. (通常用于疑問句或否定句中酿雪,與not連用)再,也侨艾,還
He wanted to go back to the city.
Lisa laughed and said, "You have always hated the city, but now you're running back to it?
【單詞】laughed 原型:laugh 動詞過去式 [laf, lahf][lɑ?f] v. 發(fā)笑袋励;笑;嘲笑 n. 笑聲当叭;笑茬故;笑料
【單詞】hated 原型:hate 動詞過去分詞 [heyt][he?t] v. 憎恨;厭惡蚁鳖;討厭 n. 憎恨磺芭;厭惡
I don't get you, Edward."
Edward didn't think living in a small town would be so boring.
"The boredom alone will drive me insane, Lisa," Edward said as he started packing his things.
【單詞】boredom 名詞 ['bawr-duhm, 'bohr-]['b??d?m] n. 無聊己英;厭煩间螟;厭倦;令人厭煩的事物
【單詞】drive 名詞 [drahyv][dra?v] vt. 開車;驅趕厢破;迫使 n. 駕車荣瑟;驅使;推進力摩泪;路笆焰;快車道;街加勤;[計]驅動器
【單詞】insane 形容詞 [in-'seyn][?n'se?n] adj. 瘋狂的仙辟;精神錯亂的;荒唐的
【單詞】packing 原型:pack 動詞現(xiàn)在進行式或動名詞 [pak][p?k] n. 一群鳄梅;一副叠国;包裹;一包 v. 包裝戴尸;解雇粟焊;塞滿;收拾行李孙蒙;佩戴