1.最重要的概念:The author makes a cashless journey the land of the almighty dollars to test his faith in America.And the answer he finds is:you can still depend on the kindness of strangers.
3.我最喜歡的一句話:You cannot do a kindness too soon ,for you never know how soon it will be too late.
4.遇到的困難:A lot of words in Unit1 need to be remembered for a long time
5.語伴給我的建議:Use software for listening exercises,set up a fixed practice time ,practice more frequently.
Watch some English talk shows and practice oral English.Try to practice speaking with yourself
(1)We humans should live in harmony with nature我們需要與大自然和諧相處
(2)Being home is the greatest contribution to society
(3)Online classes at home require strong self-discipline and self-consciousness
(4)Protect wild animals and reject game
(1)Continue active classes using software
(2)Arrange the time reasonably,just as normal as the school
本周喜歡的生命瞬間Street epidemic prevention workers braved the cold wind to carefully record travel
Doing housework for mom