You’ve come here today to learn more about gaining confidence and setting goals. How many of you are truly positive thinkers? Positive thinking is the key to confidence. It doesn't matter whether you are playing a sports match, facing an interview, or preparing for an exam. If you apply confident thinking, you will gain confidence.That is the secret. Positive thought patterns. Positivity needs the confidence which in turn will optimize your performance.?
What is the one simple mental strategy that all confident people have in common?They concentrate on success. But don‘t they ever fail识虚?Don‘t they make mistakes肢扯? What happens when things go wrong?The crucial difference is that they don't dwell on failure舷礼,everybody makes mistakes, I mean, how else do we learn鹃彻?Rather than giving up or becoming depressed,the best strategy is to register the mistake, note what went wrong, and determine what would have been a better way to act or what could have been done differently in order to achieve a more successful outcome. Then move on妻献!Yes, erase the negative emotions, allow those memories of defeat, frustration or dissatisfaction to fade and move forward. Negativity erodes confidence.You need to put aside your disappointments and focus on successful outcomes. ?Oh, it‘s not that easy. I can hear you saying. Well, no, it‘s not easy to forget failure but no one ever fails completely so congratulate yourself on the areas where you did do well. Mentally replay the best bits, even if they‘re only a small part.?