Harry's Injury1
Harry Beecham works for a hi-tech German company based in Munich.
Last month,he was in an automobile accident.
He was on his way to attend an important meeting in New York city.
He had just arrived on a flight from London and was taking a taxi into the city.
The weather was terrible and the road was icy.
He was? in a hurry so he asked the taxi driver? to get him into the city as soon as possible
The taxi driver agreed and sped up,but just as they left the airport the car went out of control.
It's spun around and skidded(打滑) into the path of an oncoming truck.
Fortunately,the truck wasn't going too fast,so nobody was killed.
But the taxi was severely damaged and both passengers was injured.
(If the weather hadn't been bad,the accident probably wouldn't have happened.
The accident wouldn't have happened had the weather been better.
The main reason it went out of control was because of the bad road conditions.)
The taxi driver survived with only a few injuries because he was wearing a seatbelt.
The taxi's airbag had also deployed absorbing much of the impact:碰撞.
However Harry who was in the back seat hadn't put on his seatbelt.
As a result he was severely injured and had to be rushed:趕緊趕快搶救 to a hospital.
(He might not have been injured so badly had he been wearing his seatbelt.
Had he put on his seatbelt,he might not have been injured so badly.
However,Harry,who was in the back seat,hadn't put on his seatbelt.)
Harry's Injury 2
Now,a month later,Harry still can't remember much of what happened.
When he first woke up in the hospital,it was several hours after the accident,and he wasn't sure where he was.
The bad news was that he couldn't move his legs.
This was because his back had been broken in the accident.
The doctors later told him that he might never regain the use of his legs.
Some of the verves in his spine and legs had been damaged,but everything else was okay.
Now,Harry is trying to figure out what to do.
If he works hard and exercises every day there is still a chance that his legs will recover on their own.
There are also some new treatments that might help his nerves regenerate.
Still,he should be prepared for a long recovery amd the possibility that he might never walk again.
Without the use of his legs,he wouldn't be able to continue working in the same way.
It wouldn't be possible to travel,so he would have to find another way to attend meetings.
Either that or he would have to look for another way to make a living.
(If he regains the use of his legs,he will be able to continue working in the same way.)
Harry has good disability insurance ,so money won't be a problem for a while.
But sooner or later,he wants to be able to earn a living again.
Of course he isn't planing to give up on his legs.
If he works hard,he might still be able to regain their use and learn to walk again.
Some of his nerves had been damaged but there is? a chance they will heal.
The new drugs been developed might make it possible for the nerves to grow back.
Still,he has to face the possibility that nothing will work.
(If he wants to regain th use of his legs,he will have to work hard.)
Whatever happens,Harry is determined to think positively.
Even if he can't walk he can still attend meetings all over the world.
With new technology he could be anywhere and there is much that he can still do.
Luckly,he still has the use of his arms and hands and his brain is still functioning.
With the right attitude,he can find a way forward.
There is no reason for despair or feeling sorry for oneself.
That kind of thinking won't solve anything.
He just hopes that his company or another company will give him the chance to prove himself.
He can still be a valuable asset for them,come what may.